D4 Beta Bug Compilation

I’ll use this to keep an open log of the bugs I find in game. Some of them might not be considered true ‘bugs’, but they fit better here than simply in ‘feedback/suggestions’. Let’s get right into it.

  • Text when obtaining a buff, i.e. ‘Obtained Might’, is shown over your action bar.
    This should be shown in a useful location such as around your character model or near the centered top 1/4 of the screen where other notifications present.

  • The Buff tooltip for ‘Might’ states 0% Damage Reduction.
    Self explanatory. Should be 25%(?)

  • ’Weakened Ice’ in Malnok Stronghold event can’t be damage with melee abilities.
    To be able to clear the Ice walls, you need to Force Stand still and cast your melee abilities, simply holding down left click or right click causes your attacks to hit thin air.

  • Ice walls casted by elites bug out Character Models.
    Was able to reproduce 3~ times by either dashing/teleporting into an ice wall, once by simply walking into it. It essentially feels like it makes your character’s hitbox bug into terrain. The mobs will walk around you as if you’re still there, some still attacking, but using any ability doesn’t do anything, almost if it ‘failed to cast’, no CDs trigger and nothing happens. The 2nd Ice Boss in the Cellar Exorcism quest line literally walked around me in a counter-clockwise circle for something like 6 mins, until I was able to control my character again. While trying to move while bugged out, you are restricted to a small 5~yard diameter circle and when you reach the edge of this circle you just rubberband back to the center.

  • ’Glinting Spark’ in the Sorceress skill tree states ‘When cast’, only procs ‘When hits’.

  • Immobolize doesn’t exist in the Sorceress Keyword Search.
    I’ll leave my opinions on the UI to a different thread.

  • Hovering over map locations doesn’t provide a tool-tip. Unable to interact with map items.
    Haven’t been able to reliably reproduce through a certain action, but happens quite frequently. Open the map, can’t hover over dungeons to see Aspects or hover over Waypoints to click them, everything on the map just becomes un-interactable.

  • Mobs shouldn’t be able to snap 180º inside of their attack animations.
    This is most noticeable with the large Goat-men, and specifically the Malnok Stronghold Boss. They start a large overhead swing, with an animation that intuitively should lock them in place, yet if you Dash/Teleport/Dodge to behind them, they snap 180º inside of the animation and smack you in the face. Completely unavoidable within Melee/Mid-Range.

I had a few more but lost a notepad of them on a computer restart. I’ll continue adding more as of this next weekends playtest. If anyone else can add any reproduction information to any of these problems, or has similar issues, please feel free to reply or DM and I can update the list.

Thank You