D4 Beta Feedback from who cares about both the story and the gameplay

Hi, I wanted to express my thoughts and concerns about the story and the gameplay as my feedback and since I care the other player’s thoughs and concerns I thought this must be the perfect place.

Firstly, I liked the prologue though it’s a bit (but not much) dull for the beginning. I didn’t finish all the act 1 but from the point that I left, it gave me goosebumps. Side quests look okay since they satisfied me. They don’t have deeper stories, you quickly do and get your xps but I liked those little stories, especially the sister’s quests in Kyovashad.

I didn’t like the way we quickly level up. In my opinion getting levels have to be much challenging, anyone can’t be able to finish leveling in 2 days. I know we saw only the first 25 levels but this is one of my concerns.

The dungeons and open world feels not like a threat but like a place to wander. I played in the veteran mode as a necro and sorcerer and didn’t even think to use potions. I know melee classes are way harder to play but I believe melee players too didn’t feel the challenge continuously. And bosses are too much predictible and not much challenging as many would agree with me. Please add a few skills to every boss and make them to use those skill not in a memorable order but in a random order so that it gives the feel of challenge. Plus, in Nightmare and Torment difficulties please do not give the challenge feel over just making mobs and bosses with more health and more damage.

As I read from a blogpost, there will be a trade system but we didn’t see any auction house. I hope it is not showed to players since the devs still working on it because using trade chat for trading is a primitive practice, and using an external internet site makes players do extra and unnecessary effort (as in PoE lol).

Last but not least I wonder what will we do in the endgame. Yes, doing different dungeons and world events is great, but is that all? I mean, I want to belive that in every season (which refreshes every 2-3 months) there must be a different challenging that makes the players to return the game even though they finished many builds.

These are my thoughts and concerns, I hope devs see and think over them. I really wonder what you think about my feedback, and your feedback. Don’t hesitate to write yours.


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Thanks for sharing,

I do like the story so far, it definitely has me intrigued. The sidequests fill their purpose of providing a short yet flavourful story that helps you discover sites and dungeons you may otherwise have missed by just following the main story. My only real criticism with the story is that I don’t feel like my character connects with it as much as it should, I wrote my own post about this going into more detail.

I think leveling felt okay in terms of the speed we gained levels, if we take into account that the max will be level 100, I don’t think I’d manage that in a couple of days personally. I suspect the pace will slow down as we reach those final levels as well but who knows, valid feedback.

When it comes to the difficulty and the sense of danger experienced I would say it was a bit underwhelming. I also played on Veteran and I was able to breeze through on my Sorcerer and Necromancer of which both reached level 25. I am certain a lot of this comes down to class balance, some classes just do well from the get-go and others might struggle until they reach a certain point in terms of levels or gear, we don’t know how the classes will manage beyond 25 but I do think it should be more challenging from the start. I like the idea of more varied boss/enemy mechanics and I hope we’ll see more of this at higher level/difficulties.

On your final note about the end game, I’ve heard people say they will tell us more about it leading up to launch, so I guess we’ll have to keep our eyes open!