Clan Hell Reapers Recruiting

very fun place to be in i joined nefore d2r seasons lauched and over the 4 years meet a lot of good people and we do nor tolorate any drana,so if this kind your looking for for just dm Perfectnigma on discord at Perfectnigma#4483 for invite to our HellReapers discord and we support both d4 and d2r.

I am currently looking for an active clan. I would like to join if possible. SouleaterfB#1266

Looking for an active clan also. Mcaptain1#1747

Looking for a chill place to game. Maximus@12532

I’ve gotten pretty heavily back into D4 with the latest season and would love to join up with a cool bunch of people to help each other and tackle some of the harder group content. I’m Vorpal#1653 if you’re still recruiting and happy to join discord to apply/communicate further. Thanks!

Seeking more members - we have active daily runs /weekly events in the discord

reach out to TMHxDamien, Enigma or Myself ( Deags#11845 )

Cheers fams

We are still recruiting! :slight_smile:


Looking for a clan to join i am an older gamer and play on a social level but am fairly active when not working.
SoupDragon #2293

Would love to join smittywerben#11296, your battletag doesnt work to message you. Im very active and looking to do endgame tormented bosses!

Interested in joining. Nifs#11896

We are still recruiting! :slight_smile:

we have active daily runs and weekly events in the discord

Cheers fams

Hey I sent you a friend request and you accepted but I may have trouble messaging you in game because i’m a console player. Interested in joining the clan

Hello I’m interested about joining your clan, been a long time diablo fan, started diablo 4 during season 3 been playing since on PC. I sent ya a friend request, my Battletag is MrPunkKid#1304

We are still recruiting! :slight_smile:

Clan still going hard with the new xpac

How many people online at a time do you average?

Im interested, though i cant find a way to message you for the invite.
Spent 20 mins trying to get logged back in. :joy:

Interested, ive played on and off since D3 and now returning. Not sure how to send a DM though.

@llfreyjall @ragnar0361 fried request sent

@t3xb0t we have a lot of people active…we support d2r and d4…we have over 1k people in discord and most are in the guild…for our d4 in game guild I believe we have 147 members currently in it…we actively monitor our in game guild to make sure they are active on d4…they don’t have to live on the game but we do need to see them on if that makes sense