Constantly Disconnected

Going to try to disable that “display of local network players” as well. I managed to disable the first 2 before I was disconnected this last time. Will see if that one helps.

edit Could be timing, but since I disabled that one along with the other 2, i have been able to stay online the last few hours.

i’m west coast (washington) and getting constant disconnects every 15-20m of gameplay.

Having the same issue, im up to every 5-10 minutes after logging in

I get to play for maybe 5-10 minutes then go right back to the 30 minute queue.

I am very frustrated and that is making me bitter and I am having all kinds of negative emotion towards blizzard right now, absolutely no faith the real launch will not be a SH*T SHOW

Welcome All! please just make yourself at home while we wait another F*VC-N 45mins to play for 10mins before getting booted. Seriously Blizzard!

Not to beat a dead horse, but here goes

Last week no issues. This week I’ve been in 35+ min queue 4 times in a row, each with only 10m in game between. Each error 317619
Sitting next to my son playing on his series a with no issues whatsoever.
140m queue for less than 40m game time. @blizzard beta isn’t fun this way. It’s obvious you’re causing this issue. I’m really starting to dislike you. Please take it personally.


I had no problems last weekend… this weekend I’m getting dropped every 5-7m… after waiting in 45m queues. This is insane…

I am having the same problem. I can play less than like 10 mins each time I get in. This was not happening last weekend. Not sure what changed from then to now.

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Last week was for pre-purchase only people. This week it’s full Open Beta. So, more people, more congestion…thus more hamsters were needed for the wheels at Blizzard. Either there was a shortage of hamsters, or some of them got lazy. At some point, they’ll get more, and hopefully morale will get better.

Disconnected every 5 minutes as well. Spent 4 hours in queue for 35 minutes of gameplay -_-

Do something !!! blizzard

Yeah, I disconnected like 15 minutes in. I was thinking I’d pre purchase it until it did that… now I’m thinking I should wait. Great job convening me I should buy this blizzard.

obviously the same issue, 2 pc’s on the same network, 1 is fine the other disconnects after about 10 minutes of play

Did disabling the setting “enable display of local network players” do anything? i’m assuming it didn’t work :frowning:

Playing Necro in East Coast and in 3 hours I am still level 6… So many disconnects. A couple of times was when I alt-tabbed so I stopped doing that. Every time it’s been at least 30 minutes for re-que.

Having the same issue. I get to the dungeon I need to clear on my necro, get 2 min into it and get DC’d with the 316719 error code.

Meanwhile, I’m over here also wondering how the heck livestreamers on Twitch & TikTok are able to stay connected to the game without error codes.

I was able to play for about an hour when the beta first went up today. Switched characters to play with a friend and ever since then have been disconnected after 3-10 minutes of playtime ever time. Then once you are disconnected you are unable to rejoin games. You get an error code every time until you restart the game and end up back in the long queues.

I played all 3 characters to 25 last weekend and got disconnected maybe once all weekend. I’ve had 8 or 9 disconnects today(probably would have more if I didn’t have to wait in these huge queues after each one). Meanwhile my two friends have been playing all day without issue.

Ok so it would seem Blizzard CS is aware of the disconnect issue and is currently working on it. Hopefully they figure it out and fix before the weekend is up!

^link to dev team addressing this disconnect issue. They talk briefly but give a few reasons why it might be happening.

Have fun gamin everyone!

Yeah, it’s terrible tonight. I literally waited through the queue for 36 minutes just to get told the servers are down. Try again - another 30+ minute queue to be told the servers are down.

Off to do something else instead of hoping the servers actually work after waiting to get in.

They paid plus the exposure plain and simple . It would be bad PR