D4: 1 year later

im amused about how salty you became after being called out =)

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Called out with what? Can you please be more specific?

Also, chatting and PR-ing in forums is not gonna balance the game. Just because you are selling Necro class this season it doesn’t make my point invalid.

I do play the game, I wouldn’t be here, you don’t have to be smart to see that. Oh wait … you aim on afk your char on pit boss fight. That doesn’t require you to be smart either.

called out on not having any respectable points. since you are playing a game you dont like and consider to be in an undefendable state on a daily base. Thank you for keeping the other arpgs where they belong, on the bottom.

oh, the pit ladderboards make your point invalid, as every class performs nicely.

anyway, if you want to keep engaging with me, please be at least entertaining, otherwise our conversation will find an end =)

i hope that was specific enough for you my friend.

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Are my points not respectable? Like the fact that you guys are forcing people of playing classes and builds that don’t resonate with, not a respectable point? Because you are not competent enough on balancing the game?

Work harder, not PR-in in forums.

every class has multiple builds in the ladder right now that perform nicely.
its just you buddy. you dont perform nicely.

I expect criticism from someone who plays a class that doesn’t afk on pit boss fight. Get some challenge in your gaming or be quiet.

luckily i dont afk on boss fights, since as i said, the golemancer needs quite some timings for a nice dmg output. but hey, i guess you just keep proving that you are clueless. dig your hole as deep as you like.

Oh boy, you are not very smart … that wasn’t meant ad litteram.

thumbs up for the effort. using latin does give your post a smart touch.

anyway, i guess we are done. =)

have a great day my friend, and good luck pushing tiers =)

We are not done! You owe me some pit runs.

sadly you didnt fullfill the requirements by asking nicely.

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I did play your game tho …

But ok, see you around. Have a good weekend.

Nobody is forcing you to be a certain build. Nearly any build can clear P61.

Now if you’re talking 100+ (which we are), that crucible distills down only the best - both in terms of build and skill.

You can’t even clear 61. Get to work on your personal skill and build better.


Tell that to A LOT of us that raise this issue in this forum. You guys call that “the vocal minority”

I would say this is not part of the problem. In fact, they should make it faster. Every Diablo game has a rush. And this should have a method as well for those who want to get to the end game item hunt faster.

Speaking of the end game item hunt, there needs to be a marketplace, or auction house. Something to streamline trading.

Speaking of trading… The game needs better items, not just stat stick items. This is a step in the right direction so far, but not remotely where it should be.

Yup. Sure am.

Instead of making excuses as to why you can’t clear, or deflecting to others (but Mo-o-om! Timmy can’t clear either!) - try improving yourself to meet the challenge. Or continue being a scrub that blames everything but themselves. Personally, that seems like a miserable existence to me.

I like it more than before, because there is something to chase still after level 75.
New items may seem simpler and they are, but they have more flexibility than the ones before.
Some things are still really cheap and not what I would associate with a good game, and when it is not cheap it is too easy.
Balance is still crap so for sure some people are not having fun. But I am not going to waste time on this anymore.
I have found the best “Cheese from another Room” build.

There have been more technical issues also with this patch.

Overall I had fun for a week, but am nearing “done” with this season. Maybe will play a 2nd week.

WB’s are being abused everywhere. They really need to call them something else, they are not bosses.

I will not be buying an expansion pack.

The holy bolt elixir is the dumbest thing I have seen in a game. It is made for crayon eaters, by crayon eaters.

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felt like D2 to me. nothing to do, never ending slow pointless grind, originally they wanted you to get all the altars of lilith every season lol, every item super rare, getting the items doesn’t even feel good cuz you can’t use it for anything, etc. their vision for this game was 100% d2-oriented and it was actually super hardcore in the very beginning.

i didn’t play original d2 but i played D2R a good amount and all you do is quest/level easily through the 3 difficulties then farm areas over and over for rare loot/runes. logging in at random times for dclone and trying to get like +2 or +3 on some of the rolls lol.

overall you’re restricted where you can even farm based on your build. you use the exact same runewords for leveling on every character, exact same runewords for merc, exact same merc, the best runewords in the game are all used on the same builds always. almost no real meaningful customization whatsoever.

its not even efficient to play anything but sorc as ur season starter because of teleport and how much MF u can stack easily with tal rasha. they’re just so good. running mephisto hundreds of times lol. all so u can run chaos sanc and baal a little bit more efficiently.

both games have 0 social features and bad trading systems. if you make lobbies people join just to farm other areas in your game because it’s the only way to get /players 8 when playing online. the lobby system is a disaster in general.

d2 is a single playthrough, story mode game of a bygone era where you could play through it (just beat the 3 difficulties, not farm a maxed out character) one time and never play it again, and you wouldn’t be missing anything at all. you’re just pointlessly chasing stupid items with no way to pit your character against any real challenge in the long term.

the “end game” of d2r all hinges on the reality of these 1/9999 drop rate items and the people who see it as a satisfying source of entertainment/accomplishment.

so yea idk d2 really sucks by today’s standards and so does classic d4 or “pre loot reborn” if u are concerned about the semantics. and quite frankly until the pit leaderboard is added, the game will continue to suck outside of the first week of the season because there’s no reason to max out your character, just playing the same game for dozens or in some people’s cases hundreds more hours just for a small power increase or on several characters just so you can keep doing the exact same basic, non-challenging activities.

I started a new character this season to see how the new systems gel with each other and as a whole. I have to say I agree with you on every aspect.

From a fire Sorc perspective, the tempering options are just sad. By lvl70 I had both my resistances and my armour capped but the game offers no way of making by build better other than mindless RNG drops. No +skills targeting, no damage reduction, no barrier generation, only mindless health stacking and dodge apparently is back.

Initially I thought by making all legendaries drop with 2/3 affixes as mainstat and health would mean; 1. More opportunity to chase items that don’t drop with those stats and 2. More cool affixes in tempering. Nope, Health seems mandatory to survive and Tempering still offers a plethora of resistances, armour, and health even though are not needed at all in this specific system. Like, really??

All in all, I’d say as a fire Sorc items are more boring and restrictive than before with defense specifically being heavily dumbed down. Which is shocking.

I like the idea of it. I dislike the implementation. I suspect that they will put in an ICD for it. Queue “they destroyed my build” rage incoming.

+1 for crayon eaters. I always used glue eaters (which tend to turn into glue sniffers later in life - but I digress).

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