D4 - Feedback for developers

(I’m Brazilian and my english can be a little bad, please be patient)

First of all, I loved the game. I spent both weekends living purely diablo. I’m an aRPG lover and I’ve played many games in the style, especially the previous ones in the diablo series.
Below I will talk about the negative points and try to give solutions for them:

  • Pops, hits, warnings: the UI is getting a lot of attention. When stepping over a pile of gold and seeing a text on the screen: +10 gold popping up on the screen makes me wonder, why? The same for damage, normal hits, critical hits, immune, status, dodge, executed… Warnings like not having potion, full life trying to use potion, skill not being on cooldown, etc, all pop on the screen.
    The solution? Give me option to choose. It would be great to choose exactly what to see on the screen. Do I want a warning on the screen? Want a sound of it? The character’s voice?
    And even more: create a tab in the chat that shows the battle log. That would be the best addition in the game to know what’s going on. What kind of damage did I deal? Was it critical? What was that blue damage? How much of the damage was physical and how much was fire? Why did I die? What was the damage that killed me? All these answers would be in the battle log tab.

  • Customize UI: things like hiding hotkeys (there are visually two TAB on the screen all the time taking up space), showing life/mana numbers, moving and choosing the UI size, map overlay, transparency… when I open the character screen, I want to see other stats like: critical chance, immunities… Being able to modify the size of the loot that is on the ground: I don’t want to see those giant pants that make the game look like a mall store.

  • Slow moments during gameplay: the game forces you to wait for dialogues and actions from npcs… either in main or secondary missions. Pressing Esc works sometimes, however when the npc is doing something you have to wait. This takes away the frantic cadence of an aRPG. I lost count of how many times I entered the onimous cellar and had to wait for dialogues that no longer interested me.
    The solution? Give me option to skip all these moments… Press Esc and already teleport to the final action.

  • Repetitive dungeons: all dungeons work the same way, example: get 2 artifacts and open the door.
    The solution? Surely you have already heard from the community 1000 solutions to create different types of dungeons… Mine is: leave the path open for the boss and make the artifacts (or whatever the system) rewarding, increase the difficulty and the loot according to those completed sub-quests in the dungeon. Risk → reward.

  • Leveling: some areas or missions should have fixed difficulty. I finished act1 with low lvl characters and with high lvl characters and I can say that it was easier with the low lvl character. Same idea for leveling between players. It’s a little frustrating to be at lvl 25 with another lvl 15 player and you participate with the same relevance.

In general, these were the points that displeased me the most.
There are endless wishes I have for the game to be perfect for me: More skill and passive options; Greater customization of skills with synergies; PvP with ranking system, leaderboards, unique events, unique PvP arenas and currencies, unique titles or cosmetics; Character level lock to enable low lvl PvP… and so on.

It’s your game and I only have ideas. So I only wish you success! :smiley:

  1. your English is good.
  2. I agree with your assessment, and would welcome any/all of your suggested recommendations

Very well written. Hope the devs see this.

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Excelente! Concordo com praticamente tudo.

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Nice feedback man, hope the devs read this! AND LESGOOO JUNE!

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Great feedback, I hope the developers read and take it into consideration. :grinning:

I would like to add some additional feedback.

Interface - I suggest that the battles against Elite mobs should be better highlighted on the screen. In some situations, I didn’t realize that I was fighting an Elite, as the indication was too discreet and almost went unnoticed.

Dungeons - It would be helpful to have a teleport portal at the end of point A or B that takes you directly to the central point of the dungeon. This would improve efficiency and dynamism, eliminating the need to walk back through an empty map.

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Nice feedback! I agree with what was pointed out in your post.

I think it would be interesting to have a tab for the gems for a better organization of the inventory too.

And about the dungeons, I think it would be of great help if at the time of picking up the object, trash mobs and elites were spawned so as not to leave the path free.

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You say you spent the weekend in PURE DIABLO, but that is not true.
You spent the weekend playing D3 + 1, diablo has the D1 and D2 there.

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D4 has no diablo besides it’s name. Generic 4 should be it.
Diablo is 1 and 2.

3 is trash.
4 is going the same direction.

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