D4 Overall feedback

So let me start by saying that I’ve been playing Diablo since D1. D2 was an absolute banger and still is. D3 had its flaws but seasons made D3 fun again.

On to my critique of D4. I realize tuning is probably not finished but,

*Barbarian is so incredibly weak compared to Rogue and Sorc it’s honestly sad.

*Build diversity is bad to be honest. I feel one of the best parts of diablo is taking an ability you like and making it just wreck the game. An example: I cannot take Frenzy and make it a build, its just not viable even with the new basic% stat.

*There are wayyy to many stats. clears throat Str, Int, Willpower, Dex, Weapon dmg, Atk speed, Crit chance, Crit dmg, Damage to Close, Damage to Distant (which btw isn’t clear how far away that is, A buff would be nice), Damage to healthy, Damage to injured, Vulnerable damage, Overpower Damage (which is functionally a secondary crit? like why? just have crit anyways), Lucky hit, Cooldown Reduction, Resource Cost Reduction, Skill ranks, Max Resource, Movement speed, CC duration bonus, Thorns, and this is just the offensive list. It’s just too much for most casuals to understand.

*The game is also not playable if you happen to only get terrible rolls on gear. Maybe you could make certain weapon types mandatory roll close, distant, core, basic? An example would be; if you get a bow it has distant damage no matter what. Btw before I get flamed it doesn’t always have it. If you get a 1h axe, its mandatory roll is basic attack%. ect.

*After having played World Tier II with as bad as stat optimization is in D4 I’m not really sure how I would even deal with World Tier III. The jump in difficulty from 1 to 2 was very extreme for only a 20% buff. I felt this the most playing Sorc.

*Servers are laggy and IMHO if you fix nothing else you should fix that. It’s bad.

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Weapons already have a mandatory stat on them, it’s usually referred to as the “implicit” stat.

If you pick up an item and it’s not got what you want on it then that’s part of the game, you gotta go find an item that actually works for you.

If you are constantly unlucky then you can use the Mystic in the town to re-roll one stat on an item to ensure you have a way to get the stat you want but this early in the game it’s a bit overkill.

I think the World Tier 1 and World Tier 2 are supposed to be more about customising your difficulty by preference, the bonus exp and rarity is to make up for it taking longer to kill enemies so it doesn’t take way longer to level on WT2 compared to WT1.

There will be a bunch of ways to make yourself more powerful in the main game that were limited in the beta, such as we only have 1 location to collect altars and codex powers but in the release game we can go collect those and be more powerful ready for WT3, if you need a boost.