Constant complaints here… Most of which seem to boil down do “I don’t find this character hot. This is unacceptable.”
News flash. Not every character in every video game ever needs to be conventionally attractive. On top of that, many characters that get complained about ARE attractive to some people. I find the male druid attractive, and I don’t care if other people dont. Not every character is designed specifically to be attractive to you personally. This seems like a lot of people have expectations from games like wow that every female character is a supermodel with a bikini for armor. That simply breaks immersion. It’s dumb and doesn’t belong in diablo. As it is now there are a diversity of body types across the classes. It is interesting and unique and shouldn’t be changed to appease weirdos who need every single character they ever look at in a video game to be hot
They don’t but there is no reason they can’t be with customization if we so choose. We should be given a wide variety of choices just like real life humans look imo.
I did make my sorc attractive and made her look asian sort of like the D3 wiz. I really like how she looks.
All there really needs to be said.
While the game has cosmetic customization, each character is clearly designed with some specific idea in mind. Which is fine. Making each class look different from one another is a sensible design choice.
I disagree completely. The primary focus of games of this ilk are your avatar, and much prettier/scarier/stronger looking it gets as you progress in power and unlock new wearables.
The best way to get a player invested in the game is to allow them to ‘inhabit’ their representation in the world, and it only makes sense to allow for greater customization in order to make players’ in game ‘skins’ feel closer and more akin…
More options are always better. They did good with customization this time around but even more would be better. The sky should be the limit.
No one is asking for bikini armor or super models, we actually just want our characters to LOOK female and not a man dressed up as one.
It’s all subjective but there should at least be an option to make them more or less attractive. All they did was add in 4 faces to try and cover the majority of racial backgrounds players might have and kind of made them normal faces.
Hopefully in the future we get more character customizations and maybe 2 faces extra for each current one. One being a more attractive version and the other a more scarred, less attractive one. Just give players options and let them choose.
To each their own.
EDIT: The triangle face shaper that Elder Scrolls has might work here.
I don’t know man, the whole “let me speak to your manager” vibe the female druid has going is pretty hot… 
I would like to make the necromancer not look like a late-stage anorexic that would get knocked over by a gentle breeze. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask.
Newsflash, characters are customizable. That means they want to give the people the choice to make them attractive or not attractive.
And by the way, characters also don’t need to be unattractive by the same logic.
Just what the hell is going on here anyway? Why all this hostility towards attractive things?
This is a pointless point of view to make a topic about. How dare people who want to customize their character… want to have control in how they can make their character? You give us like 4 face options of various forms of ugly and then think people are going to be happy? Even WoW was smart enough to at least give the “ugly” races at least ONE pretty face. Like you know that face all vanilla orc and troll females had. While the rest looked like hags.
If you’re going to tell us to be ugly no matter what then why let us customize the character? And I do agree a lot of these faces are pretty bad. Especially the women who look way too masculine or old. Understandable perhaps on a barbarian but why a sorceress? And if you only give us one good face to pick and then you know 90% of the players are going to pick it then its basically like just giving us one. You need to give people options or it is a pointless system.
People throw rocks at things that shine.
Didn’t think Taylor Swift would sneak her way into the D4 forums now did ya?
Probably some ‘woke’ agenda about ‘being real’ and not fostering false perceptions of beauty on the general population. Uglies of the world unite! /s
True. They do not need to be attractive. What they need to be is WHAT THE PLAYER WANTS THEM TO BE. The player is paying for the game. If the player wants their character to be attractive, they should be able to do that, if they want to be ugly, that should be an option too, short, tall, thin, fat, everything should be an option. Every player should be able to make a unique character.
People are always trying to gotcha others by saying “not every character is there for you to f4p to”. That’s not the issue. I want a character that makes me feel like: “Damn, it would be interesting to be this character.”
There is nothing interesting for majority of people when locked into playing a middle-aged obese post-menopause Karen that is somehow able to dash. It is not about sexuality. There are so very few people who would like to be like this. It’s just not nice to look at for most people.
Have seen literally no one make this argument. There’s a difference between wanting character customization and whatever white knight crusade you seem to be making up in your head. It’s not about being hot. It’s about not looking like you have never left the house and how unrealistic that is for the life of an adventurer.
They don’t need to be attractive, literally 0 people are saying that, you keep saying people are saying that, but that’s your idiotic cope. What people are saying is that the characters are cartoonish or terribly designed. The druids are obese, literally obese, not “strong muscular with a small layer of fat” just actual f***ing land whales who look like they should be running around sanctuary in wolf drawn mobility scooters. Hell, the “female” druid looks like a dude (or at the very least like Ogre Fiona from shrek without the green skin). Necromancer has literally no breasts, not small breasts, none. Flat as a board, they’re emaciated sure, but there’s other tissue and it just looks awful. It’s not a character that is interesting to look at it is actively displeasing to look at. In a game where we have customization and we’re not playing a specific character but are making OUR avatar it’s really bad to lack in body customizations, and failing that to have such extreme outliers for the defaults.
Yes, yes, they do, or else I won’t play one.
These days it seems like the companies design the male faces first, then run the face through a filter to make it female. Like division, but some of the faces here look like that too.
That said, my fembarb looks awesome. 
It’s fine too keep body types locked to certain classess,if they extend it a little further it will not change the class personality , i mean the dudu could have a little more fit body type and barbarian could have more bulky options.
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