D4 rocks - Beta review - 4 points to improve

Dear Blizzard

The D4 beta was a blast to play, the art, sound, and feel of the game are above amazing!

A few pointers I - And I know many more - would like to see fixed is:

The loot drop rate is way way too high.
I had my inventory stacked with rares and a few blues so often, that it felt tedious to go back to town so many times. Also, white items and blue items have no value over rare and above - Please look a bit a D2 to make sure all item rareties matter in the mid, late, and end game.

The dungeon’s layout is too repetitive.
The dungeons look and feel amazing. The level of detail and sound quality is so much better than anything else I have played before but the layout is repetitive. I can’t even count the amount of find-two-keys-to-open-door dungeons I completed. Even with the great graphics and all that art - this felt tedious.

The cellars have the same issue as dungeons but by a higher factor.
They are all completely identical and helping people out with a magical chalice for the third time is a big no-no for me.

Weapon and armor affixes are wired.
Most of the affixes in D4 are a bit wired. I get that not all can be plain and simple like +5 dex. +DMG, -1 level requirement. But all these add 4,2% damage to unhealthy monsters or 4,4% damage to distant enemies… Please look back to D2 itemization, it’s a bit simpler and it was and still is great!

For the rest of the game:

Open world - is so cool and has a great mini-MMO feel. Looking forward to the full game!

Graphics - amazing!

Sound - amazing! (lunging strike on barbarian - what a thunderclap awesome sound that is!!)

Story - great as always!

See you all in hell! (unless the butcher kills you within 3 seconds in “normal” mode! :smiley: )