Cinder Drop Rate Shadow Nerfed

There is issue with dev team that no1 is looking into, just why did you nerf sorc and barb? Im main Necro and I get bone nerfs but for real sorc and barbs?


The issue with this Dev team Are you looking it??? They have no Clue what Arpg needs to be FUN


whats with all the nerf, sorc was the worst they dont need much more nerf.



RIP helltides


What about the issue with the game being terrible. Is the dev team looking into that?


i hope they look into the rest of the patch too, thanks for this though


oh they still dropping too often for you? Gotta halt all progression?


how is it that the team somehow manages to screw up the drop rate for something, when all they were supposed to adjust was the cost of something else?

im calling BS that it is an “issue” and they are backpedaling real quick to try and save face considering how bad the patch has turned out to be.


theres not only an issue with helltide cinders bro its the whole game :clown_face:


The issue was they nerfed the drop rate of cinders.


what !? first time i’ve ever seen a blue post about this dumpster fire game

Good thing I don’t care anymore. Stoked to play BG3


I hope the team is also looking into the NEAR UNIVERSAL negative feedback to the patch today.


yes. i know that. and i dont believe it was an accidental issue like they are making it seem.


So it looks like baleful chests in the pvp werent nerfed. Still dropping 900 seeds and an item with a high chance of legendary or unique. Instant respawns. Helltieds are worthless right now. Go spam Baleful chests. Turn off cross play and you’ll hardly see anyone. Look up a baleful chest map online. Flag up. Find tons of loot and uniques.


Are the team also looking into the rest of the abhorrent changes made in this patch?

Show some respect for the people that paid for this game, because right now I would say you are facing a class action lawsuit, the game is basically still in beta, there is so much wrong with it it is absurd and Blizzard seems to refuse to address any of the major issues that are making the game miserable to play

QOL fixes such as:

  • Expanded Inventory space
  • Zoomable minimap
  • Adjustable UI
  • Ability to save specs and gear in wardrobe
  • Ability to refund entire paragon boards (what muppet decided to make it so you have to click 200 times to respec from the first board)
  • Reduced costs to respec

Loot fixes:

  • Fix the discrepancy in item power, we shouldn’t be getting sacred gear at like mid 600 item power in tier 70+ dungeons.
  • Uber unique items such as Doombringer or Shako, why on earth make these so absurdly hard to acquire, it takes zero skill and is just complete random luck, make it accessible to everyone, just a slightly rarer drop than normal uniques, Diablo 3 made loot accessible and it was fun.


  • Don’t limit seasons or anything to 30 dungeons, nobody wants to repeat the same 30 dungeons for several months and make the dungeons random layouts like in Diablo 3, so it doesn’t feel so monotonous.


  • Levelling, there is no reason for it to take so absurdly long to get to 100, before this patch it would probably take a casual gamer 2 months, that’s 2/3 of a season just to hit level cap, after patch I don’t even know, that is not enjoyable, getting to 100 should be easy and the focus should be on finding loot, optimising loot and progressing higher in Nightmare dungeons, Diablo 3 had this right with the rift progression, loot drops and levelling time

Game Client:

  • Memory leak, where gpu utilisation spikes to 100% and framerate drops off, can only be fixed by restarting the client (which is a pain if you are in the middle of a nightmare as when you close the client you lose the nightmare and your elixirs, why aren’t these server side with a duration on them so we can get back in game and still be in our dungeon with our buff)

(There are a lot more that I cannot immediately think of right now but I will add them as I experience them)


This was an awful patch with far too many nerfs.


The devs are aware of an issue with the entire game and patch sucking, and looking into it.


man this is not fun just ran helltide kill like 500 mobs for 125 and let alone all the nerfs Blizz i am taking a break this season


Can they look into the Grandfather sword bug? I’m sure I read in the notes that Barbs that have a name that starts with a K have a 3000% increased drop rate? Thx!!


Hey Pez, any chance for refunds?