D4's 5.0 / 10 Metacritic score is mostly true and accurate

D4’s 5.0 / 10 Metacritic score is mostly true and accurate. Its far more accurate than the critic score where they are either paid off or haven’t bother to play past level 50. And far more accurate than echo chambers filled with biased fanboys like this forum or reddit and etc. If anything, the 5 score probably is too high considering all of the freebie 10/10 scores it received on launch day.

The problem is that this game is missing obvious features and has a boring endgame. It has lots of room for improvement such as the need to implement the following changes IMMEDIETELY, not 5-10 years from now like they did with diablo 3.

  1. +50% move speed to horse, especially in town. remove all barriers in open world…remove horse CD… I dont want a dumb semi realistic horse that stops/slows down on everything. I want a mount that works…
  2. free respec of all talents, skills and paragon points and a 1 button reset all button
  3. 20 stash tabs- Yes, i want 20 stash tabs. There is no reason we can’t have 20 stash tabs. This is 2023… 4 stash is not even enough for 1 character, let alone when you make a alt class…
  4. Inventory - Double the inventory space, add new sigil tab, new gem tab. Double all of the space for everything. Or even better, triple it.
  5. Aspect management - better aspect listings in tab, add sorting option. add serach option… and DIFFERENT icons for different powers… Its very annoying to go through each aspect power.
  6. GLOBAL chat - I WANT TO TALK TO PEOPLE AND MAKE GROUPS. solo only player robots can disable chat. It doesnt affect you if other players want social features. This is basically a 99.9% solo player game unless you already have existing friends or go out of your way to use 3rd party options.
  7. LFG dungeon finder - its pretty dumb that we have to use 3rd party options just to find people to play with.
  8. Add Greater rifts - I WANT A STRAIGHT LINE MAP DESIGN WITH A SIMPLE KILL METER TO SPAWN BOSS. RANDOMIZED MAP EVERY GAME AND WITH PROGRESSIVELY HARDER DIFFICULITY WITH EACH GREATHER RIFT LEVEL. NO DUMB objectives where you have to go backwards and sideways and upside down to complete the dungeon.
  9. Triple the density - All monster density in dungeons and everywhere else need to be tripled. The game would be much more fun with at least 3x more stuff to kill.
  10. Paragon points- after level 100, you will also receive D3 style paragon points where you receive main stat. This means you can still play the game after level 100 if you choose to. I am not even 100 yet but D3 paragon system is a fantastic way to reward you for playing the game, although i can see casuals hating this idea. For those casuals against this, i refer you to my my door neighbor who is a engineer. My neighbor makes more money and has a bigger house than i do. That does not mean i should cap his earnings every year to my income out of jealousy and spite. He obviously studied his trade much more than i have and deserves to be stronger in game for the extra time he put in.
  11. Gold costs-needs to be reduced massively. A item or reroll or repair or aspect extract/imprint shouldn’t cost all of your money.
  12. Make all gold and items SOULBOUND- All gold and items should not be tradable unless it dropped while you were in a party for teammates. The only people benefiting from selling items are those using 3rd party options so 1% of 1% of 1% of all players. THIS CHANGE WILL ALSO REMOVE ALL RMT AND GOLD SELLERS FROM THIS GAME AND LESSEN BOTTING.
  13. Zoom out feature- i want to zoom out the camera more. Like the zoom level you get with world bosses. I want that.
  14. Reduce all CC on players by 50%. spam cc is dumb. Its like they forgot all the qol buffs from diablo 3 where we used to have this same issue.
  15. Buff minion necro - I got 12 pets and they do like no damage. And also buff other underperforming builds to level of stronger builds until we have a semi equilibrium. Also fix bug with suppressor affix makes all my minions do little damage. Certain elemental affix also just 1 shot all my minions.
  16. Redesign items hunt - looking for rare items with good rolls is dumb. Its very tedious thinking about whether to pick up rare items or not and if that rare item name is even the correct name for the boots/ helm slot that i need? Legendary items should always be higher item level and better range on rolls in all cases so we can just ignore reading or picking up rares items.
  17. lilith statues - should have a BRIGHT red symbol on minimap so we can find them easily. Lets be real here, everyone here probably “cheated” and used some website with a interactive map to find them all. There should be a intuitive way to find all statues IN GAME and not looking up some map on some website. Even though i never have to do this grind again.
  18. Monster scaling needs to be removed or changed so that you get stronger as you level.
  19. Game performance- There is some kind of memory leak going on. why is this game taking up 23gb of ram ?
  20. Add saved gear/build profiles - i want to easily switch between minion and bonespear. gasps We may be able to try new builds with this change. How am i even suppose to try out blood necro or shadowblight necro or experiment with other builds if it is this annoying to swap builds with talents and paragon board? How am i even suppose to manage all these items for the builds with 4 stash tabs and when i dont even have the gold for it?
  21. Exp required for 50-100 should be reduced.
  22. Helltide CD needs to be removed. There should always be a helltide available at all times.
  23. World boss CD should be 1 hour. The boss is a joke anyway and dies in 1-2 minutes.
  24. horse sprint and all skills should be castable in town.- not sure why they disabled this
  25. Add inventory and stash searching for items
  26. Please stop using players as beta testers and hire more QA people.
  27. Add +1 renown point to every open world activity such as helltide, events, legion and etc.
  28. I’m forgetting other stuff but i will think of it later.

Overall, the end game is boring and there is a lack of qol and social features.

Blizzard, if you want the money from microtransactions, you will have to keep people playing and you will have to make the game more fun and make changes IMMEDIATELY, not 4-5 years from now like diablo 3, before we receive a full product. Player retention after the honeymoon phase is going to plummet if changes are not made now. And those players are going to be gone for good. As opposed to the forum dwellers who have nothing better to do than complain about the complainers.


Some good suggestions here.

Gotta disagree on nerfing the 50-100 grind, gold, and making everything account bound.

Getting max level is supposed to be a feat, not something you do in 3 hours.

If gold is going to be meaningless, might as well remove it from the game.

Making everything account bound will ruin what little opportunity we have for trade right now.


I haven’t done 50 to 100 so not sure how grindy…but his paragon proposal, which i support, makes effort and power correlate.

I had maybe 1K paragon on D3, the max possible was maybe 20K. I have no issue with ppl grinding out to 20K and running GRifts 160 or whatever, I got to progress too, but it wasn’t herculean to get through the “non linear” progression. I always felt late D3 respected my time immensely.

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you know how much fun people would have trying crazy builds if this were the case lmao. i know i would.


What about (I know this might be a wild idea) making an in game auction house so we can sell for gold those gear we find?


Oof bro. Opening a can of worm there.

5 out of 10 is fantastic to blizzard standards.

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Learn2play and D4 would be 10/10 to you.

You whine becoz you cant make progression. Why is there a Summoner who was able to kill Uber Lilith and you dont?

In summary, Gitgud. The game is fine.


Everyone on metacritic is either a bot or a whiner these days.

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Infinite paragon was probably one of the worst things about D3 imo.

It rewards botting, account sharing, and no lifing.

It’s one thing if players use their time to find better gear imo. But giving them 5x the main stat will ruin PVP and any leaderboards should they ever come.

Ironically infinite paragon helped push me to seasons in D3. It was easier to compete against 3k paragon instead of 20k paragon.

The game sucks. A 5/10 rating is at least 1 point too high.


There are plenty of games with scores like 8/10 which i find much worse. The score is just a subjective opinion. It rly depends on what the person which rate the game value.

You just fanboy every post you come across? Oh and btw the game is easy as all hell bragging and saying “gitgud” like a an uneducated troll really doesn’t supports your whack theory of L2play.


#1 reason D4 was DOA, if you had put this as #1 I wouldn’t have even made it to this number while reading. D2R is the goat for a reason.

Rebuild off D2
D3 was trash D4 is trash gg

This is fair, but easily addressed with bracketed LBs or making the competitive format(s) fixed para.

My recommendation is people don’t compete in an RNG driven timesink like arpgs but that makes me sound like a boomer.

why does gold have to have a meaning? this isn’t an MMO where someone getting rich actually matters.

like another person said if you made respeccing cheap then people could test out crazy builds … but most players will pick what is effective because they don’t want to respec.

at 86 i thought about trying a “leapquake” build i saw for my barb but it would have taken so much money to do so i said screw that because if it wasn’t good then i would have to farm in a less optimized build in order to get back to my whirlwind build.

what a stupid take, there are also people that can beat Elden ring in like an hour where as for most it takes 50+ hours. all those need to just git gud.

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I don’t know about all that… All I can say is that I am bored to tears. I literally close my eyes and press 3 buttons. Pet the dog, press three buttons. I have no need to do anything other then the same sequence. There are no surprises in the world or gameplay. I have not once got done with a session, looked back and said, “Oh man that was fun” or said to my buddy “remember that time we did x and y, that was cool”. They are bored too. This is a game like pachinko ball. The story remains unfollowable and just stops after campaign. There is no reason to push difficulty past where your gear is at besides increased paragon exp. I think this design an play pattern has much deeper issues then variable tweaks or quality of life.

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I agree with every point, speedyraptor. I want to see this game become the best it can possibly be, like many here.

This forum needs more of these threads and less troll bait. Ad hominem attacks against people posting constructive feedback isn’t productive nor is it a good look for this community.

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Ask OP why he put #15 and #18.

Clearly, it’s a gitgud issue.