D4 is not a game, it's a chore nobody wants to do

The action RPG way is fast paced, that is how it has always been, Diablo 4 is not fast paced, it’s anything but fast paced, it’s a poorly designed MMO.

This game is simplky not a true ARPGT, it’s a combination of several genres that just dont work together.


Tbh this is nothing new to veteran Diablo fans from D3. We expect it’ll take them awhile to fix the game and realize what it can be.

what affects other players can i earn the season rewards i paid for without playing this rubbish season that forces me to create a character from scratch and make the same boring content i already made? to be able to release the same things that I already released? It’s not mmo as many of you love to say, so it’s simpleplayer and I have nothing to do with other players, besides being a weak season, I have to play it to earn skins that don’t affect anything in the game but I paid to have them and I can’t have them because I’m forced to play a crappy generic season similar to free game seasons…

I had hope that they would revert the nerf that made this game incredibly un-enjoyable to play.

Ahh well guess theres s5+. Enjoy playing a season where 2/5 classes are completely broken with no fix coming until halfway into the season.

Also no leaderboards, so why care if certain things are abit OP? In a singleplayer focused game?


This is not how it should be though, we should get the game we expect from day one, not 2 years from now.

We payed 70 dollars for this game we should not have to wait for ages to get the game we thought we payed for.

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I mean I agree but at least this way we can co-develop and tell devs what we like and don’t like before it becomes a permanent aspect of the game.

If i pay $70 for a game I dont want to be playing a beta test, I want a finished game. And I am sorry to tell you this Blizzard have not cared what the comminity says and want for years.

I feel stupid for throwing money at them yet again, I should have known better.

We should have gotten a good game NOW not 2 years from now.

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Fair enough and I agree it shouldn’t feel like a paid beta test

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I payed less money for Elden Ring, the game was near perfect on day one, yes a few bugs here and there nothing game breaking, and I still to this day, after I have finished the game twice I still start it up and play it.

But less than 2 months nafter release I am done with this piece of garbage.

That is the core arpg game loop. It would be nice, though, if the loot was more interesting. It’s all just miniscule, incremental improvements. It’d also be nice if more than one or two builds for each class were viable for harder content. Maybe D4 will get there, but it definitely feels like we paid full price for the privilege of beta testing it.

lmfao it was the same on d3 lmfao its not your type of game. move along.

ELden ring was boring after one play through. sorry.

you muist have not played d3 seasons lmfao. Wow you noobs really amaze me that you do no research before you type. d3 have 20 something seasons all requiring you to create a new character. Maybe next time know what your buying

Sounds like you looking for Gauntlet?

I used to think it was a beta, but I think this is actually their ideal finished product. It feels like a beta because it doesn’t have a lot of features that you would expect a good game to have. This is because it is not a good game and not meant to be a good game. It is only meant to be a game that suitably fulfills engagement metrics so they can report back to shareholders with PowerPoints illustrating their profit projections.

The best way they can do that, knowing that they’re not capable of making good games anymore, is to make a game that is an extreme grind that a few people will want to do. The longer things take, the better their time engagement metrics are. Which they can tell the shareholders results in more frequent cosmetic sense. That’s why it patches will continue to slow you down as time progresses. Even if they throw a bone every once in a while to make it seem like that’s not the case.

This is all working as intended and not in a beta. They want the game like this. They want the game to be a slog. They don’t want you to find group members to speed things up. They don’t want cool items that will ever make you feel powerful.

They want you on a muddy treadmill wandering some meandering fruitless path with the faint promise of getting something like a shako. They want you to never get it, but just play in the hopes that you might. They don’t want you to get anything, that’s why nothing interesting exists. If you got things that were interested, your game would be finished. They just want you fruitlessly trying to raise yourself up from the muddy slog which just gets muddier every level you get.

Working. As. Intended.


I want to play Season 1. I want to enjoy it. I want to feel like my $100 was money well spent. I really do want all of these things.


It was finally getting “fun” for me. I was finally getting strong. And then they dropped a massive nerf hammer, and it became a chore.

I don’t like paying $100 and spending hours to do chores.

100% agree. These devs should be fired and an attempt made to hire others that have the skill, experience, and mindset of old Blizzard North devs.

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I bought d3 or d4 your animal? I didn’t think it would be the same recycled game from this rubbish company that just wants to make money off the suckers, I had no way of knowing that, now I know and I want my money back or a game that is not in beta

Well this game was boring even before the first playthrough. Sorry.

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soon the game dies if it continues like this, leave this guy stuck in the past as he is unable to see outside the bubble as if he were in 1950, the game market today is much bigger and is full of better products, maybe he doesn’t even have enough neurons to understand that.