Constant crashing on PC Diablo 4

Sick of constantly being met with crash after crash since the games expansion launched I just want to continue playing the game with my wife and met with crashes 24/7


Yeah, I’m getting a lot too. Probably once every hour or so.


I finally got logged in about 4am CDT time - TEXAS this morning and played for about an hour - didnt have any issues. I had to update my RTx 3070 Drivers before I could log in, now Ive been home from work for about an hour and Ive disconnected 3 times already. WTF is going on now ???


I had to keep monitoring my Virtual RAM even though my RAM isn’t really being used a lot. It keeps ballooning after I switch areas. Once I get to 100GB, I need to exit the game.


I keep crashing. It’s not very consistent how often but it has accelerated since I started playing in Nahantu. Multiple times per hour. Every time I lose my active potion and opal


Game isn’t playable - I’ve adjusted the swap file size - redownloaded - and damn near everything else under the sun and I can’t stay logged in for more than 3min. I think my 4090 might have something to do with it.


Yea same for me. And it has caused my PC itself to crash around 5 times. I have scanned the game through bnet and it came up that there were no needed repairs. My gpu is good as is my Internet and I have all graphic settings to low. This is kinda frustrating. Im not trying to sound angry but come on.


Make that 4 times now - and Im on the way to Travincal…

I checked all my GPU settings and turned everything down to low … Still disconnecting …


For me its a full blue screen of death


I’ve had 3 crashes so far, two were during cutscenes, one main campaign cutscene, which when I got back in it skipped forward so I had to watch the rest of the cutscene on youtube to see what happened. Had another crash during dialogue for beginning of spiritborn quest, but at least when I got back in it let me replay that dialogue. 3rd crash I was just looking at merc reinforcement skills in the den. I’ve also notice plenty of stutter/lag mainly when going between regions.


I went back to try and uncover the nahantu map and it’s crash crash crash


I’ve been standing in the middle of a syphon event with my minions running in place and enemies doing idle animations for about 5 minutes now.

Game hasn’t even realized it’s disconnected yet.



Laaaaaaaaaag issues pc vs psn, both same bad ping sometimes 350ms

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Someone said in another thread to turn off Cross Platform PLay and Chat on the PC version = and Ill be Damned if it didnt fix it for me … Ive been in game for over an hour and NO crashes… Just got to Kurast and everything is good…

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I have a brand new pc and for the most part I’m doing ok but if I spaz out and hit tab to many times simultaneously my computer literally does a hard reboot. Straight to the ASUS ROG screen. lol :man_shrugging:

Same boat here. pretty horrendous issues. What are the chances they recognize it and get a patch out to fix it in the next day or two?

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Same here, played OK to start with for the first couple of hours, now I am getting a CTD in about 5 minutes every time. Have tried restarting, repairing and turning off crossplay and crossplay chat all make no difference to the issue.


2 Rog Allys both on Steam in my household - no crashes

Hello, monitor your PC, VoH is using more CPU than it should, this could be another problem with your crashes

once thing is that quests resetting to initial state after the crash…

If i were a complotist, i would say they did it on purpose to give the game more life as the story is about short. And they actually made so much filler searching for pretty much every clue to get to somewhere …