D4 is not a game, it's a chore nobody wants to do

Who are your game designers, Blizzard?

Why do they want to make this game so BORING. So STALE.

I don’t want to spend the few hours I have of free time waiting to cast a spell. I don’t CARE about a 1% or 0.2second nerf on a spell. I want to destroy demons NOW. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.

I don’t want to look at maxroll.gg for hours trying to understand WhAt BeSt CoOkIe CuTtEr BuILd I’m supposed to go for just so I can explode demons into smithereens.

Why does every class suck so bad? Are we ACTUALLY supposed to KILL DEMONS or are we just victims of Hell seeping into Sanctuary?

What in the glorious name of Tyrael did you do to this game??? It’s supposed to be HACK AND SLASH. ACTION RPG. I feel like my character is a 3 year old discovering the magic of hitting his parents with a wet pool noodle.

This game, and especially this patch is NOT FUN. It’s BORING.

Why do you even consider this to be a GAME???


Maybe they made the game feel like hell to play on purpose. This isn’t an action role playing game anymore, it’s a hell on earth life sim!

But in all seriousness I agree, definitely feels like a chore. I was just saying that to myself the other day, even before the patch.


No it’s a pretty good game. Leveling and campaign are both very well done. I have only played a rogue but am definitely looking forward to starting an alt.

It has the best OOTB Diablo experience and yes I do.habe retail boxes of all those games I purchased on day1.


I can definitely agree at the very least that this one has had the smoothest launch, even just in recent blizzard titles.

the whole game is a joke , in addition to being incomplete and badly programmed , it is far from being in beta , and tomorrow they will come again with a false face and with lies and still say that they listen to the community to blame the agent as if they had not ruined the whole game and done a terrible job in an expensive game from 2023 that only has graphics to say that it is a current game , because the game is old , full of recycling , old mechanics , visual full of defects , lots of bugs , horrible , poor quality , they should be sued for selling an unfinished , low quality product for a high price , if any lawyers see this please contact me .
the game is all broken


And is it just me, or have I heard, numerous times, audio files recycled from previous titles?

Especially D2. I swear I hear a D2 audio asset every 5 minutes.


If only they recycled more than the audio files.

Like maybe recycle the gameplay design? lol


Yes, yes we can agree on this!

Not once did I ever feel like I grew into a powerful nephalem. My power felt flat all the way through, well, except for every three levels or so, when I got weaker due to enemies outscaling me.


this is what D3 was.

Yup, the patch was complete trash, glad there are more finding this out… maybe change can happen.

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What a whiner that guy.

This patch is pretty bad. Game is slow and feels like a chore.
GG Blizz

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You can try an afk mobile rpg

Well… there you go.


Of course the game is rehashed and recycled… after all Blizzard hasnt had an original idea in decades and they only hire devs that dont actually like to play games and that shows with all the stupid patches to wreck the games and make them not fun or enjoyable all for the sake of their cash grab schemes.


I was exploring Twitch channels and bumped into one who was talking about D4 and S1.
So I thought, ok let’s see what’s new.
Turns out I can’t because all my 10 slots are filled.
So I played my 40 rogue for about 10 minutes, then got bored and quit.
Went to the forums to vent.
The end.

The game is boring. Slow and boring.

I bought D3 because it had the possibility to sell items in game for real money to other players.
The game sucked as$.
Only with the expansion it became a pretty good game, if you get PLed to 70.

D4 has absolutely nothing going for it.
It is a chore. It feels like one.
The map is boring. Gameplay never changes.
It’s just grind for grind’s sake.



Diablo Chore or Diablo Bore you decide.

I tried druid, necro and rogue. Friends rolled druid and sorc. Killing enemies is an absolute slog - they’re all bullet sponges including the ones that you could destroy with basic attacks before this.

I feel like I have to push through a crowd of people just to move forward instead of plowing through them with a tank. It honestly sucks. Levelling didn’t feel this bad in beta, server slam or the pre-season.

This. I think D3 endgame gets overlooked soooo quickly, but it was done so well. Especially with the later seasons with specific “themes”. Even so the last 5-6 seasons were REALLY fun with all the special stuff they added.

I just wish D4 was more of that. This unattainable, never-ending grind to the top. Leaderboards in D3 were about time, speed, power. D4 feels like a grind for nothing. No time, no speed, no power.