D4 vs PoE 1 and 2 - My thoughts as a casual player and huge Blizzard fan

D4 is actually for no one.
Bad for everyone be cause they try to cater to everyone and in return make no one happy,
Standard bland sterile AAA trash.

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What fun! I hope you enjoy your virtual queue. :slight_smile:

Oh the game is for no one? Strangeā€¦ guess all the players in S3 and no onesā€¦

Cater to everyone? Isnā€™t that funny, people complained before D4 launched that there was no WASDā€¦ They add WASD and then you look at the forumsā€¦ people complaining about WASDā€¦ Shall I go on with more examples?

People constantly ask for nerfs or balance and yet they make adjustments and people lose their minds. Granted some changes arenā€™t ideal, but still you always have someone complaining about something.

To each their own opinion. But Iā€™ve been enjoying D4 and the start of the new season.

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I did hop on d4 for this season, got to level 30, got my character mastery quest done and iā€™ve been fighting sleep on the regular. Might grind this season to 100 if i can stomach it, then im going to try last epoch before hopping back to poe

If Blizzard fan means Blizzard of 1999-early 2000 then sadly that company is long gone. Only thing that remains is the name and the copyrights to a couple of titles that were developed during that time.

Personally I think the new company uses their money and copyrights to absolutely destroy the legacy but still D4 sold a lot of copies so who am I really to question them? What I (and obviously alooot of more people) can do is to state it again and again: Old blizzard is dead new blizzard is butchering the legacy.

Hmm, you know who has queues at start of a league ? O wait you donā€™t , cuz you just throw a stupidity on the forum and hope someone backs you up.

P.S the queues are there because people kept on disconnecting and crashing, so they tried to play.
Also the queues are not there anymore, so that probably explains a lot also, about the 1 day season 3 of failing.

Instead of just making a fool of yourself, wouldnā€™t your time be better spent by buying some platinum or skins and repeat on getting some cores or some silly item in this game ?

How about you try to actually make sense before you argue with me. Even if people were crashing and trying to get back in which caused a queueā€¦ thereā€™s still enough people trying to play that there was a queue.

I know your life revolves around trying to make people as miserable as yourself but my lord please use your brain before you say something.

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I am sorry, I didnā€™t know you need a drawing to get a pointā€¦

Let me know which part of what I said confused you, so I can explain it to you slower, and I donā€™t know, what do pre school kids need to understand something ?

Still not a point. Crybaby.

I guess you wanted to say ā€œnot the point?ā€ā€¦

Why are you not playing the game like the masses that play D4 and prove a point( like you said above)? Were are the queues now ?

I know you are mad cuz D4 is a junk and the season proved to be a dumpster on fire, but come on, use your brain, itā€™s free you knowā€¦You know I am right :))), I have been right since before the season launched, and I will be right in the futureā€¦

Because the day I stop being right about D4 being a dumpster on fire, proven by all the reviews and peopleā€™s opinion, I will leave the forums and actually enjoy the game

Told you, let me know if you need help understing what I said, I am not mad or sad, my day is awesome, I can waste 10 minutes drawing you the explanation

This is how I know you donā€™t know anything. I literally had to take a break from playing because I wouldā€™ve been maxed out by today. Flows so smooth and easy. Too easy in my opinion but thatā€™s due to whiners like yourself begging for leveling speed to get to the endgame. Problem is theyā€™re too stupid to realize when the endgame even was. ā€œOh my gosh thereā€™s nothing to do after level 100!?!? What do we do? This game sucks!ā€ :rofl:

I certainly feel the current team is honoring the franchise and the legacy. I just logged into season 3, honestly itā€™s pretty fantastic. Again I am enjoying the lore, playing around with the character, immersing myself in different transmogs, going on the wiki to learn more about the lore. Itā€™s beautiful and fun. I have just reached level 17, I really feel a lot of the criticism is just for the sake of criticism. Obviously the people in the company have changed over 20 years but corporates evolve and grow, I think Blizzard and particularly Rod Fergussonā€™s team is doing a AAA job.

Cough Cough, I donā€™t even play the gameā€¦please follow upā€¦I know itā€™s hard for people with your condition but follow up please.