D4 Map Feedback

First off, I’d like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the beta. I have high hopes for this game on release.

That being said, there are just a few things that I did not like. One of those things is the way the map works now.

In D1-D3, you had an overlayed map by pressing tab. This made it so you could have the map open and still navigate your character. I’d really like to see that come back.

Second, I really want to be able to “paint” the map! It’s not so bad in dungeons, but I don’t like that full areas reveal when I enter them. For a map size of this magnitude, I definitely want a fog of war so I know where I’ve been and where I haven’t been. Even if the map reveals but leaves unexplored parts of that area a light shade a grey would be nice.


One thing I dislike about the map is when outdoor and when opening the map it is always zoomed in… I would like it to be zoomed out.

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I agree. It would be nice if it defaulted to zoomed out. But tbh that’s not really an issue for me.