D4 vs PoE 1 and 2 - My thoughts as a casual player and huge Blizzard fan

I pulled data from the game developers website:

www dot pathofexile dot com /item-data /mods

That’s the main website for the game, is there anything more official than that?
Could it possibly be more accurate?
The answer to both is: no.

What are you smoking? D3 was never “saved” and it was never popular. Go back to making stupid jokes.

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Didn’t it sell 65 million copies? That’s 61 million more than D2.

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You said there are 1337 uniques in the game, but poe official site said there are 1423. 1337 is the Google search result comes on the top, but that’s from the Fandom site which is abandoned years ago. I know I’m nitpicking, but still.

Let me get this straight, you’re saying everything I say is questionable because I quoted a developer interview and there’s actually more than I quoted? You do know that more means worse in this instance right? I’m talking about how bloated the game is, more is worse. Much worse.

Whoa Bob came back out of the woodwork to try and zinger me. Yah 65 million players total on may 2022. Never popular for sure! 100% verfied. :white_check_mark: You totally got me for sure. I :white_flag: Mr Bob sir!

Feb Top 10 joke issue is still in works.

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I’m looking forward to the S3 launch week top 10.

Bloated or not, that’s a personal preference, I don’t have anything to say about it.

That’s not a preference. When you have far more of something that is necessary, that’s definitively “excessive in size or amount”… which is the definition of bloated.

This is exactly the kind of thing I waste my time trying to get people to understand. The things they say have meaning. For example, by definition, PoE is bloated. The people in this very thread saying it’s not will call D4 bloated, even though D4 only has 1/10 of the number of affixes. One is by definition bloated and the other is not. The accusations are nonsensical. Laud one for being bloated and call the one that isn’t bloated worse for being bloated. :rofl: Emotional idiocy.

There is no subjective argument here. There is no opinion. PoE is mathematically bloated by design. Saying otherwise is just lying, not having an opinion.

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You had to have 20 firefox tabs open to play POE 1. From how in the eff Betrayal worked (nobody including POE devs still know to this day), to price conversions, to crafting rules and ranges, to drop tables, ect. It was a complete mess of a game late. Unplayable. Whatever you started to try and do would get interrupted by 20 other things. Esp with trading of everything. PPL always bugging you. I stopped selling anything for less than 1 exalt because of it.

If you think poe has too much content that are not enjoyable, that is nothing wrong about it. But for me, the current state of poe is so much more fun to play than years ago, especially after they added the atlas tree. Many people enjoy poe at current state. It’s just a personal preference.

Sir, we are trading in Divines orbs now.

Enjoying something is subjective. Absolutely. Anyone can enjoy something for any reason.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

PoE having a bloated affix system is an objective truth.

Objective truth: something that is true for everyone, whether they agree with it or not. Also known as: truth.

Oh really? I’m pretty sure I played POE a few days ago and confirmed it’s content-rich, nothing bloated. I’m not sure why you think you are more objective than I am.

Going into this season, most classes have multiple builds that can clear all content between S and A tier, meanwhile POE has had the same 6 builds dominate the last 5+ years.

For those who keep comparing d4 to POE, POE has been out for how many years? Even POE upon release had little to no endgame content until they did their major maps patch, then each patch thet stacked new content. Does d4 need love? Yeah. Does it need a ton of it? Sure. Its sad it wasnt released with more, but Its heading in the right direction. I enjoyed s2.

I enjoy both games. I also enjoy last epoch and grim dawn. You CAN play each games season/league and rotate them so none of them get stale, even if you only have a few hours a week.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

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Entrepreneurs or business execs don’t have time to come to forums or read? Lol

I’m a casual too. I play many ARPG. D4 makes me feel powerful, the sound effects, the interaction with the environment, the character movement, the satisfaction of killing hordes of monster.

D4 is a more polished all rounder compared to games like PoE (not sure of PoE2), Last Epoch, Grim Dawn, Torchlight etc etc.

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Yes, I did a thread regarding this on PoE forums right about when d4 hit the can with the first season…They said on 40 pages long thread that they do not want Blizzard boot lickers to come play PoE as the targeted audience is not them.

But hey, you can take him home if you have a different opinion.

Curiously enough it’s 61 millions times worse than D2 so yea…

I guess the better essences are kept in smaller packages…

Nah, people had a chance to show their love for D2 when D2:R came out. They didn’t. 5 million copies sold. After decades of hype for D2, only 1/13 of the population of D3 felt the need to show honors. Blizzard is one of the greatest hype machines in gaming, even their advertising blitz couldn’t get people to buy more D2. :rofl: D2 is not a game for modern gamers.

Heck, you think PoE has better developers than D4, they can’t even get their animations to blend. Floating character syndrome. Clunky transitions between skills, it’s rough doing the same move more than once. You can see it on Twitch streams right now, it never got better after a decade. PoE 2 promotional trailer shows the exact same clunkiness. It’s embarrassing to see no growth over a decade. :joy: PoE devs couldn’t get crafting and skills right so they decided it was better to make a new game. :rofl:

You see, that’s your opinion. If you bothered to read a dictionary you’d see basing something on your tastes is subjective. You made a decision based on your personal tastes and emotional investment.

When I repeat factual things right from the game’s official website and out of the mouths of developers, that’s not an opinion, it’s just facts. Facts mean more than your opinion.

You haven’t bothered to count to total number of affixes in PoE have you? It’s clear you haven’t, you’ve just sidestepped any actual data and led with your opinion. Nothing you’ve said is a defense to what I’ve pointed out. You and anyone else can do the same research I have to try and disprove my statements. But none of you will. You know deep down machines that I’m absolutely 100% correct.