D4: 1 year later

Im enjoying D4, but that is my biggest fear for D5. Ive seen threads asking for group finders and raids. That is what WOW is for. I play Diablo to get AWAY from WOW. The devs have already caved to the instant gratification crowd with the faster leveling. If they cave further and go full mmo with this franchise then Ill simply take my business to a company who doesnt cave to players who hate arpgs.


yea i agree. im absolutely against matchmaking or a groupfinder as well. now more social features are nice of course but yea.

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Helltides are spot on.

112! NICE!!

:beers: :clinking_glasses: :beers:

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haha thanks ^^ well im not too proud of that, on these tiers im for sure using holy bolt. id say my max without holy bolt is 95-100.

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Not nice enough, he cannot afk on pit boss … devs needs to patch this.

Eh. I’m expecting Holy Nerf, as well as a nerf to Pits in general.

Going on vacation for 2 weeks, so zero play time for me. If the changes I suspect happen, P150 will be the new P100.

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yea holy bolt will for sure be nerfed or rather fixed. i hope they dont nerf the pits too hard. slight adjustments can be made for sure.

have a nice vacation buddy! =D

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I’m not super keen on paying a monthly sub after already buying a game but that’s just me. I’ve heard really good things about Final Fantasy 14 but I’m still not super interested. Don’t get me wrong if it’s a library of games like Game Pass then I’m all for it, just subbing for one game just doesn’t do it for me. Just a personal preference though.

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Of course not. How about adjusting your class :slight_smile:

im amused about how salty you became after being called out =)

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Called out with what? Can you please be more specific?

Also, chatting and PR-ing in forums is not gonna balance the game. Just because you are selling Necro class this season it doesn’t make my point invalid.

I do play the game, I wouldn’t be here, you don’t have to be smart to see that. Oh wait … you aim on afk your char on pit boss fight. That doesn’t require you to be smart either.

called out on not having any respectable points. since you are playing a game you dont like and consider to be in an undefendable state on a daily base. Thank you for keeping the other arpgs where they belong, on the bottom.

oh, the pit ladderboards make your point invalid, as every class performs nicely.

anyway, if you want to keep engaging with me, please be at least entertaining, otherwise our conversation will find an end =)

i hope that was specific enough for you my friend.

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Are my points not respectable? Like the fact that you guys are forcing people of playing classes and builds that don’t resonate with, not a respectable point? Because you are not competent enough on balancing the game?

Work harder, not PR-in in forums.

every class has multiple builds in the ladder right now that perform nicely.
its just you buddy. you dont perform nicely.

I expect criticism from someone who plays a class that doesn’t afk on pit boss fight. Get some challenge in your gaming or be quiet.

luckily i dont afk on boss fights, since as i said, the golemancer needs quite some timings for a nice dmg output. but hey, i guess you just keep proving that you are clueless. dig your hole as deep as you like.

Oh boy, you are not very smart … that wasn’t meant ad litteram.

thumbs up for the effort. using latin does give your post a smart touch.

anyway, i guess we are done. =)

have a great day my friend, and good luck pushing tiers =)

We are not done! You owe me some pit runs.