D4 vs PoE 1 and 2 - My thoughts as a casual player and huge Blizzard fan

You know they aren’t going to reward you for the fine polish you are doing, right?

No, I would imagine the victims will keep whining because that is what they do. Such sad people, I sincerely hope they can make it through this challenging time. I know it must be hard not to like a silly game you spent so much time playing.

The math doesn’t lie, it has massive issues. Of course, that’s because they need you to spend money on tabs to make money. The stash issue was created on purpose.

Says the guy who refuses to accept reality.

I’m not sure how I’m a fanboy if the post you directly quoted said both games are broken. I’d have to be like…


if I was a fanboy. But both of you did exactly what I said in the reply to you. Let me refresh your fanboy short attention span memories for you:

It’s hard work, always being right.

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Sounds designed to monetize microtransactions.

Purrsuasive, how much would it cost to remove most of these issues?

Perhaps we should compare that with Blizzard’s up front cost?

Would give a better value comparison since free doesn’t really count.

I don’t play POE, and I don’t plan on going onto it now, maybe POE2, but not POE1.

I did try POE (downloaded, created a character - then stopped) and I almost spent some money on a supporter pack but didn’t realize it went up to 500 dollars so thought it was scaled in a way that would outstrip what I would want to spend for a game significantfly over time.

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your math is questionable when you define things like “the minimum amount of gameplay” as “acquiring every skill, currency and support skill in the game”. Or say things like “1,337 unique items require 10 tabs to store them all”, when they all fit in 1 stash tab meant for unique items. It comes off as someone who has never played PoE trying to argue what PoE is all about…

Not trying to change your opinion about PoE, but more people might agree with you if your claims were more grounded.

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You should have read what I wrote in that discussion about the $14 designed tab for the unique items. Yes, I covered that very thing you claim I don’t know about in the same section of the post you are copying.


my apologies then, but I still disagree with your overall assessment.

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Bah, they removed my reply. Apparently repeating a well known joke is offensive. LOL.



No worries, I saw it still.
We all got one :slight_smile:

I can’t wait for PoE 2. But always prepared for a let down these days.

I personally prefer to play one main game and focus most of my energy there, so I can master it. I understand why someone would want one game that’s able to cater that need. Playing other games help in gaining a better perspective of things and experiencing other worlds. But if you spread yourself too much, that could be problematic. I guess if you’re a reviewer/streamer, it probably helps to spread your time across multiple games, but if you’re someone who wants to be good at least with one thing, it’s best to focus on one game at time,

People who just enjoy the storyline can probably try multiple games but if let’s say you are an FPS player, I think most folks stick with one or two games. They don’t play every FPS games out there.

Kinda similar with chess. You don’t wanna focus on mastering every opening. You want to focus on things one at a time. You can try other openings to see how it feels but at the end of day you pick only a limited amount of openings.

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Unrelated, everytime someone talks about chess I can’t help hearing Denzel Washington as Alonzo in Training Day saying, “This ain’t checkers it’s chess…” Love that movie.

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I don’t know about the lore. The D4 story wasn’t that immersive to me. It feels like your typical story of a fallen angel, bad becomes good, evil becomes bad, etc. I enjoyed listening to D4 lore in YouTube though while farming Nightmare Dungeons back in S1.

Better loot management and more end game diversity are indeed needed with D4. PoE1 beats D4 in those departments. I think for casual players there is enough diversity to beat D4 casually. PoE1 probably has more, but if we are talking about most challenging content, hardcore etc, PoE1 has less viable builds than when you are playing casual. Same issue with D4 except D4 still has way less viable builds.

Diablo 4’s Story, Itemization, Classes & Skills at least for now are :poop:

yes not to mention his chess analogy fails. in order to become good at chess you learn every opening/gambit. you dont just focus on one

At least you’re consistent in proving my points. :rofl:

was your point that poe is bad, because i agree

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I don’t think he had a point, he’s just upset that someone doesn’t bend the knee to PoE and he can’t tell it’s bad.

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You say this and I wonder if D4 is broken and PoE is an epic game why are you even here
I tried PoE and I don’t like it and I don’t waste my time on the PoE forums a game I don’t even like when I can be playing D4

Because he like most others, purchased the game and are filled with an immense sense of disappointment in said purchase… we bought it, it means we have earned every right to post.