D4 vs PoE 1 and 2 - My thoughts as a casual player and huge Blizzard fan

Well do you realize its same like say Diablo 4 is perfect game bcs I enjoyed beta with my 25 lvl char… Opinion based on this has 0 value.

But I undestand you… I played PoE 2x before I got in to it. I don´t like exactly same things as you are, I don´t like graphic, UI, and combat… I quited first at act 2 and second at act 7 if I remember.
I hate campaign.
PoE start shine for me at endgame.

If I think about it, most things I don´t like about PoE (story, visuals, combat itself) D4 has decent or great. And most thing I love about PoE (endgame, gearing, skills, variability, content) D4 has bad. First things are close to irelevant for me, second things are just more important for me.


That’s asking quite a bit from a team who can’t manage loot without everyone loading every players loot from inventory to stash. I mean they already need to expand on the skill tree for variety sake, the stash tabs are a joke which I think they said something in season 4 about adding them… you just want a lot, should expect very little.

Path of Exile is a bad game.

The fact is that most of the issues people have with D4 are worse in PoE. When anyone says PoE is the pinnacle of ARPG design, I can safely ignore their opinions.

First, stash space is a problem. In PoE, you start with 4 tabs with 144 slots each, totalling 576 storage slots. This is not enough for the minimum amount of gameplay. Why do I say this… math. PoE has OVER 50 currencies and 705 skill and support gems. If you were to save just one of each of those, that’s 755 slots required. You’re 179 slots short of saving the minimum of normal saved items from the start. This means you have to buy 2 tabs at a minimum since they’re only 144 slots each and you haven’t even tried to save a single piece of gear. You still have to save 1,337 uniques, unknown number of alt items, maps, cards, flasks, etc. That’s 10 more tabs just for uniques.

So even though PoE starts with more stash space, it’s designed for you to buy a minimum of 12 more stash tabs assuming you do no actual organization and save only gems, currency, and uniques. That’s $30 in tabs at a minimum level of play, $40 if you want the benefits of premium tabs. Realistically though, you’ll save a lot more stuff than those 3 things and you’ll organize things in seperate tabs so it’s not uncommon for players to spend $80 or more on just stash space. Gotta get those more costly specific designed tabs for things like currency, maps, delves, etc. You can pay $14 for a unique item stash designed so that’s a discount over buying 10 seperate tabs. Regardless, the cost to stash items is on par with the cost of a AAA game on launch.

Second, there’s over 50 currencies. The problem should be self evident. Mobile games that are designed the worst use less of currencies. To use basic systems in the game, you either have to play for hours and hours to get the currency from random drops or use MTX on 3rd party sites. To display the need of currencies, it is not unreasonable or uncommon to use over 1,000 of a single currency in crafting. If the drop rate is equivalent to 10 per hour, that’s still 100 hours of play for a single crafted item. So you end up hoping you get lucky enough to have a higher than normal drop rate or find something of value that you can trade with other players. Which of course ruins Solo Self Found play and subjects you to dealing with any kind of player whims.

Third, crafting is horrible. It’s mostly not actually crafting. PoE core crafting systems is using currency for a single random result. Think of D4 enchanting at the Occultist except you don’t get to pick from 2 choices. I’m not the only one that thinks PoE crafting is bad, the developers of PoE do too. They rebuilt crafting systems several times in the past 10 years in an effort to find a better system but still ended up relying on rng.

Because of the rng based crafting, it’s not unreasonable to spend hours and thousands of currency to create a single BiS item. There are a multitude of PoE crafting videos where players spend 3,000 currency or up to 9 hours of play refreshing the rng affixes. A quick google search will yield video after video reminding you they edited the video down because it takes a lot of time and no one would like to watch that much of something boring.

Fourth, the graphics are super dated. I know this is subjective, but allow me to explain my thoughts. PoE wanted to emulate the grittiness of D2 but they ended up creating grainy textures with limited color palettes. From a visual design standpoint it has a artificial highly detailed assets for the walls but the floors are mostly plain wide open spaces. This reduces the claustrophobic nature of D2 and ARPGs have in general. Even in map types that are underground tunnels with a space wide enough for just 2 character widths to fit, it’s still not visually consistent with the feel you should be getting. The art issues are especially sad to me as I follow a few of the artists for PoE and their art is amazing. The conceptual art they share looks phenomenal. There’s something done after they do the art that happens to ruin the look.

The character animations are clunky and untethered to the game world. There’s that uncanny valley where a the player character slides across the ground a little bit when they move. Like when you cast a spell, your legs are spread out to a shoulder width and your arm is thrust outward. In PoE, if you keep firing of spells while turning, your character stays with feet planted at shoulder width and pivots without moving their legs. This is only one example of animation issues but what is more impressive is that you can look at the PoE2 trailer 2 and the bad animation and bad assets are still there.

Fifth, the mess of a skill tree. The PoE skill tree is mostly useless. You can watch videos directing you to take node paths just to get to the key nodes that are actually useful. If you trim out the non-essential nodes and keep the Notable and Keystone Passive nodes, you end up with something like the D4 skill trees. The skill tree is artificially complex as it’s mostly useless and the complexity is trying to minimize the number of nodes you take on the way to useful nodes. Yes you’ve heard that right, currently the skill tree rewards you for not taking nodes.

That’s a problem because it’s unlikely anyone who isn’t copying a guide outright will have to respec. Therein lies the problem, you need to find random currency drops in order to respec. This is a relatively rare currency drop compared to other currencies in the game. You can get some from quests but if you complete every single activity and quest in the game you won’t even get enough of the currency to do 1 full respec.

Sixth, PoE has terrible itemization. There are 4,575 prefixes/suffixes in the game. Yes I’ve counted, at 9pt font it takes 130 pages to type. The bloat of unnecessary stats on gear that drops is beyond ridiculous. This is why you need a loot filter to play PoE. You will get so many loot drops that you won’t even be able to use. This is the definition of bloat.

On top of the absurd number of them, they’re frequently that kind of “damage on Tuesday” stat. Of course some of that is just how ARPGs work in general but the sheer volume of these types of stats is overwhelming. Yet again, you need a loot filter to play. There are 17 different “add damage as additional cold damage” listed on the company website. They separate bonus damage and damage type by each individual weapon type. There’s 17 different affixes to add chaos damage, 17 added fire damage to weapon affixes. Such massive bloat. All of this is pulled directly from the PoE company website. Path of Exile’s horrible itemization is the reason everyone thinks they need a loot filter.

:speech_balloon:In conclusion, I never understood why anyone is putting PoE up as the ideal that Diablo games should strive to meet. PoE has the same exact problems as Diablo 4, well, actually it has more problems but the ones people tend to compare most are the same in both games.

I think the artificial complexity of PoE tricks people into thinking it’s designed for hardcore players. The difficulty is… not there. Like I showed above, the skill system rewards you for not picking nodes. That’s not complex, it’s bad design. Yet people will laud it as the best design even though it’s functionally the same as D4 paragon boards, in both systems you gain power by using the least amount of nodes between the key nodes.

Is the game complex or deep because it requires farming 50 different currencies, or is it just a way to keep people playing a free to play game that lives off MTX? They built a “crafting system” where you use 1,000 currency for one item, that takes time to farm. It’s not a secret that the sunk cost fallacy is a key element in driving MTX purchases, as evidenced by every mobile game on the market that has MTX.

Does filling the gear system with over 4,000 affixes make the system complex or bloated? I don’t think that struggling to find an axe with “+damage with axes” on it because you get thousands of loot drops per Act is complex. It’s particularly not complex to let the loot filter block everything but that affix. At that point, you aren’t even engaging with the system. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why people wouldn’t want to engage with the system, it’s certainly not due to complexity.

The whole game is built on poorly designed systems. You can say PoE doesn’t have a crafting system under oath and you would not be lying. The worst part of all this… despite the developers of Path of Exile 2 pointing out they need to change the core systems, it sounds like most of the bad design will carry over to the sequel.


and yet people dont understand when i say i just didnt enjoy poe


I sense the sarcasm is strong with this one.

10/10, made me laugh.

Please, by all means, explain how using actual numbers provided by the developers of the game to form a well thought out and documented opinion is sarcasm? I’ll wait.


If you’re actually serious, that’s even funnier than before.

That’s about as far as I was willing to go… but I’ll indulge you out of sheer amusement.

Drop $5-10 and you solve all the stash issues and you never need to make another purchase. Now not only are you incredibly organized, those tabs will cover POE 1 and 2. I little cheaper than the purchase price of D4.

I’m not gonna read your 3000 word essay… give the cliff notes version.

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If this is true, how did I calculate using numbers provided by the developer that just storing ONLY skill/support gems and currency exceeds the default stash space?

How do you propose to store the developer stated 1,337 uniques without spending at a minimum $14 for the unique stash tab?

I’m sorry that you can’t count or know that one number is larger than another. 3rd grade math is hard I guess.

Dear Purrsuasive,

I wanted to thank you very much for your well thought out and data driven analysis and critique of PoE2. Mr. Holiday is not really being fair by saying you are being sarcastic. I also spot checked and run your post through chatGPT and asked it to fact check and give an AI opinion on whether your post was fair. You’d be pleased to hear it thought all your points are valid and actually well known concerns in the PoE community and the developers themselves.

I am very grateful to you because this post has settled any angst. I think the issue is that the folks who are content creators, self admittedly are professional video gamers and have 10-12 hours a day at least to dedicate all their resources to an ARPG. It is clear that PoE just gives you more complexity and things to “game”.

As my intuition suspected, I think Diablo IV is definitely the game of choice for me. And thank you to the posters above who understand the dilemma of a working father only being able to allocate time to one game.

Well thought out intelligent analysis like this resonates deeply. I have also decided I will spend more time on these forums and less time watching youtube content creator videos. The (intellectual+empath)/troll ratio here seems healthy.

Ah… ignoring completely what I just said.

Gem and flask tabs are pointless. You only really want the currency, essence, card, map and fragment, the rest are just for stash tab min-maxing… my bad it’s about $20-30 but they constantly are on sale or in special bundles. Still less than half of D4’s purchase price… while offering variety and actual content… question now is, “will D4 charge for more tabs?” We’ll see in season 4

Wanna try again? Because your name seems to be a big lie.

Late edit: You are coming from the POV of a hoarder… you can EASILY play the end-game without ever purchasing a thing, also your argument applies to D4 as well… which doesn’t bode well for D4, you could probably fit all D4 tabs into 1.25 POE tabs.

And why are you on a video game forum instead of running your “300 person company” (lulz, right).

Eh… I have to express to PoE is worse than Diablo.

-PoE- with base storage game is unplayable in late game. Played like this one seasson, it was pain. You need to buy currency/maps. I can´t remember price in actions but it will be around 1/3 price of D4. Rest are optional and just for comfort. For price of D4 you can buy everything you need.
-D4- limited without any chance to improve it.

(btw your point you need for some reasson colect and store every unique or skill gems in PoE is really joke, I can´t believe you really tried used it as some argument :D, but you still have option to solve it…you don´t in d4 )

Clearly win for PoE for same price much better storage.


PoE has crafting, Diablo hasn´t. I don´t think we need to say more.

win for poe

It is in PoE. It isn´t in D4. Again do I need to say more?

win for poe


Visuals are dated…in 11 year old game… No way man! Wonder how it could happen…
I agree with you, I don´t like how poe looks (not important for me, but it should be part of objective rating)

win for D4

Skil trees.

D4 ripped off from poe here, you just have less options in d4. Rest is the same.
For me PoE wins again bcs of variability but lets call it a tie.

-Poe- to complicated to even start bothering with it. So I just don´t. Last league I turned off EVERY SINGLE GEAR in loot filter. Yet I was still be able to gear my class and got what I wanted. You can literary chose how and with what loot you will or will not be interacted.
You need to collect every single trash you drop and interact closely with tons of garbage withnout any solution.

I think both itemizations are bad, yet PoE offer solution.

win for poe.

I talked only about points you mentioned on purpose, no need to talk about content and variability.

You talked about math somewhere. So do the math and you will see why gamers think poe is better than d4.

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I’m not ignoring anything you said. I quite literally pointed out that I used actual math to come up with the factual results based on the admissions of the developers of the game. You can’t insinuate that my opinion on the game is wrong because you couldn’t be bothered to understand what I wrote.

This is actually the subtext of what I pointed out in the very first sentence of my post. Which is as follows:

Then in my conclusion I said this:

In this instance, people complain about D4 having limited stash, but really both D4 and PoE have stash issues stemming from the direct design of both games. They both want you to choose what you keep, to assess the value of whatever you keep or destroy.

Both games do the exact same thing but people will only complain about one of them. I suspect it’s because it’s cool and trendy to dump on one of those games and not the other. Look how defensive you got because I dared point out a problem with PoE.

Yes, exactly.

I chose to lay out a reasoned and defined argument about PoE in a way that also indicts D4 in most of the same ways. I even specifically says both games have an identical system that’s bad in my argument. I wasn’t trying to be subtle.



First off, hilarious read, thank you for that.

POE doesn’t have stash issues, you’re just a hoarder searching for an issue. It’s a free game, you don’t have to ever buy a tab and it’s already better at stash space than D4… enjoy the %100 game, because I feel like they stole mine with a promise of a good game, I didn’t get that.

Next time, just admit you are a delusional fanboy… things will go quicker and smoother. All you did was respond like you didn’t read anything, everything went over your head. Have a good night bud.

if people actually thought poe was better poe would have a larger playerbase than d4, but they dont.

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Do you have a source of the actual numbers? I know the # of players is often brought up, but it’s usually people parroting websites that literally made up a number. And both games have their own launcher, so steam charts only gives a portion of the true number.


D4 = BAD


I think that’s being disingenuous. POE1 is without a doubt more complicated than D4 and the learning curve is real. However once you put in some time to learn everything and get over that initial curve the game is vastly more rich and rewarding than D4 in it’s current state. D4 is without a doubt more casual friendly.


In conclusion, you’re a doofus and a pompous one at that. You say a lot for something talking out of their @$$

Gotta love the sad victim card. I sure hope these folks can persevere after realizing they dont like a game they spent hours upon hours playing.