D4 is not a game, it's a chore nobody wants to do

you muist have not played d3 seasons lmfao. Wow you noobs really amaze me that you do no research before you type. d3 have 20 something seasons all requiring you to create a new character. Maybe next time know what your buying

Sounds like you looking for Gauntlet?

I used to think it was a beta, but I think this is actually their ideal finished product. It feels like a beta because it doesn’t have a lot of features that you would expect a good game to have. This is because it is not a good game and not meant to be a good game. It is only meant to be a game that suitably fulfills engagement metrics so they can report back to shareholders with PowerPoints illustrating their profit projections.

The best way they can do that, knowing that they’re not capable of making good games anymore, is to make a game that is an extreme grind that a few people will want to do. The longer things take, the better their time engagement metrics are. Which they can tell the shareholders results in more frequent cosmetic sense. That’s why it patches will continue to slow you down as time progresses. Even if they throw a bone every once in a while to make it seem like that’s not the case.

This is all working as intended and not in a beta. They want the game like this. They want the game to be a slog. They don’t want you to find group members to speed things up. They don’t want cool items that will ever make you feel powerful.

They want you on a muddy treadmill wandering some meandering fruitless path with the faint promise of getting something like a shako. They want you to never get it, but just play in the hopes that you might. They don’t want you to get anything, that’s why nothing interesting exists. If you got things that were interested, your game would be finished. They just want you fruitlessly trying to raise yourself up from the muddy slog which just gets muddier every level you get.

Working. As. Intended.


I want to play Season 1. I want to enjoy it. I want to feel like my $100 was money well spent. I really do want all of these things.


It was finally getting “fun” for me. I was finally getting strong. And then they dropped a massive nerf hammer, and it became a chore.

I don’t like paying $100 and spending hours to do chores.

100% agree. These devs should be fired and an attempt made to hire others that have the skill, experience, and mindset of old Blizzard North devs.

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I bought d3 or d4 your animal? I didn’t think it would be the same recycled game from this rubbish company that just wants to make money off the suckers, I had no way of knowing that, now I know and I want my money back or a game that is not in beta

Well this game was boring even before the first playthrough. Sorry.

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soon the game dies if it continues like this, leave this guy stuck in the past as he is unable to see outside the bubble as if he were in 1950, the game market today is much bigger and is full of better products, maybe he doesn’t even have enough neurons to understand that.

It’s not the devs fault I think, I believe the devs are under the control of the shareholders who wants money and when shait hits the fan these people throw the devs under the bus. Anyways this game sucks, if I could I’d ask for a refund, but I cant so I’ll see what hapåpens with seasons 2.

yes it’s their fault, they don’t play their own games they just do what they ask and since they don’t play they don’t know what to listen to, they just choose a path they think is decent, I know how it works, I’ve worked in this kind of place trash and poser

The devs have made a lot of mistakes, but a lot of those are because management wants as much money back as possible as quickly as possibly.

The fact that the game was released with hardly any content is proof of this.

If you know what you’re talking about you should know that the devs have very little say in when the game should be released and they will always be the one thrown under the bus.

For anything to change we should not throw our money at them, unfortunatly this is a game that has a one time fee so Blizzard will not give a crap, they alølready have our money.

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I and many enjoy it. I am leveling 3rd (in total) level 100 character.

Next time talk dont talk on behalf of the others.

And I and many others are pissed and extremely disapointed.

Unfortunatly we cant get our money back.

5 HC 5 SC = 10, 0 slots left for a seasonal char

Make more money and buy other games. Where is the problem? If you enjoyed at least 50 hours of Diablo 4, that is good enough for the money spent.

Not just audio files. Take a look at the female sorc standing in town. It’s the exact same stance as the d3 wizard. They just reused the d3 model and slapped a new skin on it.

D4 is not a game, it’s a chore nobody wants to do

I want to do it.

Eh, D2 was not exactly fast paced. Neither is Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, PoE. Just to name the ones I play, well I used to play PoE a lot but still I know how the game works.

PoE is in fact fast paced, yes the leveling comes to somewhat of a halt at around lvl 80, but the gameplay is fast. I have not plsyed the most PoE but i do have about 450 hours in that game.

But hey, i am done with this trainwreck of a game anyways.

No it is not. It might be for you, but for me it’s not.

After the campaign there is nothing fun to do, i will say it again, D4 is a poorly designed MMO.