Clan AOD is recruiting all!

Are you looking for a well structed and organized clan with lots of members and activities? Do you need a new home for SEASON ONE?? Well you’re in luck! Angels of Death are recruiting! Join us for daily Helltides, NM dungeons, world bosses and PvP. A mature gaming community that has existed since 1999 w/ over 2500 members over 18 games! Active teamspeak, Discord & forums. clanaod (dot) net for an easy application!


More people joining all the time, AOD is going strong! Come join us.

I applied online at your website.

We saw that, welcome to AOD!

Hey guys I just registered on the forums. Looking to just the main clan / discord. is DAMONdash#1751

Hey DAMONdash, we actually use teamspeak for our voice communications, if you’re ok with that fill out an application and we will go thru the recruiting process and get you in. Thank you!

Sup AoD, ran with you guys in the Darkfall Days. Was friends with Holden and others… been so long I forgot alot of names. I’m looking for a home for seasons and beyond. Apping now… again :smiley: Used to go by Mantok - still do in some games.

Movin to the top for a great clan

Hi, I just completed the application. I’d like to join your clan because my old clan is pretty much dead already.

Battle Tag: Purge#11363

Bumping again, very active community!

Thats fine with me I like using voice. I’ve made an account on your website but says I don’t have sufficient privileges to post on the forum and apply.

Found u guys in game also and did apply.

applied … montanasky#11834

Hi DAMONdash! Saw your application in game, and declined it for the time being. please go to our website, create a forum account and then click on the “APPLY HERE” at the top of the page and fill out the diablo app. Once you get that done, we’ll get you in the clan.

Bump and join the Angels!

Come and join AOD! We’re super friendly and you’ll always have folks to play with!

Don’t settle like the rest, join the best: ClanAOD(.)net

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Giving this the old bumparoo <3

Super duper bump! Join us!

Thanks for letting me join, its nice to have a base of support to learn about the game, I have learned a lot .