D4 vs PoE 1 and 2 - My thoughts as a casual player and huge Blizzard fan

Ah the cryptic one. Can you help me please. I am not sure what you are trying to say?

Itā€™s completely valid that someone may enjoy a badly designed game. I enjoyed PoE when it first came out, I was there right at the beginning. It wasnā€™t until I went to school and learned about game design that it soured on me. Obviously I had fun before so itā€™s not like the game is horrid, but once you see how the pieces of it work togetherā€¦ that luster fades to dust.

The predatory inventory system did its job, getting slayer to spend money. They designed the inventory to be so small on purpose, they need to get you to pay for something or else they couldnā€™t stay in business. From that step there itā€™s normal for the sunk cost fallacy to lead to other purchases. At that point you start tying yourself to the game because if it wasnā€™t good then you wouldnā€™t have spent money. The psychological factors at play have been written about for at least a decade that I know of. Thereā€™s a reason countries other than the USA have implemented laws to prevent this kind of manipulation.

This reinforces my original comment Omarion, they entice you through design to buy stuff. I believe my original comment was $80, this comment sounds about $80 to my ears. Maybe more.

The tactics are the very same ones used by mobile game companies so itā€™s very easy to predict the outcome. Especially when the player is someone who is invested in comparing one game to another and the outcome of that comparison is determined by emotions and not facts.

Like when I mentioned inventory space being inadequate. The comment response was ā€œbut itā€™s a lot bigger than D4 inventoryā€. They completely ignored that PoE has several hundred things you want to save before you even count gear. Nor do they account for each piece of gear taking up more than one space. So that larger number actually has less real storage value than the smaller number of spaces in D4. I donā€™t think people could honestly say that PoE storage out of the box is sufficient if they werenā€™t allowed to ignore all the detrimental aspects of it.

Just like the currency stuff. Itā€™s apparent that slayer is happy with his use of in-game currencies even though he said he crafted ā€œsuper chestsā€. To be honest, I donā€™t remember anything called that but itā€™s clear that itā€™s an RNG loot mechanic and not actual crafting. Everything crafted in PoE is RNG based. Even the bench crafting that everyone touts as the best ever in PoE. There are guides on how to exploit the mechanics to avoid spending the usual several hundred currency to get a decent result. Someone replied to me, maybe in another thread, that they were able to make 20 same-ish helmets to trade. But why are they same-ish and not the same. Because even the best crafting where you get the smallest pool of affixes is still a random pool of affixes and sometimes you have to say good enough.

My ask for games is why canā€™t we just have a crafting system where we know what weā€™re going to get? A system that actually represents a fantasy of what crafting is like? Itā€™s pretty sad but World of Warcraft is closer to the ideal crafting fantasy than either PoE or Diablo 4. Thatā€™s a horse for a different race though.

As for stats, Iā€™ll refer you back to my first comment and Iā€™ll reiterate just briefly. PoE has over 5,675 affixes of which about 40% are conditional. Just under 85% of them are never used on any late game or endgame build. Itā€™s mathematically the most bloated affix pool in any ARPG game to date.

I understand why slayer would spend so much time theory crafting as well. Itā€™s not really in PoEā€™s favor though. As Iā€™ve previously pointed out, a new player that doesnā€™t use a build guide will be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of nodes on that skill tree. At first glance it seems like a complex and deep system so you spend time looking at it. The unfortunate part of the process is that youā€™ll always return to the underlying problem of the skill ā€œwebā€, everything that isnā€™t a notable node is useless and serves only as a way to the notable nodes. You discover that none of those stat nodes are build defining and could be made up with gear. So the web is actually just fluff hiding the good stuff. You could take it out, all of the passive nodes, and youā€™d see no significant change in your character. Video after video will tell you that the best option in PoE is to take the shortest route to the notables you want. Which is also the same thing they say about Diablo 4ā€™s paragon system. I think Iā€™ve said all this before though.

I will leave the skills for last, because I actually like how their skill system works. Well, sort of. The premise of how support gems can change how a skill gem works is something I enjoy. I donā€™t think it has to be a gem and socket type system, D3 had a lot of gameplay changing things in their skill selection system. Diablo 4 definitely lacks that kind of fluidity. I actually posted a seasonal/permanent mechanic idea that takes a lot from the skill gem system of PoE, because itā€™s a good thing to allow the altering of play styles.

Anywho, still, PoE is full of bad and overwrought design. The developers even said theyā€™re changing a lot of it for PoE2 because itā€™s hard for new people to jump into. Iā€™m sure you could google some interviews to see their side of it. I do take umbrage with one interview I saw where they say the game is too complex. Itā€™s not actually complex, itā€™s counterintuitive and full of unnecessary stuff. Youā€™ll see a lot of people say something along the lines of ā€œit was tough but then I got it, flipped like a light switchā€ and thatā€™s because it isnā€™t complex, your brain just needed to get past thinking it was complex.

Even so, with all that Iā€™ve statedā€¦. Itā€™s perfectly fine to enjoy the game. The underlying issues donā€™t change but people have different tolerances for that kind of thing. Like I said, I enjoyed it until I was able to see past the veil, that was my tolerance limit. If D4 ever started charging people for anything other than cosmetics (excluding expansions because duh) Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™d reach the limits of my tolerance for that game too.

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No timewriter, an insecure person would reply with that precisely because they donā€™t have faith in their actual knowledge of the game. You want me to say ā€œlook at me look at meā€ but I want you to look at the game.

The game mechanics are facts that I can point out, I notice youā€™ve done nothing to debate anything Iā€™ve said about them. :wink:

Like I said, youā€™re not ready to take me on. Have a good morning, afternoon, or evening.


I ran his posts and asked chatgpt to fact check them. I understand this is a limited and perhaps flawed validation method but a decent proxy for me as a bystander to get a sense as to how I should invest my gaming time.

It seems that the PoE community is quite defensive and is jumping on Purrsuasive and being dismissive.

The point about having to spend money on stash space, does that not make it a pay to win game? Also I do not like the fact that I do not have upfront clarity on how much I will need to spend on a game. With Diablo its pretty clear: cost of the game a accelerated battle pass every season + however much you want to spend on cosmetics.

Lastly I have not heard a response to the fact that for a casual gamer like me (I barely have enough time to finish seasonal achievements, I will be rushing to farm hunters acclaim this evening) how does the additional complexity of PoE sway me away from D4?

if you are wanting hunter acclaim add me and i will help. i have lots of lures so we could farm the 150 summon repeatedly for the acclaim

People are just pointing out Purrsuasive doesnā€™t know much about POE so he has alot of misinformation in his post.

About POE, itā€™s free to play game it doesnā€™t hurt to try it.

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My thoughts and or expectations from Buzzard/D4 Have long since descended to MehšŸ„±

except he doesnt have misinformation in his post.

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Then why has no one corrected me?

Provide me with details explaining how Iā€™m wrong. I keep asking for corrections and no one will.

Could it be that Iā€™m not factually wrong, you just donā€™t agree with my opinion that itā€™s bad? Thatā€™s okay, like Iā€™ve repeatedly said, you can like a badly designed game.

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Probably because no one brother to correct you something like there are 700+ skills in the game so people will run out of space to strore all the skills. Wow, 85% of 5000+ affixed are unused in late game, oh there are 1300+ uniques in the game, yea maybe people arenā€™t using 85% of the unique in the late game so thatā€™s why.

Iā€™m not a POE elite want to defend POE, Iā€™m just a casual arpg enjoyer, but you just gave me a feeling that you just chatgpt some number to come up your arguments.

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You can count every affix listed on the PoE game website.

You can read the articles on numerous sites stating the 1,337 uniques and 705 skill & support gems stated by the developers.

You can count the slots in the default stash.

Take the time to look at PoE builds for top builds to count affixes, I lowballed the 85% as an estimation.

You can count how many random affix options are available through every version of the PoE crafting system.

These are verifiable facts.

Are we writing dissertations in this btch?

Thatā€™s why I feel that you just chagpt numbers, you arenā€™t playing poe. No one keep all skill gems in their stash, you can buy 99% of the lv1 skills from npc if you need them, you only pick up valuable skill gems. If you buy skill gem tab, it can stores 500 gems, same goes for unique tabs can keep one copy of every single unique.

You have to show us your detail top poe build research, you know Iā€™m a poe noob, I guess people who are playing boneshatter arenā€™t building cast speed.

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I stopped playing after a while, I donā€™t play currently. Iā€™ve put in over 600 hours according to my Steam account. I will say, I donā€™t use ChatGPT. I tried it once to see how well it generated a D&D quest and it was so generic that I never looked at AI favorably again. That Iā€™ve had my art used by Midjourney without my permission doesnā€™t help my opinion of generative AI. So Iā€™ve based everything on what it was like when I played and for crafting updates I havenā€™t played, I just ask my buddies who do play still and they just tell me.

Iā€™m curious about your aversion to talking about facts of the game. Not just you of course, youā€™re not the only one who has made no effort to debate the facts. To me, the facts are all we can debate in any game because our opinions on the game are generally subjective. Itā€™s one thing for me to say ā€œI donā€™t like Path of Exileā€ and another to say ā€œI donā€™t like Path of Exile because it uses psychological manipulation to get you to spend moneyā€. Not liking something is subjective, the long studied and documented psychological manipulation tactics being in the game is not subjective.

Like when people ask ā€œhow much hp did you have in Act 9?ā€, thatā€™s not a fact based argument. Yes, an amount of hp is a fact, but the argument is about ā€œare you good enough at the game to have an opinion?ā€. Thatā€™s the subjective argument, an opinion on if someone is good enough or not. If I ranked in the top 100 on the first season, would that mean Iā€™m good enough to have an opinion? What if I was in the top 1,000? Now how about being in the top 100,000? Where is the cut off for the validity of my opinion?

Yes, I know, I shared that in my original comment in this post I believe. Or it couldā€™ve been another one that talks about crafting, I canā€™t remember and Iā€™m being too lazy to scroll up right now. I pointed out that the unique would take either about a dozen or so tabs or the $14 unique stash tab. Thatā€™s when I spoke about the average spend on PoE being $80. Obviously not every player will buy something and some buy more but thatā€™s why I called it an average. While the numbers have never been released, surveys usually put it at $100-$110 per payer but Iā€™m low balling it just to be safe.

I went to the first response for poe builds on google, it errors at me when I try to share the link here so youā€™ll have to get there manually. Just look through them and as an example you look at multiple caster builds but none of them have +maximum mana as a desired stat. There are 7 +maximum mana affixes in the game and I didnā€™t see a single caster build use it. Maybe someone homebrewed their own and use it but thatā€™s not something I can judge. Look through builds to see how many have +damage added as cold damage in their build. There are 17 versions of that affix but I donā€™t see it as a desired affix on any builds. As there is no unified build system for me to scrape, I have to reply on visual examination. If it was built like D4builds build planner you could scrape it and have the exact numbers for every build. But alas itā€™s all text based and there is no standard for how to write the affixes.

Yes, but what about having multiple characters needing different sets of gear and gems? The curse of a shared stash, itā€™s not just one character. Donā€™t get me wrong, shared stash is the better option but if thereā€™s a limit in place then sharing it will fill it faster.

As an aside, if youā€™re curious about how people use their stash, look up a video by Josh Strife Hayes called ā€œMy Path of Exile Bank Revealā€. You might get a kick out of it. Iā€™ll admit, my stash never looked so bad and I did buy stash tabs.

When I said chatgpt I meant you just gave out numbers without knowing the game.

I am just sharing how people actually play poe, people donā€™t pick up everything and store them in the stash, including uniques. Iā€™m talking about things in the game, not just shouting out numbers that are detached from reality, but you insisted I wasnā€™t talking about facts, I donā€™t know what to say.

Why arenā€™t some mana mods or cold damage mods popular? I am not a poe elite who can explain it very well, all I can say is poe meta changes a lot over the years. Mana stacking was pretty busted a few years back, maybe in the ritual league or something. Now reserved all your mana for auras is the meta.

I dont know why someone asked you about act 9 character hp, I guess they assumed you never played pass act 9, since you listed out alot of numbers without talking about what actually happened in the game. To be honest, you left the game for years, it seems you may not even be looking at the right website for the info, the numbers arenā€™t quite right.

For crying out loud, would you stop deleting your first comments and just edit?

POE 1 became a bloated complete mess. It was something else great the first couple years.

POE 2 is now a separate game but you keep the storage and cosmetics you got from POE 1. This is a huge step into welcoming players back. POE 2 could be the killer app that destroys all other ARPG games for a decade but they have to avoid pitfalls of POE 1.

POE 1 was for hardcore players.

Diablo is for casual players.

Diablo has great art and graphics but little else right now. It suffers from same thing that happened to D3 at launch. Just a low vision game taking no chances with little to do.

RoS saved D3 and the entire diablo franchise.

D4 set back the franchise so far. They have less socials, less gameplay, less type of goblins, less almost everything than D3. Its just not a good game right now. No vision. No risk taking. They desperately need leadership for the direction of this game.


if 85% of things are unused and not wanted why dont they get rid of them. isnt that bad design to keep the bloat?

For leveling, for your alts. You donā€™t wear a Wanderlust when you are fighting shaper.

Probably my phone, donā€™t know why it didnā€™t reply to the other person