Cross progression trophies

I mean the game has cross progression but not trohpys does this make sense ? Who is saying no Blizzard ? We shouldnt get locked out of trophys like the cinders.

Just a update i started a hardcore character. I started getting the 666 trophys i dont think i killed that many for each of the ones except the snakes one. I did the 10 enchantments on my level 72 which was only PC and got the trophy since i did all 10 on PS5. Im curious if i continue playing on my 72 all the way to 100 if i get the trophy ? I hope so but im going for level 50 hardcore and beat the game for the trophys. Did you count how many cinders you got on PS5 ?

Generally the developers are responsible, this has happened with a lot of games and the game company have had to push an update to recognize that they need to pop again.

This is preventing me from purchasing it to play on the Steam Deck in addition to PS5 where I’m currently playing it. Would like to see this sorted or at least some fort of acknowledgement that if we continue to play on Steam trophies on PS5 will pop later.

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I got the exploration trophy in hardcore mode. I dont know if doing it in hardcore is allow me to bybass the lockout from my PC 72 barb who has a lot of progress like cinders. The only thing im concerned is will my 72 pop the trophy when i hit 100 in eternal and the potion trophy ? I might just continue on my level 12 soceroer and grind to 100 just to gurantee i get it all on PS5. I doubt i have the skill to get it on hardcore but who knows.

Its really too bad this wont get a lot of conversation because i think the average gamer doing buy 2 copys of a game just to trohpy hunt. If the Devs are listening i hope they re look at this and maybe get a clear answer as to what the line is. Im already getting a advantage because i started my new characters on PS5 with a mount because of my PC play on bnet.

If I would have known about this issue a week ago I never would have purchased another copy to play on my Rog Ally. I really hope they’re tracking this because I was looking forward to getting all of the trophies on my PS5.

I would really like to know if the devs are aware of this and will address this in a future update.
If anything I’m hoping that I can pop these trophies during season 1. I bounce from ps5 to pc regularly but I will do season 1 on ps5 only and see if the trophy pops

I have an issue where I completed the “Chaotic Whispers” Trophy on my PC and it is bound to my BattleNet Account’s achievement and even if I create a new account it won’t pop on my PS5… I wonder if there will ever be a fix.

A friend gifted me $25 in the store. If I buy platinum in the store will it transfer to my ps5 account?

As long as your PS account and Bnet are linked the currency will be as well.

If you complete the in game D4 challenge associated with a trophy/achievement on console, you’ll receive the trophy/achievement even if some progress towards that trophy/achievement has been made on pc.

If you complete the in game challenge associated with a trophy/achievement on pc, when you login to console it will not auto-pop. This happened when I upgraded my potions at lv90 on pc. It did not auto pop on ps5.

I made a second character and upgraded potions at lv90 on console and still did not get the trophy. It seems to be linked to the in game challenge completion.

Looks like the only workaround at this time is to sync a new account to your console gamertag.

Very sad day for completionists.

Blizzard, please fix :pray:t3:



I’m happy to say that I got another character to 90 and upgraded my superior healing potion at the alchemist and the trophy popped!

I’m not sure if playing on the seasonal realm made the difference but it is possible to get trophies for challenges unlocked on pc by doing the action again.


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This is very frustrating. The achievements I earned on Steam won’t be saved on PlayStation. I really wanted to get the Platinum trophy on PS.

If Diablo 4 is truly a cross-platform game, can you please allow cross-saving of achievements please Blizzard???

We bought the game twice! We deserve this feature.


I planned to buy the PC version to play it on my ROG Ally (currently playing on PS5), but not as long this issue does exist. At least I have to wait until I got the platinum on PS5.

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I had been playing on my steam deck but finally was able to get the ps5 version as well. Im extremely disappointed after finding this thread. I had already unlocked the map on pc. This is absolutely terrible if this locks people out of trophies if they want to play on multiple platforms and earn again!

My brother has the same problem, played a lot on pc only to find out he can’t get them on ps5 afterwards :frowning:

I’m just replying here in hopes of this getting more traction. I’m in the same boat as many others here, mainly a PC player but also want to get the PS5 trophies on the same account. Would love to see this addressed.

i am also replying to get more attention to this matter. It has to be fixed

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patch notes for

1.1.3 Build #44582 (All Platforms) - August 29, 2023

  • Achievements, Trophies, and Challenges with shared unlock criteria across platforms now transfer via cross-platform progression.

just tested to log in on psn after the patch the following instantly popped

emancipation - complete the campaign
turning the tides - 1000 cinders
first aid - upgrade potion to max
world slayer- kill any world boss

bugged trophies

army of bones
potent alterations
master combatant
curious collector
devoted protector

i hope they will fix these or maybe someone finds a work arround


I just tried army of bones on PC then went to Xbox and yep didn’t unlock.

So these changes don’t fix “all” the cross progression issues. It seems to only fix ones that are maybe in the challenge book but some of these achievements/trophies are not in that book so therefore are not part of this fix it seems.