Clan AOD is recruiting all!

Is it application only to join? got a clan we are looking to merge. I have 20 members coming with me.

Hello, Treyvan. We do have an application process. AOD is 18+ and has a well established code of conduct: no trolling, griefing, whining or general jackassery. We do have 1500+ members worldwide and have been around since 1999, like the ad says, it’s worked for a quarter of a century. Register on our website clanaod(.)net and message me directly there (same name, Tranquillo), we can arrange a meet with our clan leads to see about getting your people in with ours. We’d be happy to talk about it at least.

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Were recruiting were well structured and organized, most of us are 30+, full time jobs and kids, we understand busy schedules. Chill and active community.

Good games with great people, join us for the fun. Clanaod(.)net

wonderful community, been a member for many years. The guy who runs the Diablo division is a legend

Bumping for a good clan. Yeah our fearless leader is wonderful lad!

Great clan, great people!

Looking for a great group of people to play with? Grinding alone not all that fun? Then come join us in Angels of Death! Just go to ClanAOD(dot)net and apply. We’ll get you in.

End of the season but not end of the fun! Join angels of death now to wrap up season 1 and in prep for season 2!

I applied in game. Can I join? :wink:

Submitted my application. What next?

Hello Muusic, sadly I don’t see your application. Unless you’ve done so already go to the forums, choose apply now and the drop down will show all our games then choose diablo.

Teamspeak? What is this, 2002?

We have 1500 people, teamspeak supports 1000, discord supports 100.

Hi all, I just applied.

Season 2 is underway! Helltides, vampire-tides, nightmare dungeons, captsones, pvp, 1500 member clan active since 1999. Join us for demon killing fun! Apply at clanaod(dot)net.

Applied. Waiting for response.

Applied on clanaod net thx!

Check your inbox on the website, thanks for your interest!

I just submitted an app on the guild page. I will be waiting for a response.