Constructive Criticism for End Game

Hello everyone,

Before I continue, I just want to say that this is going to be a pretty negative post regarding the loot mechanics in D4. I know most of the community feels the same way, but in the case you are tired of reading these types of posts please feel free to go about your day.

My biggest complaint is that looting in this game is extremely stingy. Whether it’s killing the Dollar Store Goblins, The Butcher, Helltide bosses, or NM dungeon, loot is really stingy. I am a level 92 Druid, and I have not seen items that are necessary for certain builds.

Loot being rare is one thing, but losing hope that I will be able to get an item is really demoralizing. Even if a unique item drops for me, there is a good chance that it’s for the barbarian, or that it has crap rolls that I can’t use anyways. Looting in this game is artificially hard. Drops are very rare, and even if an item drops the odds are that the roll would suck.

For example in D3, Primal Ancient’s were super rare, but at least you know when one drops that it has perfect rolls. In D4 Ancestral Unique are extremally rare (level 92 havent seen tempest roar, Temerity, Crone) and when one drops there is no guarantee you will even be able to use it due to the stats.

I run nightmare dungeons which are a much higher level than me. There is a lot of risk due to the Butcher showing up, and the elements being able to 1 shot me. Most of the rewards I get for completing these dungeons are 1 rare that has a good chance of being a sacred rare. it is absolutely demoralizing to fight through a difficult dungeon with cheesy mechanics and be rewarded with a single sacred rare item that I immediately sell or salvage.

Playing with friends is very difficult. We don’t all have the same amount of time to play the game. I am level 92, and they are still in the 70’s. It will take forever for them to catch up and for us to be able to really run dungeons together. They do their best to keep up and run dungeons that are in the 90s. There is no way for me to help them level faster.

It is artificially difficult to try new builds out. I don’t understand why there is a cost associated with re-specing your character. I don’t understand why the paragon board has to be changed 1 node at a time. I don’t understand why we can’t save our load outs. All of these things were addressed by Diablo 3. It’s what made Diablo 3 great. You could have multiple builds for multiple scenarios.

Having said all that, I am still optimistic that a lot of these issues can change. I am really hopeful that Blizzard will look at some of these quality of life things.

Loot isn’t stingy in this game at all except for uniques.

Loot is very very common in this game. Probably more common than people were asking for or expecting leading up to the release of the game. You always get legendary for completing a nightmare dungeon. World bosses drop multiple legendaries. Mystery caches drop multiple legendaries. And you find legendaries fairly frequently for just playing.

YOUR issue is that legendary aspects are essential to play the build you want to play. That’s a separate issue. You’re complaining about RNG of loot, not the frequency.

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I understand your sentiment, but IMO loot is very stingy. Yes, you are guarantied a legendary for completing a nightmare dungeon, but there is no guarantee that the 1 legendary you get for completing the dungeon is even close to the power level or the aspect that you need (sacred items dropping on a Tier 50). World Bosses typically drop 1 legendary for me, and a weekly cache that may have a legendary. These World Bosses are very rare. I don’t know when they are going to spawn or if I will even be on when they do spawn. Mystery Chests do drop multiple legendries, yes. However, I don’t think Blizzard intended for those to be so easily attainable. I think they are easily attainable because of the community being creative. If you had to seek out those mystery chests without online tools they would not be easy to find.
Regular chests in Helltides often have either just 1 legendary, or none at all. Whispering Tree rewards more often (IMO) have no legendries in the cache. So I stopped going for the Whispering Tree bounties and regular Helltide chests.

My issue is like I said in my post is that the reward for completing high risk activities in the game is demoralizing. Killing the butcher, finishing a high tier NM dungeon, tracking and killing the goblin, long dungeons for the Whispering Tree should reward better.

Anyways, I appreciate your opinion and I am glad you shared it.

Sorry but noone wants the loot behavior of Diablo 3 back in Diablo 4 and have a full & perfect rolled build within 1 week in a new season.

Legendaries are meant to be, as the name says, “Legendary” and realy rare…Loot drop is even to high atm, but thats just my oppinion.

The only problem I have so far with loot is that it has LVL requirement of the character level who droped the item, so if you find a good Barb sword now with a LVL 92 Druid your Barb can use it only as soon as he reaches LVL 92 too. :wink:

They don’t have to catch up…the game scales to theyr level outside of NM Dungeons.

And in NM dungeons you can simply push them, so they can level faster.

If your damage is not that great just reduce the NM Dungeon you run solo comfortably by 2-3 tiers and you’ll be fine to run if with friends…I do the same the whole time with all my friends. :wink:

Primal Ancients were one example. They were extremely rare, and even when one dropped it probably wasn’t for your build. The difference here is even when a unique drops its probably not the one you are looking for, and if it is you still have to worry about the rolls. I also don’t think it’s fair to say that noone wants the loot behavior of D3. There were many good things about loot behavior in D3. I don’t think that people had full and perfectly rolled builds in a week lol. Pushing 150 GRs was very difficult and not for everyone. Sure it had it’s own problems, but I never felt like maybe chasing that loot goblin isn’t worth it.

Why don’t the mobs in the middle of the dungeon rooms drop anything?

D3 also did a lot of things right. If I ever get the Tempest Roar and the Crone staff to drop with good rolls, and I want to try out a new build, I have to spend millions of gold and respec my paragon board node by node. And if I don’t end up liking it I have to do that whole process over again. I am hoping those types of quality of life improvements are coming.

Endgame content primarily revolves around NM dungeons. I shouldn’t have to push them along just because we want to play together. That type of gameplay is unrewarding for them. I don’t understand why there is an XP cap of 25%. If I run their level dungeons I am not getting XP.

It’s more about uniques and aspects than loot in general. Some aspects aren’t even usable from the Codex. Like Umbral.

I have over 7 days played on my necro, in these 7 days I have found exposed flesh ONCE. A single one. An aspect that is literally REQUIRED for the bone builds to work. Same argument for splintering, of which I have found 3, 2 of which were base value.

This is obviously extremely silly. In that timeframe I can easily get character on PoE, D2 or D3 to nearly best in slot, with a working build a few hours in. Blizzard needs to add ways to target farm aspects and uniques. This is what’s holding back a lot of people from enjoying the game, Necromancers and Druids especially from my experience.

I agree. I run into the same issue. Umbral is a great example of that. Since getting to level 93 I have found 2. Luckily one was a +4 but I imprinted it and now I can’t change out my ring until I find another one.

It’s strange to me to put in 100s of hours into 1 build and still not see some items for it, even low level versions of it. And when it finally does drop, it will probably have crap rolls or be a low ilevel.