D4 BETA feedback

I Am not a fan of the idea of selling “4 day early access”.
you’re literally so shameless about dipping into customers pockets its borderline sinful and those who refuse to pay extra just gets shafted “ItS a ChOiCe ThOuGh” (lol) - its like arranging a 100 yard dash, but you allow some competitors to pay 10 dollars to start 50 yards ahead of the others.
essentially p2w, which bodes ill from a customer’s perspective.
if you’re willing to do something dirty like this, then what else have you got up your sleeve?
i am fully expecting a diablo immoral “rugpull” when the game releases, which is why i didn’t pre-order.
my guess is that the second the in-game store opens it will practice the same predatory sales tactics as the in-game store in diablo immoral. its gonna be the whole “gems = absolute power” scandal all over again. if you were willing to shamelessly go there once, then you’re willing to do it twice.

The BETA experience was absolute garbage (and no, that’s not an exaggeration).
tons of lagspikes, rubberbanding, character getting stuck on nothing.
forced “open world” experience making me suffer the presence of other players when really i just want a solo adventure, and if that wasn’t bad enough, the game absolutely flips the table and starts lagging EVEN HARDER when you go near another player - especially outside of towns.
the only times the game was bearable in regards to stability was when you were inside a dungeon or some other instanced piece of content where there were no other players present. This is supposed to be Diablo, not WOW, let me opt out of the “open world” BS you’re trying to peddle and play the game, single player, offline if i so desire, there is no reason for me NOT to be able to do this, but then again, i suppose it would be harder to sell cosmetics if people opt out of the open world so the whales don’t get to show off their flashy store-bought stuff to other players huh?.. that’s literally the only reason you force this open world BS at the cost of game stability… yeah what a great trade for the player, have an unoptimized laggy experience and get MTX cosmetics shoved down your throat at the same time.

The BETA was too short.
i got to test ONE class before it was over. do you seriously expect me to be glued to my PC and neglect eating and sleeping to test your game?
i seriously felt like i couldn’t stop to eat lunch or dinner because the clock was ticking down. terrible.

The game was simply too easy.
i don’t care if this is “normal” (Veteran) its WAY too easy. i literally walked over every mob, every elite, every boss that i came across. it was honestly sleep inducing.
this is speaking from a necromancer perspective.
then i look up some videos on youtube and it turns out the class balance is off the charts.
druid and barb are garbage tier, rogue is middle of the pack and necro and sorc are god tier ez mode, sorc arguably moreso than necro. i swear i think i had to resummon a minion that died like 3 times in my entire playthrough. i could have played this on hardcore, blindfolded and still walked all over it because i didn’t even have to participate in the fights in order to win, the minions are perfectly capable of doing everything for me, it literally felt like having an army of elite tier mobs following me around. the enemy mobs posed no threat whatsoever.
contrast this with diablo 2. the very first MINI boss (blood raven) is gonna kick your *** if you aren’t careful, and don’t even get me started on Andariel who is genuinely hard for an early game end-boss.

And Finally: You’re subliminally pushing woke agenda in many aspects of the game.
i encountered at least 4 red flags. not going to elaborate, but i wanted you to know that i’m not falling for it. i dislike it bitterly, and its really immersion breaking. terrible choice on your part.
nothing like being reminded of i.e the body positivity movement while im immersed in a game about a war between heaven and hell. yes, that’s JUST WHAT I WANT TO SEE!!!..jesus christ…

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