Current tempering is REALLY bad

Tempering is the only thing that holds it from D3 Itemization, without it it’s a downgrade and nothing more to it.


really need to reserved/buy some junks to test the PITY MECHANIC when tempering the truly top gears.

thats not true
d3 itemization problem is that ancients easy come by
2-3 days and you are full ancients, leaving only primals to chase after

this is not a problem in d4
good 2 and 3ga are really rare


I’m not oversimplifying anything. RnG IS RnG. It’s not because you want vulnerable damage and it’s in a subset of 4 different things that you can control it. You have more chances to get it. Still, It is RnG and you have all players, yourself included, tempering the same stat over and over and over again, because, it’s RnG. Also, I never said we should be able to roll endlessly for the max roll, but the system as is, is simply bad. 7 rolls for 2 stats is idiotic, particularly when you get that triple GA set of gear you were really grindy for. For min maxers I agree, it’s harder, but it’s harder for casuals too, or do you think casuals play to get trash gear as well? Casuals try to min max how they can, with the time they have, so it’s harder, not easier.

I can agree to this, but still, doesn’t take away from what I said. You still need to grind lots of pieces so you can trash them, and like I also said, people tipically try to get at least one good GA piece, so it takes time, the fact that you’re trying to minimize this is beyond me.

I didn’t say it was broken. I said the system is trash, precisely because you now have 3 layers of RnG on each item, and if you want to think about rings for instance and paragon boards, you need extra luck to have the “right” resistance on the ring to play with your paragon board.

Before you grinded gear and played with rerolling a stat. That was it. (I’m not saying this was a good system, it’s farm from it)

Now you grind gear, temper 2 affixes, reroll a stat, and masterwork the item. You have to do more things now, taking into account tempering bricks a lot of items because it is badly implemented. This is giving the player base a sense of being punished, way too many times before you get an item you do want to use. Like many people mentioned before, being punished more than being rewarded. This is not a good feeling. If you get your kicks up with this, kudos to you, but for the majority of the players it’s not a good system. Neither is rerolling a stat (out of a reduced pool of stats, but still) a bunch of times, wasting 200M gold, and not get what you need/want. I understand the need of RnG, it makes sense, but it only makes sense up to a point. Too much RnG, or RnG on top of RnG, etc, it’s lazy implementation and can makes a bad system, like on D4 currently.

That’s your opinion. You’re saying I’m explaining my perception, and not facts, but you’re doing what? At the very least, you’re doing the same thing you claim I’m doing, but that’s ok. If you have or want to have all the facts and evidence, because you think everyone else that doesn’t agree with you are not showing facts or are explaining perceptions , I can send you a bicycle as a prize…

you have sold items, thats the difference.

majority of the people here do not trade, nobody wants to use a third party website just to trade, most of us just vendor trash in game thats it. 10m is not THAT much but it is a lot for something you might have to do repeatedly, like resetting a bricked item.

I am not a huge fan of D3 honestly, but bad idea is bad, this is not about D3 or anything, having a system that constantly brick your item is just a bad idea thats all.


3ga might be rare, but not 2ga. not at all

2GA with ideal rolls is in fact rare.


and blizzard does not even allow us to do that, they won’t even sell the solution to the problem

It’s sadge.

i still have to find one for my build

find them all the time.

Any upgrade i find becomes usable, im not trying for perfect rolls either.

I have almost 5k hours at Lost Ark, haven`t cashed, and I am not punished AT ALL for playing the game.

This post cant even be serious as you are comparing DIABLO 4 TEMPERING with Lost Ark activities ? lmao dud

I hate bricking items when something nice finally drops, and the negative feeling from the fails is greater than the good feeling of the wins.
But for me the main problem is when you roll the min roll of what you want and instead of trying to improve it you stick with the low roll rather than brick it. Tempering having the same ‘no change’ option as enchanting so you could keep your previous roll would fix many tempering problems.

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You can keep throwing away your items after 5 attempts.

If they give us a better new tempering system you can keep doing as you did.
You can temper 5 times and then throw it away.

Well, even if i don’t get the temper i want, It does not mean i won’t use the item if it is a good item. Atleast i can masterwork the item. So all is not lost. And there is always a chance to get something just as good and try again.

I actually rage logged today. 5th bow bricked this morning. havnt got a weapon upgrade since week 1. taking a break and venting on forums but to be honest im done with the game for now until they tweak it