Chain Lightning... ? Hello ?!

I actually did, i played closed beta last year and it was VERY fun mid-late game (late game being level 60+)

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Oh wow! Awesome! Well I’ll take your word for it.

Yeah I’m not going to play this game too seriously until its fixed. I’ll probably casually play through season 1 on a new char, but POE gonna stay the main game unless they make some major changes and probably need staff turnover.

That’s what i was thinking until i tried other builds lol. Chain lightning is at best playable until tier 3.
I created second sorc because i wanted to try flame wall, ice shards and arc lash for leveling, then i played rogue and i can tell you any other sorc build is better for leveling. I won’t mention rogue cuz rogue is so insanly well balanced you can play any core skill and just destroy anything on your path.

I’m sorry but saying “ice shards does more damage than chain lightning” is a joke. It does multiple times more damage and that is a problem. I’m not expecting them to balance everything perfectly but the difference between builds should be 5-15% not 300-500% as it is now.

I Start playing since Day 1 a Druid lightning storm until level 80 without this Cursed Drop item Tempest Roar, it was great but it was lacking very hard in boss dps, then i try a Chain lightning sorcerer and oh god Sorcerer CL is so smooth its dealing 3 time more damage than lightning storm have much better single target and ok tier clear speed, the only avantage to my druid lightning storm is in big pack and close area monster get oblitared but in boss you need to rely on your ultimate and if you don’t kill boss in time good luck.

I have play all Lightning skill:

Sorcerer Chain Lightning is much better in DPS but also very weak in survability because we don’t have access to fortify.
Sorcerer Charged Bolt… unique is trash, projectile are too slow, 30% chance to target enemies with aspect on amulet, mana regen with this skill is very hard which make it not viable.
Druid Lightning Storm insane clear speed in close area thanks to Lightning Dancer Aspect but the boss/elite without any monster to proc Lightning Dancer is a pain to play its so slow but its very tanky thanks to fortify

I also did solo T4 capstone dongeon arround level 60 with my Sorcerer CL and don’t have much problem with T4 elite compared to my Druid where i struggled a lot until a reach level 70.

So i don’t understand people crying over Sorcerer being weak or even Chain Lightning being the worst core skill etc because that not true at all yeah its have a lot of problem like your forced to play frost nova because we don’t have the same exploit glyph as other class is a pain to the build diversity.

Chain Lighting is the best speedfarming build hands down. High speed plus low cooldown teleport gives lightning the best movement speed in the game.

Chain Lightning is also extremely damage efficient. For instance, druid tornados are slow, after they kill an enemy, they’d be doing 0 damage until they slowly moved to the next mob. Chain Lightning doesn’t have this problem. When farming helltide, I constantly walk up to packs that are half finished because Chain Lightning (or Lightning Spears) have no trouble making it off screen.

So the problem is, if Chain Lightning did equal damage to the current OP builds, Chain Lightning’s efficiency would just blow everything else away.

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They could fix that by nerfing ice shards, buffing CL or a combination of both, and the decision between those depends on whether CL is playable or not. If the only way to tell that CL isn’t good is to compare it to something better, that doesn’t seem like a high priority. If no one is playing it at high levels, then I suspect they will buff it when they start buffing high level play, but the stuff they did buff was way getting way less play than CL.

I played Ice shard, flame wall and all rogue core skills. Chain Lightning is nowhere near any of those and i will repeat myself. I’m not expecting blizzard will balance everything perfectly. But if respecing makes me do 5 times more damage its just stupid.

btw. I can tell you never played chain lightning past level 40 because it is painfull to kill any pack that has more than 5 enemies.

edit: if chain lightning is “the best speedfarming build hands down” why is noone playing it? :smiley: Unless you speak about Unstable Currents + Crackling Energy build.
Then it has nothing to do with chain lightning because you just use any spark spell and the damage comes from Unstable Currents and Crackling Energy makes cd shorter (and even this build is a lot worse than ice shards or flame wall).

Bold Assumption. See for yourself:


Chain Lighting does drop off between 40 and 60, but picks up again once you get some levels in the Destruction Glyph.

  1. Link doesn’t work.
  2. I played chain lightning till around lvl 82.

no build should be balanced around how good it clears helltides man that’s just whack you walk through it with anyone.

I’m not smart enough to find a way around Blizzard preventing me from posting links, so I was hoping you were smart enough to put in the : after the https.

I played Chain lightning to 100, before the buffs to exp.

Show me 1 guy past level 90 that play chain lighnitng build. And i mean based on chain lightning not unstable currents.

My chain lightning sorc was critting 4k on vulnerable mobs.
My frost specc’d sorc is critting 70k on vulnerable mobs.

Not even a choice.

No need to be mean. What i meant by “Link doesn’t work” is that i can’t see any stats on items and i can’t see your build (paragons or even skill tree).
But i would assume you play unstable currents build not chain lightning. Because the damage comes from unstable currents.

Like I said, their focus appears to be on lower level play, not balancing max/near max characters. They are buffing things that don’t get used at all, not things that don’t get used above level 90. And if you have to qualify it by saying that CL should be the focus of the build, then that means it’s even less needed than, say, incinerate buffs.

Excuse me but that totaly stupid to say, don’t play with this X skill because if you play with it you don’t play Chain Lightning build… i can do it too: I assume you play Frost Nova build not Ice shards…

Im actualy level 77 and deal 40k crit without vulnerability, and arround 100k crit with vulnerability so the damage is there its not meta but who care i clear T4 NM without any problem ok i don’t push because there is no utility to push NM with my level and bad stuff but i destroy everything why should i care about those so called meta trash build doing X damage compared to CL.


The paragon board isn’t complete (I did the last few adjustments on the fly), but it has all the glyphs.

Also, I can see your next comment “You don’t use vulnerability, LOL”. When farming content nearly the same level, Vulnerability just slows down your kill speed. Replacing Mystical Frost Nova with Invoked Lightning Spear is much faster. You don’t need Vulnerability unless you want to tackle things NM Tier 61+.

I’ll tell you why Blizzard think chain lightning is good, because they probably “Q’Aed” the spell up till level 10 which is fair if they did because that’s the only time this spell is actually good

Don’t you find it funny that both of those spells were deleted from the game because some famous content creator said that it’s “OP” altho the testing was literally till level 20?

It’s just so stupid when Blizzard listens to those imbeciles