D4 vs PoE 1 and 2 - My thoughts as a casual player and huge Blizzard fan

Yea, but d4 is better, cuz graphics is all…No end game, no nothing, just a pretty cold pretty stone…

Really sorry that you compare games by the way the look…Says everything about your oppinions.

You say that PoE 2 shows the same clunkiness, but you fail to say that D4 literally cannot add more tabs, because they developed the game to stash everyone’s stash and loot on the same instance with all other players…Literally n memory leaks that led to hw problems for some…My sorc get’s stuck teleporting into the graphics like 3 times in a NM run…

And still you say D4 developers are better ? Dude, guess you never wrote a code line in your life to see that what I said above is the iceberg of incompetence and failure.

And yea, what, d4 stood in development 5 years ?

I would argue that PoE is a bad game at the beginning and my question is, when does the game start to be good? I have tried it several times and my best attempt was beating act 3 before I dropped the game

Short reply, after the campaign…

Campaign is boring and dull…People have been asking for a skip campaign button for so long that I forgot.

After the campaign the full game unfolds and you can literally craft your own path to whatever you want to do. Unlike D4 were you do only nm dungeouns and reroll.

Isn’t it crazy? The whole campaign is boring. Games should be good at the very beginning. I hope PoE 2 won’t repeat the same mistakes because it’s ridiculous. Half of the players drop the game after facing the first elite zombie. I just checked my achievements on Steam and only 26.7% of players have “Kill Voll”

that’s because not everyone plays on steam…mostly play standalone or epic games.

They should add skip campaign already but yeah it is what it is.

You know the version we got is the 3rd in that development period? Yeah, they reset it twice before settling due to time constraints. So D4 got what a 2-3 year development time and it still runs better than PoE after 14 years of development.

Animation smoothing isn’t just about graphics. Shows how much you know. It’s about blending player states together, you know… if a player is doing something such as running, dodging, spell, dashing, healing, etc. If you can’t get animations to transition properly and you get that clunky feel when moving from one thing to another, that’s a coding problem.

You don’t even understand player states. I don’t trust you’re the authority on what I’ve done in my life. :rofl:

All this PoE rationalization. Still no facts to dispute what I’ve shown though. Time for me to play a game instead of waste time here. Good night everyone. Hopefully there’ll be a valid argument to debate in the future.

Ho ho, he wrote “player states”, big word , big word detected, he’s gonna hit me with the “you know nothing John Snow” bat…Did chat gpt 4 tell you about that word ? Or did you heard it at techland or what ?

I should stop replying to you, you clearly drank all the copium if you think D4 runs better than PoE…I mean literally they cannot add stash tabs because they would develop a whole in the in time and space, were there is not enough computing power to sustain the game…They literally had to update the only new mechanic they have brought, and that is the horse AI , which is not working well in this iteration anyway but it is a little better…They literally calculated the resistances wrong, and they literally put out a video were they bluntly shown us their method of calculation for other things in the game, remember that meme ?

^ still laugh about this…Whenever I have a bad day at work and I cannot find a solution, I keep saying to myself that there are worse developers out there that code things like this and have the audacity of selling that at a 70$ price, and people are not mad, they even praise them…And then my day get’s better and 99% of cases I find the solution to my problems and don’t have to overtime.

I mean, you have the facts right the in front of you, facts that prove that it’s not the game designers fault, but more like the devs posses either 0 experience or whatever experience they have they cannot apply it, and you still think it runs better than PoE, were only the calculation of a cluster jewel on the tooltip could give a blizzard developer a headache ?

Whatever numbers you found online, if they are correct, those are facts. However, whatever you say about the game or your conclusion are your opinions. I don’t understand why you think you have the objective truth about a game you barely know anything about, and others opinions aren’t as valid as yours? I don’t know what to say.

This conversion becomes comical at this point. You still keep saying you counted all the affixes, in poe those are prefixes, suffixes, map modifier, etc, they don’t randomly appear on everything. Yea anyone ever play poe know deep in the machine that you are 100% no clue about poe. Like I said previously, all you did was just google some numbers, but for some reason you think you know everything. If I were you, I would go to poe reddit to see what others complain about and come back with valid criticisms for the game.

To be honest, I’m here to check out season 3, I don’t know why I get into this poe debate in the first place :sweat_smile:.


I keep telling him that…but he told me about player states…Now I need to believe him that he knows what he’s talking about :)))))…His like almost as technical as a scam center in India…probably the same as those “microsoft” technicians, or even better…

Yeah but you’re exaggerating like people need to keep every skill and support gem in their stash when there’s literally an NPC in your hideout that will sell you every single base support and skill gem. No need to own a gem stash.

I have about 2000 hours in and have spent less on POE than I did on D4 which I have maybe 100 hours in total.


Hold it there tigers, don’t jump on the white knight…you might ruin his perfectly polished great looking and in perfect 60+ frame sync with his babbling armor.

I see none of you have anything of merit to say. LOL. Whine more about how I hurt your feelings because your favorite game isn’t perfect.

Yeah I know I said I was leaving but I’ve got a download to wait for. Didn’t want to let the opportunity to make more people cry pass me by.

Oh, and about states… just because you googled it after I mentioned it doesn’t mean GGG got it right. Still the same clunky mess.

I didn’t google it…but yea sure you can assume what you want to assume. You are still not right. PoE has nothing of what you call a clunky mess, but you wouldn’t know that, because you didn’t play it…Don’t tell me you saw that you can miss Hillock with your sword, and called it a clunky mess of frame skipping…

In 20 minutes, you will probably come back here crying about disconnects and crashes, so yeah, enjoy your download.

Also, if you want any credit for your opinion , please at least study before throwing big words like player states, as I am getting the feeling that if I poke you more, you’ll start copy pasting wrong info from google to prove me that you know something.

The devs admitted it was too bloated. It was why POE 2 is now a standalone game and not part of POE 1. POE was bloated in 2019 when I quit. I cant even imagine everything added since then.


Face it you guys, if your favorite game were so fun you’d be playing that instead of being on the forums of a completely different game.

And yes, there’s a wide margin between playing a game and having it on in the background while you do something else. One of those things is playing the game and the other is not.

Face it, you hate it that people take breaks to come poke the monkey’s for a laugh. Also, we can like play for so long a day, we don’t need to farm 3 mirrors in 2 hours to stay relevant.

Loving the debate. :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure about what dev said about content bloated, but poe2 dev said they are going to rework most of the system from poe 1 into poe 2 if they can. They decided to take poe 2 into a different direction at some point in the past 2 years I think, because the 2nd poe2 trailer still showed the poe1 fast paced combat in it.

The game changed so much since 2019, especially since we have a different atlas endgame now, which in my opinion it’s much better than the conquer of atlas version. No major stuff added, but they replaced beyond monsters with newer scourge monsters and replaced metamorphose with ultimatum recently. Oh, they removed prophecy entirely.

I’m here to check out my favorite game d4 season 3. Too bad I’m at work, can’t play it now

Logged out of S3 for some food and upon my return I got a login queue. You know which game doesn’t have a login queue today or on it’s latest seasonal content launch? PoE.

You need a lot of players to need a queue. Explains a lot.
