Constant crashes - game is not playable

I have been trying to play for over an hour - all I get are crashes.
No errors - no real rhyme or reason:
Crashes loading, crashes on character screen, crashes on splash screen after selecting “Start”, twice I started the game - 1 - 2 min in it crashes (once I did nothing just stood there)…

I have played this season and leveled 2 toons to 100 - working on finishing the game, I don’t play hours a day but almost every day. This season had been running great - not sure what changed???

PC: i7-9700K
Win10 64 bit
CPU 21%
Memory 52%

Diablo Immortal runs fine.

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Same within the last few days I cannot stay connected to the game. Can play other games fine. But currently the D IV is not playable.

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Issue continues - at best I get 20 - 30 seconds and the game crashes. Many crashes are when I click on start.
I see a new GeForce drive from 9/11 - downloading that now. This has resolved D IV crashes in the past. Just strange that it starts 10+ days after a driver update…IF that is the fix today. i will update the post.

The game on PS5 also crashes at times.

I can’t remember another game on PS5 with such poor performance as this one.

The work of these useless developers is a shame

Video Driver update didn’t help…crashed walking to the blacksmith. WOW even crashed shopping…

I would advise actually going back to an earlier driver.

I still run a driver from January of this year, but you could go back to a driver from April. Below are steps to get the tool to fully remove the current version of the driver. Please read the instructions on the DDU website on how to use the tool.

-Game crashing after Nvidia Update - #2 by DTMAce-1687

Download the April drivers located here; I would use one of the game ready driver versions from 552.12 - 552.44:

Enter your card specs, windows version. Click Find. Then click View More Versions below the first results.

Then find one of the recommended earlier versions.

I highly recommend not installing the GeForce Experience software, at least to start with.

I will try - but the reason for the last update was the constant crashes - before this I wasn’t having any issues this season. I will update this thread after I roll back the driver.

Ran DDU, Downloading:

Driver Version:551.23 - WHQL

Release Date:Wed Jan 24, 2024

Operating System:Windows 10 64-bit,
Windows 11

I got into the pit - for about 1 min - then the system crashed, it was lagging / studdering bad before that.
Guess I’m back t-shooting (download driver, install, test, keep moving forward until I find a driver that works)…

Well you might have went back too far. I know from past instances of this the drivers from April were working relatively well and I had suggested the version range you should be trying. But it’s also possible there is something else going on.

Despite that this game may be the only one that seems affected, there could be an issue with resources or other problems that could be causing it to be crashing so constantly. Keep in mind this game is extremely touchy when it comes to hardware and internet.

Are you sure the game is using your 2070 and not internal graphics (i-gpu)?

is windows set to force dedicated gpu?
(this may differ from what you see in game)

click on Win10 drop down a lil down the page

is your Nvidia shader cache size set to something other than default?

Nvidia control panel > manage 3d settings > shader cache size > 10GB if you have the hd space

irrelevant to this thread… make your own or find one for ps5

One oops on my write up - I did update to Win 11 a few weeks back, I just copied and pasted my specs from an older post…things did run well for a couple of weeks after the upgrade.
But again - I had not updated drivers before this all started, I have my Nvidia set to “Notify” for new drivers - but manual install, because of issues like this.
Yes my monitors are plugged into my Video card. I build my own PC’s. When I wiped my driver out earlier, I only had 1 monitor displaying.

Let me change the cache size and try that 1st - I have 256 GB free on my C: SSD

  • Made it about 20 seconds into the Pit and crashed again - kicks me back to desktop.
    I will leave the cache size change for now.

Going to try the April drivers.
April Drivers 552.12 Crashes walking in town

Page file was at 10000 - 50000 (video card RTX270 8 GB). Went up and down 1000 - 8000, 8000 - 16000, no difference. Still crashing from loading (usually at the door splash screen) to within 30 seconds of walking in town, I have been able to go to another town and walk a little.

**Going to try disabling the direct storage, did nt change anything

then next newer driver from what I have.**

The only other two things I could think of to try:

Set a fixed swap file size under your advanced settings for virtual memory / swap file. You’ll want to set that to either 16 GB or 24 GB depending on how much memory you have in the system. If you have more memory you can use less size assuming that the video card has 8 to 16 GB of memory. If you’re running something like a 4090 then set this to 24 GB.

Another thing you can change is to disable direct storage. You can do this by adding the following command to the game under the game settings in BattleNet. Go to the game settings and look for the command arguments section and you should have a box where you can put this in:


See if either of those may help you along with your driver update.

It may not be for you but it would for anybody at Blizzard who may want to look at these issues outside of the box “it is only your PC hardware problem”.

There may be “local” fixes to these issues, but these seem to require to mess arround with coding, which require some knowledge and you do that at your own peril if you do not know what you are doing since I guess code is crafted the way it is for a reason (Hopefully) …

Obviously should be only a temporary work arround until the issue is profesionnaly fixed, and only for those who know what they are doing.

This is a player to player help forum.

His post is under the wrong topic and is misleading the players with the issue pertaining to the topic.

I have read similar posts in similar (numerous) topics on this forum, they never have prevented me from looking for solutions I can actually act upon easily, they are not misleading they just put the issue into a different perspective.

As a non-tec player who has tried all the solutions proposed on this forum which do not require me to alter “coding” on my PC, or buy an upgraded, more expansive PC, I can tell you this post is helpfull.

Cause before taking action on the other solutions put forward here that require me to do things I do not understand on the coding, and I am not supposed to do, or spend more money to change a piece of equipment which works well with everything but D4, I do appreciate posts like this one who make me think twice before taking these steps.

Poking around in the files I found the Diablo IV\BlizzardError\ReportedBugs
Starting on the 22nd when the crashes started - almost everyone is:

Not sure if that helps or not.
Downloading GeForce Game Ready Driver - WHQL
Driver Version: 552.22 - Release Date: Tue Apr 16, 2024

I will try the next two after this one if it doesn’t work.

Okay, you missed my point the first time.

By your logic here, Blizzard is checking these posts and actively seeking advice how to solve issues. They may peruse the forums but they don’t normally engage with player to player assistance forums.

The post I made about the PS5 post in a PC forum was valid. If the guy’s having an issue with PS5 then it belongs in the correct forum. Not everyone checks all over the forum for a specific issue let alone between console and PC. Most don’t even check existing posts before making duplicate posts of an existing exact issue in another thread.

Some others on the other hand (you in this case) come in and hijack a thread because they’re having an issue and feel strongly that it’s not cause by something with their machine, installation, or connection. These people like to throw in their 2 cents to completely sidetrack a conversation.

The PS5 post didn’t belong here and it was made clear and to the point that it doesn’t and it needs to go to the proper location.

I’ve read a lot of your posts on here… good luck with not fixing your issue. I won’t be looking at them any longer thank the heavens … ignored :rofl:

Yeah let me know what you find out. Fortunately you can upgrade fairly straightforward you don’t have to go through the whole DDU thing when upgrading. Only if you’re trying to go backwards.

I’m trying to work out what that error code might mean. It seems really specific.

Just have to figure out what DBG-Options might be …

Are you running any kind of animated wallpaper? Or a custom wallpaper tool?

Actually it might just refer to debug options. Ugh. It’d be so nice to have an error codex for this game.