D4 is not a game, it's a chore nobody wants to do

Yeah the thing is, you have a sense of progression and playing D3 is actually fun. It doesn’t feel like work and it’s easy to communicate with people or run with them.

In D4 all that is missing.
The emotion is all just a flat line __________ . Left click right click, wait for cooldowns, press special skills 1234. Playing the classes isn’t fun, movement is slow, camera zoom too near, map never changing (not being auto generated). D1-3 all had auto generated maps. D4 doesn’t.
AND you get punished for levelling up, becoming weaker. That absolutely kills motivation. And then you see how much time you’ve invested and what a hugely long road is still ahead of you and you know you’ll do exactly the same for another n levels.
But those aren’t just levels, they’re 1/3 levels…
What an awful grind.


Theres a lot of floor lickers out there that seem to want too do these chores, But that makes compete sense. It’s in their nature as floor licking tools

I mean, I’m having fun.


I didn’t even notice!!! You’re so correct. This is probably one of the more major things. Everything feels so repetitive. Like I’ve seen this jar at this exact same spot the day before.

This whole “big open world” with almost no other player in it feels like it was a huge mistake. I get the whole WoRlD of SaNctUaRy, but absolutely everything didn’t need to be static.

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Season One feels pretty good, I feel more powerful than I did during Eternal realm (when leveling up), mobs are dying pretty quick (for a Rend Barbarian which is probably one of the slower pace builds that I play).

Quit writing silly things here and go slay some demons, enchant your weapons to max and go to town.

This game is the biggest chore and is not fun. Give d3 all the crap you want for power creep and sets. But at least it was fun. This is not fun and I have no need to continue playing this game. I dont understand the need to turn down power and increase the grind.

For what people called a casual game? It is not, and if you want to sucker people in to spend money, this is not it either.

I dont understand who this is for. If you want to criticize d3 for power creep thats fair. But that feels way more casual then this. But at least you had options to grind power or not. This has a huge time investment gate keep.


Sometimes, Diablo IV is fun.

I think if you played a Rogue and then tried another class, you may not be having as much fun as someone who started on let’s say a Druid or Barbarian and then switched to Rogue for Season 1.

My Rogue is fun. I think that leveling on a Druid was so sloooooow, it made me appreciate how much more fun leveling on a Rogue is. This guy is crazy. Zip! Zoom! Boom! Pow! Bam! Zooom!! :sunglasses:

i’ve plaged nearly entirely druid since the beta. Always have had a blast

Druids are nice, but they aren’t even in the same league as Rogue for leveling purposes. It’s not even a competition. I played Druid to 100, and he’s strong, but slow until highest levels. This Rogue has me laughing at how stupid it is, lol. Bruv! Rogues are stupid! Stupid easy! :crazy_face:

Quit the game then?

What do you expect out of your nonsensical rant? Do you think people are going to beg you to stay? Do you think Blizzard is going to reach out to you for solutions? You are a nobody. This is pixels on a screen. If it makes you unhappy, simply do not log in. How hard is this for you to understand?

You whining crybabies are the reason that actual game feedback is being drowned out as you constantly post these “If XXX doesn’t happen then I’m going to YYY”

Anyone remember what playing like a real necro feels like ?

Army of 16 Skeletons, 16 Skeleton Mages, 25 summons and the golem.

It’s almost like in D4 right ? right ?


And still no “rakanishu” from the fallen? Sad.

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The words “I want, now, now, now” is the absolute perfect summation of the denizens of this sewer. Thanks for making it so clear.

While I agree in some areas these Malignant hearts are actually really cool and are what should have been in the base game as uniques and legendary items.

Yes, we want the “action” in the action RPG we paid for. Such whiners, expecting to get what we paid for.

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I’m just upset they slowed down lvling. Most of my friends quit d4. So prob gonna have to play season solo. I can’t imagine any solo players hitting a hundred during the season except a few no lifers. Takes the fun out of a game where all you do is lvl up and never get to enjoy it

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Slogfest, I quit for now. Maybe like d3 it will be good in 2 or 3 years. We will see what microshaft does with it.

Because they are not Designers. They’re just coders who think they’re designers.


The problem is that even before the patch it felt too slow. Leveling was too slow, killing was too slow, and classes were too squishy. Then they went the entirely wrong direction with the patch and it’s even worse now. Kill speed should have been increased. Exp gain should have been increased. Survivability should have been increased. It’s not worth playing in its current state.


Hmm… seems like a game to me. Seems like there’s a lot of people online too playing seasonal, so clearly your title isn’t accurate.

Plenty of classes are just fine. The two that got heavily hit with nerfs, Barbarian and Sorcerer, lost a chunk of their damage thanks to fixed bugs.

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