D4 feedback for better experience

  1. fps/latency/gpu temperature counter = lifehack
  2. menu better appearance of character - sometimes I just wanna stay in menu and admire my high end gear on my character
  3. back tracking in dungeons - no need to go over it again
  4. mechanics in dungeons are to simple, dungeons are focused on go->pick->bring instead of killing which diablo is all about
  5. map is very unclear, some color will add life into it - many times I was lost on map, couldn’t find myself so I had to hard zoom in to actually see where I am
  6. clicking on the map over and over and over again to see right path, very unpleasant - option to open map once and see where I am going? way better option like in previous titles
  7. in town traveling from A → B takes too much time, distances are too big and time is money
  8. colorful icons in town would be also a good change, so we can find a right vendor we are looking for, diablo 3 was perfect in this case (nice & clear)
  9. item enchantments - why we can only change one affix instead of all of them? that would help item optimizations way better to craft perfect gear
  10. legendary aspects are only available to craft on rare/legendary - but why not on blue items as well? some blue items are good as well with high roll so we can acutally use them instead of insta sell/salvage
  11. character stats - strenght/crit chance should be on top and then crafting materials and other stuff instead of scrolling all the way down to find out how much crit chance I have
  12. some items have so many words that we need to scroll down, during the beta I couldn’t even see what is at the bottom of my item because scrolling down wasn’t working
  13. UI/skills - should be more colorful, I think they are too washed out, some color will add visibiity and more clear view to my skill bar
  14. UI general design/look - looks kinda like it’s a mobile game
  15. having only 6 skills on skill bar block potencial for more complex and variety of builds, adding at least one extra slot for skill will be game changing
  16. weapons on characters - I think barb having 4 weapons it’s a good change but showing them? NOT…me myself if I find a good BOW for my rogue I would highlight it and two other daggers hide them, make that item SPECIAL - same goes for BARB, some nice 2H sword hard to find - show to the WORDL that you found it and rest of the gear - hide because having 4 weapons on barb looks really ugly and overwhelming - in beta i saw option to hide look of particular item but it didn’t work
  17. characters are too zoom in - playing ranged class for example rogue most important thing is = kiting but because of field of view/my rogue is too zoomed in and kiting is very hard, distance between me and monsters are too small, many times especially in dungeons I couldn’t even shoot futher because simply I couldn’t see them or if they get close to you it’s already too late
  18. and last not the least PVP - I am so happy that devs adding PVP into Diablo 4, I was missing that feature in D3, diablo it’s about grind, but after while you get less excited - when you reach high end gear, maxed out character, lvled up all of them your excitement is less, less and eventually you get bored whit game which we all don’t want it BUT PVP it’s a different story, there is nothing else more satisfying than rekting a players with your fully geared character, you got that feeling that grind paid off, you build your character well but in order to do so we must have a tools to play with, adding 1v1/2v2 ladderboard or even arena will make that game one of the kind and never ending story…killing a npc over and over and over again vs killing a player? answer is simple
  19. actionhouse back would be nice

my humble option
thx and can’t wait to play d4 <8