D4 vs PoE 1 and 2 - My thoughts as a casual player and huge Blizzard fan

So, it’s a sense of entitlement, instead of I made a mistake and move on and instead of playing a game I actually like I’m going to come here and moan instead
makes real sense

Call it whatever you if it makes you feel better.

I also couldn’t care less about what you would do… it’s not going to change what I do or what others are doing, we’re disgruntled fans of the franchise.

I gotta correct you on this statement.

You are participating within the confines of a privately controlled system, you don’t have the right to do anything. There is no such thing as “a right” or “rights” here. You can only do what the private entity allows and you have no recourse if they choose to remove you. :wink:

Then report me and hope they remove me. I’ve broken no rules, so put your money where your mouth is and prove me right AGAIN.

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I never said I was going to report anyone, I never said anyone should.

I informed you that here you have no rights.

For claiming several times today that I’ve proved you right, you’re making a lot of factually wrong statements. :man_facepalming:

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Without a license attached to your account, you can’t post here… I don’t think you know what rights are, I already paid to be here sadly. If they decide to remove those rights, that’s on the mods, yet I’ve given no cause to be removed. :wink:

But go on babbling, you are continuing to prove me right every time you’ve try this.

Buying the game does not guarantee you access to the forums. If it did, how is it possible to ban people from the forums?

If what you said is true then they would not be able to ban anyone without suffering severe civil penalties and fines from various governments around the world. But they don’t, because the terms of service are what govern your access to the forums. Those terms explicitly set out that they can revoke your access for violating their rules or for any reason whatsoever without notifying you.

The short of it though, rights are something the government gives you, not a commercial business.

Yet again, you are wrong.

Are you sure you went to school?


Just supporting my case every time you post, have a good night bud… get some rest.

I don’t think you know the meaning of words. You have failed at words.

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trolls are going to troll. his feelings got hurt when you pointed out how bad poe was

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Ehm aren´t you one of the guys who everytime mention we need to provide source for numbers like that? Double standards, don´t you think?

Anyway I almost never agree with you, but you seem like reasonable guy…

You are right D4 probably has more player, but you can´t be serious with the rest of this statement. Or do you also think BigMac is best hamburger and Taylow Swift is best singer… Popular doesn´t mean good.

Diablo and blizzard was already much much bigger brand before D4 was released and they have much more money for marketing (don´t remember I was be able to see any commerical with movie stars or fast foods with poe logo).

So ofc they will have more player, that doesn´t mean its better. Would be lovely if world works like that…

Funny part is D4 is and was biggest commerical for PoE so far.

Feel free to like D4 over PoE nothing bad about it… but you are man with years and expierences, don´t be like others who spread lies and manipulation just bcs it serve their narrative.


to be fair, you have any idea how many awards Taylor Swift has won? Not to mention she is one of the few artists these days that write her own music/lyrics. People can hate her all they want but it is difficult to argue against her success.

I have 2 daughters who listen to Taylor Swift… like all day long. On Amazon Music, our shared account ranked in the Top 1% of Taylor Swift listeners globally in 2023.

So I couldn’t get away from Taylor if I tried but she’s a wicked song writer. Her track “All Too Well” is a tale of a bad relationship of a young person. “I was never good at telling jokes but the punchline goes, you grow older but your lovers stay my age”. The connotation of that line, powerful stuff.

yeah i mean i dont hate her. when she comes on the radio i still listen. my niece is obsessed with her. when i lived near my brother and would pick her up from school its all she played in the car. i was educated on the finer points of swiftiehood.

Not at all, I am not a fan of pop music, but that doesn´t mean I hate her for god sake.
This white/black view is terrible now days.
But I´ve heared some of her songs (not like you can avoid it) and if you have any objectivity in your self, you should admit she is not “best singer ever”. F. Mercury or even Adelle they are both better, just not that popular.

Btw it was just an example and you know it so… just don´t.

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if i am going to name anyone best singer it would be either Pink or Alanis Morissette. I have been to many concerts and these are the only artists I have ever heard that sound just as good if not better live, than on there albums.

Yeah these two are also both better singers. So you know what I was pointing out, right?
You can´t judge someting just according to popularity.

If it would worked like you implied whole marketing industry wouldn´t exist. You would be succesfull just bcs you delivered good product. In movie industry 1/3+ budget goes to marketing. If it wouldn´t be necessary, you can bet they woud save this money. Its same with everything else.

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The smartest thing you’ve ever said.

well lets see so we are talking about opinions and not facts then. so d4 is pink and is the best, because it is leagues better than poe and le?

Cool! I have 2 daughters (and a son stuck in the middle) too. My younger one loves Taylor Swift and I have to admit I have added some of her tracks to my playlist. She actually makes some pretty great music. My favorite song of hers is Karma. Let’s party together some time. Add me, my battle tag is Omarion#2794

Also you are spending way too much of your intellect responding to low quality critiques/ questioning of your posts on this thread.

Coming back to the topic, as I am learning on these forums you can only post one reply at a time, I would like to comment on this meme brought up by our friend Vlad that “D4 is the biggest advertisement for PoE”… I would say that D4 content creators who are professional video gamers are the biggest advertisement for PoE.

Honestly there was nothing inherently wrong with any of my Diablo experiences whether its D3 or D4 that made me look for alternative games. I remember I downloaded grim dawn when I had to move my PC and lost a stable internet connection and needed a DRM free replacement for Diablo 3… cool game but honestly could not permanently take me away from D3. The only reason I know what Path of Exile is because when I want to watch insights on D4 all these guys keep talking about how great PoE is…

Thanks to analysis like Purrsuasive’s… pretty clear to me that I’m better off ignoring PoE. For someone of my profile, I simply do not have the time to get into a game as complex as PoE.

I am very grateful however for a large critical number of people who do have the time to play multiple games and influence customer opinion playing PoE and I think it is fantastic that there is competition and commercial pressure on Blizzard to keep improving D4!