Chance to đŸ§± 4 options twice = 44.5% (5 is 57%)

I truly believe, you believe this. That’s all that matters, have a good day sir.

As in 4/4 items you mean past seasons? Because I’ve maxed 3 chars in season 1 and not 1 maxed 3ga item yet this season.

Step 1 to fixing tempering is making all recipes have 3 choices only. Or alternately give you the ability to block options so you are only rolling against 3.

They are way more rare.

If say 3GA is more common, however if you want to not break it then it is instantly way harder than perfect item before S4.

The amount of RNG is just stupid at this point.

I laugh on that calculations .
When you people understand that pure RNG do not exists in Diablo 3 and 4

They always put dirty monkey hands on this engine to “tweak” a little bit to worse effect roll.

Is this really necessary to put me down like this??? You realize how much time and effort and 100+ creative posts I have done to try and improve D4 for everyone?

Its still very new. Its going to take some time to have the :brick: effect just like when game was first out getting massive good reviews then in 3 months it all turned.

When tempering is inevitably changed I will take a victory lap along with others building brick houses.

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I appreciate your work. i’m sure others do as well. thank you.

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Yes, 4/4 is a S0-S3 term for an item that dropped with all 4 most desired affixes naturally on the item. Max 4/4 means the same but with the highest values available.

It’s almost impossible to get the right odds for a max 4/4 item because it would require the odds of getting every possible outcome in every affix available for that item. So you’d need to know how many variations of 6%-9% you can get, as well as every other stat. In a 6%-9%, you can theoretically have 30 different results on that one affix, and then you’d need the others to get something like:

=(1/total outcomes) x (1/(total outcomes-1)) x (1/(total outcomes-2)) x (1/(total outcomes-3))

“total outcomes” would be something like 1,000 or more to get max rolls. To give you how low the odds of that happening are, Google Sheets just shows 0 because it can’t display the actual result (without changing column display settings). Which is why we don’t really talk about max 4/4 items in the context of comparison. The odds are just so absurdly low. Something like 0.0000000001% chance.

That said, let’s look at 3GA items. We don’t have exact numbers but I’ve seen people on the forums say 1 in 100 items, some say 1 in 400 (other than me). Then there’s some outlier that said 1 in 20,000 item drops. Based on my own documented drop tracking I’m led to believe roughly 1 in 400 items will be a 3GA item, but for fairness let’s say 1 in 1,000. I don’t want anyone thinking I’m being too friendly to the GA system.

If 1 in 1,000 items are 3GA and the odds of getting 3/3 are 0.0171998624% chance then the odds of a 3GA item that you want is 0.00001711999%. Again, this is with an openly UNREALISTIC drop chance.

4/4 ring: 0.0000372256%
3GA ring: 0.0000171999%

Now, let’s do the math with the results I’ve actually tracked based on picking up only legendary items until my bag is full and marking how many were 1, 2, or 3 GA items compared to a full bag, over and over and over again:


So you’re actually going to get 1.16 desired 3GA items compared to a non-max 4/4 item from the old drop system. It’s hilarious that I have better odds at getting the BiS rolls now than just any old result before. Again, more likely to have a max 3GA item than a mid ring with 4/4.

Getting a desired max 4/4 item
 you’ll get like 5,000 desired 3GA items before you get 1 single max 4/4 item.

I just showed you the math. You’re wrong.

Then this is your inability to understand how the calculations work. Like I wrote in my first comment
 affix rolls are weighted now, just like they were before. So having identical math in both equations is unnecessary. If the old results weren’t weighted then you’d have a point, but right now you’re just making yourself look uneducated.

You’re not trying to improve D4 for everyone, you’re trying to improve it for yourself. Don’t kid yourself. So am I; so is everyone else. You’re not doing it out of the goodness of your heart, for some nebulous “other”.

Furthermore, the way you do it invokes a sense of Peter and the Wolf - you spray so far and wide that even if Blizzard were inclined to take feedback from the forums in the first place, I’m not sure they’d even bother to open the hundreds of threads you start with random nonsense in them.

The game wasn’t ever popular in the eyes of players; it had a metascore of ~2 after a week. For an ARPG to retain its full players (or more) for more than a month after a season release is astounding in the context of steam history; PoE frequently has bleed 50% or more of its starting players by this stage in a season.

Tempering may change, because squeaky wheels eventually get grease, but it won’t be as a result of a mechanical necessity. As I’ve said multiple times, it makes no difference to me; tempering is perfectly fine as it is, but if it gets even easier I’m good with that too. The complaint threads won’t go away though; they’ll just be replaced with a different cohort of players whinging about how easy the game is instead.

EDIT: somone how I messed this response up.

But even when you get what you want its not very satisfying IMO.

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Bro I have over 100 improvement posts for the game with ones that address things like goblins, cellars, helltides, events, dungeon affixes, ect.

These have nothing to do controversial tempering changes.

Do I need to post my table of contents?

And you are saying I just do that for me?

Why do you judge me so unfairly?

Im very close to muting u. U are being unfair and hateful.

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I mean if you keep it the way it is those players with the “attitude” will go to better games. If they tweak tempering to be less bad rng stacked on top of already heavy rng weights then these same players will be more happy and it wont effect the people that want it to stay the same. The people that want it to stay as is just want people to be unhappy

I don’t think tweaking tempering will fix it for people who don’t like bricking because bricking will still happen, just less.

I think to make those people happy (this is self serving) They need to filter items in a way that doesn’t involve throwing every item you pick up into a woodchipper and hope it bounces back out.

Agree. I just reached end game, loving the bricking on tempers and softbricking on re-rolling affixes. Great piece of gear, having to stop rerolling affixes at 10 million cost,then trying to pray for good tempers, then it bricks even harder.

This has been an improvment over last couple seasons, but some more tweaking would be nice.

Yes, you do it just for you. How many of the changes are things you think are good for other people but that you personally wouldn’t like? The answer is zero.

Part of your weird behavior (and it is weird - very, very weird) is you trying to mould the game into the game you want - this part is fine. As I said, everyone does it. The other part is you trying to create this weird persona on the forum where you are
 i guess, some influential, popular figurehead of “the community” or something. Maybe you want the green text? I don’t know. It’s like that whole weird thing where you declare iggy “president of the forums” or whatever; that was a great externalisation of how you see the forums as an important part of your ego, I guess.

There are plenty of other people who have post counts as ridiculously high as yours, but let me ask you - how many of them have started remotely close to the same number of threads as you? And why do you think that is? Most people have learned through normal social interaction to temper (lol) their thoughts vs what they present to the outside world. They know that for the 100+ ideas they may have that they think are good, if they spat them out to their collegues or friends people would start rolling their eyes around 10 and telling them to shut up around 20.

It’s now the case that it doesn’t actually matter if you have good ideas or not; you’ve presented so much garbage that unless someone directly agrees with the premise, they just aren’t going to engage with the thread. Hence; Peter and the Wolf.

Ok well I have heard enough. The idea I have 100 improvement posts just to improve the game for just myself is preposterous. I do it for everyone. Anyone doing it for themselves would have given up eons ago.

Also I made an AH support post even though i support D3 trade method so wrong again not 0. :x::x::x:

The notion I think I am high and mighty because of post counts or giving props to Iggy is a lie.

I try to have fun and provide some ideas to balance the salt i give on other times.

You have decided to anoint yourself judge and have judged my ideas as trash and selfish while not even reading them.

You are not worth my time anymore.

You sir truly are Pathological.


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This is the definition of a player problem. When the outcome of player feelings doesn’t meet the mathematical results the problem is the player.

The fact is most people are playing with the current system and only a tiny minority is complaining. That most of those complaints are not based in reality makes it even more of a player issue. Like the person that replied and said 3GA items are rarer than 4/4 items even though it’s been shared on the forums that mathematically they aren’t. People shouldn’t have to constantly reiterate the facts because people “have feelings”. In any other field, a person that ignores reality is looked upon as an idiot, or worse.

Given the circumstances, Diablo 4 is meeting your set expectations but you seem to “feel” it’s not. The only thing that changed is you have to pull a lever a couple times instead of autoplay. You can still win big and you can still fail. The math supports that the game pays out more now and the pots are bigger. So even if you don’t get the highest of the high result you have still won more than before.

Like I said above, you need to fail 33 times to be worse off than before (even though failing is still better than before). So why is that so hard for people to get through their heads? Talk about psychological, people are just in tears because they didn’t win the jackpot the first pull of the lever. And those same people are making post after post after post whining about it.

you are doing good Urza, again I will thank you for it.

Dude he is right. Your posts, your stick, your whole persona are the very definition of cringe.