Closed Beta Constructive Feedback - Legendaries

D3 Legendary is not equal to D4 Legendary

  • saw this from dev response and it was kind of an ‘ah-hah’ moment for me
  • Since the same lego star on mini map / iconic ping of legendary occurs
  • maybe you’ve turned us all into Pavlov’s dogs - we hear the ping we know what that should mean. Treat - that’s something really special!! :wink:
  • In dev / designer defense - with the building mechanics, it is something special - its just different from D3 when it drops in D4.

May have confused people to see affix moves to a yellow rare change the item to a legendary

  • personally, I really liked the customization access
  • the ease of building these was/is awesome, I love customizing my build
  • wonder if the result should be ‘something different’ than a legendary
  • if a beta built legendary was turned into ‘something else’ perhaps it separates legendary drops from crafted items… but honestly, I don’t think its necessary
  • I think its more important for players to grasp that D4 legendaries are special not because you will just equip them for something different, but because they are key step in buld progression towards letting you start to build your toon the way you want before you find the uniques and beyond. That’s the learning hump in D4 (I’m guessing.)

Does the ‘built’ legendary cheapen the eauforic feeling of that star on my mini-map and that iconic ping of a lego drop?

  • In my opinion, no - once I realize that a lego drop is not a unique, it’s not a green set, its not primal etc. Its not even what a D3 legendary was - in D4, it’s just a building block component.

Since legendary drops are not uniques - i would hope each ‘tier’ of drop

  • has its own ping and it’s own star / beam of light.
  • I would hope that uniques have their own level of euforic ping and star on the mini-map since they are a step up from legendarys.
  • Maybe folks just need to see how uniques drop and what some of those look like vs. one of each so they ‘get the gear increment levels’.
  • I think one of the uniques I saw ‘leaked?’ was the druid ability that changed its ‘wolves’ to ‘wherewolves’. A few exmaples of those uniques, what they look like in drops and impact to the build could help folks seperate legendary from unique legendary.

Overall, I really like what you’ve done here.

If anything, I ‘wonder’ if the amount of rare to legendary affix customization we see in use in beta at 25 will even be as common at level 50+ when a crafted rare to legendary isn’t the end game hunt… it’s just the stepping stone to the next building incriments. I’m really interested in learning more about that next steps and next builds. How long do players rely on crafting vs. RNG of gear drops for uniques and beyond? I look forward to learning more.

Dev’s and designers should take some pride in how much feedback is coming from beta. You have a treasure here in graphics and it is interesting. The universe is fun and you’ve nailed the setting this time in my opinion. In ARPGs, the item progression / crafting / character building and / investment retained in build are key to getting right. I look forward to learning more.

Thank you,


Legendaries should be removed, or converted to just aspects that can drop which you can use to imprint rather than being an item you can equip.