D4 is designed to frustrate players

They will sell the quality of life and there will be people saying that it is pay to win. I think these are the minor problems, in my opinion this is missing:

.The aspects are few, they should have more generic aspects, like it increases the damage of the primary skill by 10%. At lvl 100 I believe there is nothing to do besides farming items. a chaotic hellish tide lvl 110. Places in the open world with maps above your level mainly with whispers from the tree. And punishment for death, my god losing urgent experience, just losing gold with the item’s repair is very little, since they are complaining that the game is easy, which I don’t think is because of the hardcore. And for the love of god don’t leave the leving equal to d3. Let it be difficult to reach lvl 100, don’t make it easy in the off season.

SOLVE IT, MY GOD: Cold damage, shadow damage, close range damage, ranged damage, ranged weapon damage, stinging damage, trap damage, poisoned enemy damage, controlled enemy damage, ranged damage of time (would it be all damage that has time, like poisoning?), damage to a stunned enemy, slow enemy damage, damage to a stunned enemy (What would that be?) Then you find a sacred armor, what is the probability of having about 3 suffixes of that?

Would it be difficult to create 2 aspects for each main skill? Rapid fire has only 1 unique item. It cost to have for example: the last arrow has 30% of piercing the enemy, 10% of having an extra arrow with a maximum of up to 8 or 10% of gain imbuity when hitting a critical damage. You don’t need to create new mechanics for them, I don’t want meteors to fall. It’s very interesting for you to get an item that you know will improve your character. D4 equals D3. We are not forced to play with only one build in the end game with so many interesting ones.

Also, it is excessively difficult to read which nodes in the paragon board have been learned, since the only color coding is between grey and not.

I propose having an orange or red line linking learned nodes together so we can easily see the path of our learned nodes and how they are connected to each other.


laughs at people who can’t drive horse. :stuck_out_tongue:

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extremely laborious nm dungeon. so many chores to get to the boss. grift is superior to this.


Map blind for all alts

Yes I agree with these for sure!
I hate running back through empty halls in dungeons.
I’m frustrated that I can skip the campaign on my alt but the entire map is undiscovered.


WYM? Did you play D3? In that game you respawn right at your corpse and have invincibility/ghost mode for 2 seconds or so.

This game is super frustrating to die in a dungeon and have to walk through a mile of empty space.


I see the whiteknights are out in force already.


I’ve become a master in door opener due to diablo 4. Soon i’ll start to look for items to opoen doors irl too. All these door i had to open that were locked … and my char is too weak to break them. But he slaps the biggest demons & creatures sanctuario has to offer back to hell. Gigantic walking trees for example … that are also made of wood. The door opening during the campain was so repetetive it made me really angry … pure timesink.


There is just hindrance after hindrance after hindrance in this game. Pretty mind boggling game design. Blizzard of old was know for making a perfect fun game.

Now its more obvious that the design here is meant to shore up that monthly user hours or whatever corporate shareholder metric they use.



Yes, Lightning storm sucks. So do the Suppressors (I think that is one of the most, if not the most, annoying enemy.


I have to suppose that you like the horse in its current state, then.

Bad troll, shoo, get out of here.


Was looking for this. Legit have pressed the key for Iron Skin, heard the skill sound but the skill doesn’t actually fire. It seems to occur most during high activity (meaning a lot of enemies/skills in the game). Have taken to just mashing my keys just to make sure my skills actually get used.

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Some frustration which you finally overcome to get that dopamine rush is what the best games try to do.

However, when something is frustrating because it feels absolutely pointless to begin with, then you have a problem…

So based on that, you have objectively a few valid points, a few invalid and a few purely subjective.

You hit the nail on the head. Ill add one more.

Inventory and stash sortable by just item power. If you want to compare different rolls for one type of aspect, good luck finding it!


Exactly. If i’m running higher NM dungeon or WT4 at lvl 60, it should have better rewards when you finally kill a challenging elite…not drop more sacred gear.

Also, most of the NM affixes can easily be creative and better instead of frustration. If an affix is difficult or annoying, it should also have a positive effect to counteract

Here’s some examples:

-Zombies mob will respawn again once after being killed, but will reward players with xp
-Standing inside suppression mobs as range will double player dmg or reduce dmg by 50%
-Successfully dodging lightning bolts inside bubble will increase movement speed by 50% for 5-8s
-Standing inside the shadow cloud that disables you will increase your damage x% per second

Risk and reward please…not just let’s frustrate the player as much as we can and think it’s challenging or fun.

I don’t even use the mount cause I like killing mobs and exploring and taking my time playing I’m not in a rush I have no where I need to be other than in the present so no rush for me to get to point A to B I like to smell the roses

I fully expect to see shop items for at least half that list.


There’s a noticeable spell queue that is not mouse+keyboard friendly at all.
High APM feels extremely unresponsive.


That’s the arpg genre that is like that. I agree there’s a bit too much CC though, they could remove the snake eyes CC, nobody will regret it :slight_smile: