Client disconnects when fighting in nightmare dungeons

During 5 attempts at trying to complete at nightmare dungeon I kept getting disconnected from the server. It can be at various times in the dungeons. I’ve had it happen in the beginning, middle and just before the main boss fight of the dungeon. I’ve tried different times of the day thinking it could be server overload but that doesn’t seem to be the problem as I’ve been able to complete regular dungeons. This has been occurring quite a bit lately and 5 times today. I have had disconnects at various other times, but that usually also is accompanied by the error code 395002. I started to get that error beginning at the beginning of the new season. All of the disconnects are making the game unplayable.

I was able to get though one regular nightmare dungeon without being disconnected, but when I tried to get through a nightmare Cinder Dungeon, I encountered the disconnect issue. This used up the sigil for that dungeon and returned it to a normal dungeon.

Today as I tried to gate from one city to another, I experienced the disconnect issue. I had just entered the game and there were no other players near me. No error messages just disconnected. I had 4 other disconnects one during a boss battle with another player just as we were about to kill the boss during a Hell Tide event. I did receive the 395002-error code and by the time I was able to log back in the Hell Tide event was just about over and I lost all my shards. And the other player and boss were gone. Had 2 more disconnects during battles with regular enemies and finally gave up on playing.

Well, the newest update did nothing for the disconnect issues. I had 3 disconnect issues that didn’t involve traveling just walking around and fight enemies. This occurred within starting the first 30 minutes of starting the game. Another when I was fighting in an area and 2 other players came into view and another while fighting in a Hell tide event while fighting a large boss. I was going to kill the boss when the game stopped responding then disconnected. There were a couple of other disconnects and only one had the 395002 error code.

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Having the same problem…will have to quit playing this game, I guess.
Sucks when you invest a lot of items to play a dungeon and lose them all over and over again.

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Is it just me? I ran two Nightmares this morning, both times, last mob… start running in place… YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED…

It make me not want to invest time only to be disconnected several times, mostly at end of dungeons…


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