Concerns with the Necromancer class in Diablo 4

Dear Blizzard devs,

I wanted to share my feedback on the current state of the Necromancer class in Diablo 4. Having played the beta, I believe that the Necromancer is currently broken and overpowered compared to other classes. While I appreciate the unique playstyle and mechanics of the Necromancer, I believe that its current state makes it difficult for other classes to compete in terms of damage output and overall effectiveness.

Specifically, I believe that the Necromancer’s minions are too powerful and are able to clear content too quickly, which makes other classes feel underwhelming by comparison. Additionally, I believe that the Necromancer’s abilities and passives provide too much survivability, which makes it difficult for enemies to pose a serious threat to the class.

I understand that the game is still in development and that changes may be made before the official release. However, I wanted to share my concerns with the Necromancer in the hopes that they can be addressed before the game’s release. I believe that balancing the Necromancer will be crucial for ensuring that all classes feel viable and enjoyable to play.

Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback. I look forward to seeing the final version of Diablo 4 and hope that my concerns can be addressed before its release.

ChatGPT summarized for me

I disagree with all of this.

One of the drawbacks to the 2 button system they implemented was that you get minions early. Like is usually the case with minion builds, that makes them very strong early. However it’s also usually the case that they don’t scale well. You can see that even towards the end of the beta, minions without a lot of support lose a lot of their early game power. Not only do other classes catch up, but so do other Necro damage options.

The Necro is overall a pretty squishy class by comparison. Some of these classes can get ridiculously tanky. The beta really makes the frontloaded classes seem better. The incoming damage isn’t that high and many other classes are just more starved for skill points or just can’t access later nodes to really highlight the differences.


You say broken, I say fun.