Dear Blizzard: It's okay to delay patches or seasons

Did they lay them all off or just some of them off? That could be another issue also, understaffed QA or outsourced QA which involves contract metrics which are detrimental to the QA process.

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They only have about 2k people working on this, they don’t have time for metrics and quality. We are talking a small company here.

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Some people need to be fired at this point.

Delay seasons? As if 3 months isn’t enough? Honestly, for a game that is supposed to be centered around seasonal play yet feature such heavy and sometimes punishing RNG I question why seasons aren’t 5 or even 6 months long to give players enough time to actually enjoy and fully flush out a character or 2, or 3. I admit I joined season 4 a month late but I would have still growth opportunities to go for if I hadn’t heard that it would obsolete come August 6.

Fire the shareholders, then.

As if delaying would mean they find the bugs and solve them thanks to the delay. By the time the season goes live it is likely that the QA team already started to test features for the next season.
I dont care if there are bugs as long as the game can be played and they hotfix the main problems in a few days/weeks.


No thanks!

If there are MAJOR bugs, yes. Not completing a quests ( which gets “fixed” with 1-2 relogs ) , not seeing an item, etc is not major bugs. I mean wtf? Every game or (big) patch gets bugs on the release date. WoW, FFXIV , PoE, Elden Ring, etc.

Bugs usually appear when masses gets to login and start playing the game with different setups, characters, builds, etc.

Imagine delaying a season or an expansion because there are some quests bugs and some items not appearing in your inventory … :man_facepalming:

This are fixed along the way. There was always like this in the gaming industry. Is this your first game? If yes, I am jealous.

Another one … :man_facepalming:

Guys, have you read … I don’t know, PoE patch notes after …2-3 days of a League release? Or FF XIV?


I will be so angry if I will encounter ( now or whatever ) a quest which I can’t complete. I will rage quit it because of that quest. I will not have much faith in Blizzard, GGG, Square Enix, etc. HOW DARE THEY release patches, expansions with bugs?!


But not shareholders. BPs and MTX have to be selled =)

People are assuming the bugs and exploits would be fixed…not always the case. Quite a few aren’t fixed and left in until the next season.

Fix the game first. Takes 10s to open up inventory, loading everyone’s stash along with mine from day 1. Died at helltides for no reason due to a hang and realized i lost 100+ cinders, meaning I died multiple times when the game hang, from 160 cinders down to 20+. Christ sake … when the game was crap, and no one was playing, servers were fine. When the game is fine and more people playing, servers are now crap.

This is the buggiest season yet. Lot’s of things broken. You’d think after a YEAR they could figure it out. Very disappointed.

So far the only issues I’ve come across was brief lag and rubberbanding in one dungeon(and that was only for a few seconds) and doors that didn’t rise from another as I walked thru them. All in all not bad, at least on my end.

Just curious what build you played in s4? Most of them were bugged making them way to strong it affected you but in a way you didn’t care, I cared because it made them balancing other builds impossible because they refused to fix them.

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Those were mostly balance problems. Bugs and balance are not the same.

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? They were bugs that caused the balance problem.

That’s not what you said. If you’re clarifying then OK.

Uhh? That’s exactly what I said lol

You’re taking an extreme take on it. We never said not to expect bugs, far from it, however there hasn’t been a major patch to date, that didn’t have some glaring major issue, even worse, issues that were present in recent PTR’s, that should’ve been ironed out before they launched it.

So if they can’t get 1 patch to come out in a decent state, what are the chances the expansion will? Take it from a more objective standpoint rather then a hysterical subjective one.



I’m at Home Depot buying a pitchfork and I already have a torch from my last crusade. All I need now are some like minded people and we have an Angry Mob!

Blizzard HQ will feel our wrath!


Dude, armor and all res is messed up man. You don’t need those gems, but there are no alternative gems to use for jewelry.

No good alternative affixes for some of the pieces of armor.

Aspects were already a problem, but lol.
