D4 is worth 40$ at most, season 1 is a scam

thats not how games are rated though, leveling isnt exactly a thrilling experience and its what takes most of the time in D4!, some games are short, too short infact, but they are insanely fun and have an amazing story, doesnt mean they werent worth their money.

checking how much people paid and then dividing what they paid by how long they played isnt a metric nor a measure, when you play a game and in order to judge it, you gotta beat it, so reach max level, do their end content, try multiple builds and then you have the right to compare it to other games in the same genre and judge it.

but if you think lagging, rubber banding and having no end content is fun then sure, be my guest, im glad youā€™re having a good time.


Very cool story bro thanks for sharing


Iā€™d expect a game with Steam reviews of 3.3/10 AT BEST to be an on sale for $4 gameā€¦


beta phase sold as release
its a scam , refund me blizzard ^^


So, do you just not know what a scam is orā€¦?


another simp, advertising something and delivering something else.

but do you know what an admission of guilt is orā€¦? cause they did admit that they messed up, so who are u to say otherwise kid?

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So, thatā€™s a no then.

on your way simp, have fun.

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I feel totally scammed. Whereā€™s Diablo? And donā€™t say in an expansion. They could have put Diablo in the game as a boss, but doesnā€™t die and returns in the future. But no, not a single glimpse to warrant his name in the title. D4 is straight up a fraudulent product.

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Why would you expect all of your complaints to get fixed in one month? Where has that ever happened in a game?

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I see youā€™re having a normal one, then.

The collectors box was amazing, definitely worth it.

The game itself should have been a third less than full yep, naturally being a service and having cash shop options immediately.

It would have felt better as free to play with pay for full features, but i guess that wouldnt be accepted in arpgs with the competition, so fair enough.

40 $? I payed for games on steam less then 40 and I got more play time with less bugs then this was.


fixed in a month? buddy, this is a 100$ game, it shouldnt lack content, shouldnt have issues with balancing the game and most certainly shouldnt have unstable servers and tons of bugs and glitches, your comment works for a game that isnt for 100$ and from a new unknown developers, not blizzard, a giant in games industry!.


What online game in recent memory was ever released bug free? Again, when was any game fixed in a month? It seems some of you dont quite understand how any of this works.


Seasons of Exploits, each season you get a fresh exploit. This major season exploit is to bring your eternal chars to seasonal and dump off exploited gold(PVP 400M Gold/HR) and bugged shakos(Shakogate). ā€œYou dont got to worry about the shakos they will be useless come season 1ā€ lol.

its been in development for 10 freaking years, they release the game, pre-season 1 was fine since its a pre-season, season 1 got released and its what? 10$, isnt it? they messed things up with the season patch rather than fixing them, and the season changed absolutely nothing regarding the end game.

while they admitted that they messed up in a campfire stream and said that they would never do it again!, you and few others keep defending a 100$ game that failed to deliver what it advertised for, blows my mind.


Youā€™re just b*tthurt.

Iā€™ve invested way more time into D4 then any other game Iā€™ve played this year.

Got my monies worth.

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im glad you did, unfortunately millions of players + the massive decline in player count + the rating plummeting to 2.2 would disagree with you, while you keep simping for blizzard, people who are complaining will be the reason behind blizzard actually fixing the game, cause otherwise, as you said the game is fine and needs no fixing :smiley: , wo why would they do anything about it, 1head gamer.


We all got scammed.

Refunds deserved, regardless of playtime.

If youā€™re confident in your game, why not allow refund if people want one. You know you messed up so Iā€™m missing the logic here.