Cross progression trophies

Playing on both PC and PS5 with the same account. Sometimes at my desk sometimes want to chill on couch. Problem is my trophies dont pop this way. Just finished revealing the entire map on PS5 and nothing. Same with hitting level 50. Making sure to swap to PS5 before hitting the milestones does nothing.

Seems you have to 100% play on console for anything to count. Doesnt seem very cross progression to me. Any word on this?


Bumping this up, because this sort of thing is stressing me out a bit too. I’m playing on PC but would love to play on PS5 eventually as well, and I don’t wanna get locked out of trophies forever!

Same issue, and I can confirm that I seem to have locked myself out of the 1000 cinders gathered in helltide PS5 trophy altogether.

I crossed the 1000 mark while playing on PC (in game challenge popped) and when later returning to playing on PS5 no amount of additional cinders gathered will pop the trophy.

It seems that if you use cross progression and pass the triggering event while playing on PC, you lose the chance to EVER get the trophy (on PS5 at least).

Come on Blizz, those of us with this issue bought this game at least twice. Please tell me there’s a fix in the works for those of us who care about trophies/achievements and also play on PC.


So you collected 1000 on one character, then another 1000 on a completely different character on the console and it didn’t pop?

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Correct. One was a regular character (that’s the first one where I passed the 1000 mark while playing on PC), then I went back and collected another 300-400 more on that character on PS5, nothing.

Then I swapped to my hardcore character and tried, gathered from zero to 1000 and still no trophy.

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And you started the hardcore character at level 1 from scratch on the PS5?

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No? None of my characters are exclusively played on PS5 only or PC only, there’s been a mix, that’s the point of cross progression. Doesn’t mean it should have a chance of breaking trophy/achievement unlocks like this just because some of the progress happened to be made on PC.

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You won’t get those trophies unless you start a fresh character on PS5 for them. It’s cross progression but not for trophies.

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I don’t think it should be that way, and I don’t think it’s actually intended to be that way, but that’s beside the point, I’m actually willing to start a new character and grind from 1 to 50 really quickly in order to get a chance of getting the trophy again if it’s last one I need for platinum on PS5.

However, right now, I would bet money that that’s not actually going to help, unless I make a new account. Because I strongly, STRONGLY suspect that the trophy will not pop other than when the in-game challenge pops for having collected 1000 cinders, and that challenge (“Infernal Riches” under Exploration > Helltide) has been already achieved on my account “accidentally” while I happened to be playing on PC, and cross progresses to all of my characters even if I make a new character.

There’s no way to get that to pop again, even with a fresh character, other than making a new account that doesn’t have that challenge unlocked in the game.

So even if I do have to make a new character that is never played on PC, though I’d rather not, I’d at LEAST like a fix that makes it easier than having to make a new account for one trophy.


That sounds like a bug then. Borderlands 3 had a similar problem since it was tied to your account and it took them 3 years of meddling to finally push an update through for it.

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I’m still seeing mixed things about this all over and there doesn’t seem to be any clear answer anywhere online. Very frustrating.


I ended up giving up and just sticking to PC. Having to start everything over and do it strictly on PS5 kind of turned me off from it. You basically need 2 sets of characters one for each platform which defeats the purpose. Will check back down the road in a year or so as I’m not sure this will ever get addressed.

Edit: I would return the PS5 version if I could but digital refund policy is non existent if you’ve downloaded already.

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Giving this a bump to see if there has been any update to resolve this. I unlocked the last 3 zones on the PS5 last week and triggered the achievement in Diablo 4, but did not obtain the PS5 trophy. It would be very frustrating if these trophies only trigger while playing the character exclusively on the PS5.


Also a problem on Xbox. Started on pc and moved to my Xbox for achievements. Locked out of the 1000 hellftide cinders and full map exploration achievements. I finished them while playing on Xbox but none of the contributions I made while playing on pc counted. I have the in game achievements which triggered while playing on console but no Xbox achievements to match. Completely defeats the cross play function.

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Please fix that Blizz! We bought this game twice!


I hope blizzard and everyone does something for this.
I habe a level 72 barb i only played on pc and just picked it up on PS5 because thats how i roll. The cinders trophy i should be locked out of.
I did want to platinum this game so basically its not possible atm

One thing i do know is its possible in other games to auto pop crossplat
ACV i played on pc then ayed on series x and it auto pop on first load
Also i had gta5 on rockstar launch then got it on steam and steam auto poped achievements. I thought i was going to get in trouble because i beat the game and i had 5 minutes of play time on steam lol

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Achievements is the only reason I picked this up on Xbox. I mainly play on pc but bought it on Xbox as well to get all the achievements and as of now I feel like I was swindled outta $70.

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I think with seasons coming ill at least unlock those ones we are locked out of

This is pretty common for games with crossplay. It took almost 3 years to get it fixed with Borderlands 3.

Yeah I just don’t wanna explore the whole map again. I never play seasons or alts. In every Diablo game I have only made one character per game and played that for hundreds sometimes thousands of hours. I really don’t wanna make a new character just to explore the map and then delete.