Closed Beta Feedback / Bug reports

While my overall experience with the Diablo IV closed beta was a blast, some bugs were encountered on the way. I’ll try my best to list them all:

  • While playing as a sorceress with Teleport skill, right before hitting Alabaster Peak for the first time, where you have to wait at the gate for someone to open it up to you, I managed to teleport right at the closest point possible to the skill disable area and I think that didn’t trigger the NPC loading correctly, so there was no one at the gates to interact with, meaning it remanined closed even after a few minutes passed by. While the gate was closed, I still somehow managed to walk through it (bear in mind that no gates were being displayed, but they were indeed closed) and took a walk at the city, where no other NPCs were loaded and was pretty much meaningless to walk there. I had to teleport to another point and walk back to trigger the NPC loading and continue with the quest.

  • Sometimes while forward dodging and using mobility skills with all 3 classes (teleport, dash, leap, charge), the game would “bounce” me back, as if I were lagging even though my overall experience was lagless. This happened quite frequently and wouldn’t happen if I walked normally or didnt use those skills too much. I have a feeling that this happened more while exiting cities than on the middle of scenarios.

  • There were quite a few times where I encountered an invisible wall on a valid walking path, forbidding me to keep moving forward and bouncing me back. This happened a few times while walking up a slope on a narrow path right before The Crucible while at level 17 with a Barbarian, but I believe also happened with other classes at other points. Sometimes I was able to push forward by moving sideways a little, sometimes I had to take a completely different path. Couldn’t pinpoint what triggered it.

  • The item comparison, with Shift Key, doesn’t make too much sense to me at the moment. In Diablo 3 you can get an overall comparison of 3 stats: Damage, Toughness, Healing, while Diablo 4 does not give this comparison, so it’s pretty hard to compare, lets say, a low level legendary with a higher level rare item, specially if they don’t have matching stats. How am I supposed to compare +3.5% healing received vs +2 Life On Kill? Which of them gives me more healing? How does a legendary passive compare against +20 All Stats and +20 Intelligence? The current item comparison doesn’t even give a straight number difference between Item Power, it mostly goes to armor and general stats.

  • While equipping new itens, I’ve noticed that your stats doesn’t update right away, they kind of keep ramping up untill a climax is achieved, taking a few seconds to do so. Is that by design? If so, that would greatly increase the time to compare items.

  • Overall leveling experience was good to great with all 3 classes, with Mage being BY FAR the easiest/fastest one with chain lightning and Hydras (was able to solo Butcher at level 17 on first attempt). The longest/hardest one was with Barbarian, taking too much damage, having to chase enemies everytime.

  • Frequently I found a bug where when opening the map I couldn’t click anywhere else but the town portal. I was in one city and wanted to tp to another one, only to realize I tped to the same spot. I wanted to click anywhere on the map to highlight my path there, it would highlight straight to town portal. This might happen more frequently when tping from the wilderness/dungeons with T.

  • There were some dungeons with specific areas being two large squares next to each other with entrances around it and in between. I think they depicted an elevator of some sorts or some unusable turning mechanics, like a wheel or something. The bug is that you can’t walk in between those to get from one side to another, even though there is a visible space to do so. You just come accross an invisible barrier that doens’t let you walk through it. This happened every single time I encountered said structures and there was no way to go through the middle gap, just to go around it. Even enemies wouldn’t walk/shoot through it.

  • The major negative point I have right now is that I can’t keep playing Diablo 4 this week and won’t be able to go past level 25 on the next week. xD

I’ll try to update this if I remember anything else. Thanks for the amazing work with this game! Looking forward to keep playing it!