Chain Lightning... ? Hello ?!

Chain Lightning does less damage at 5/5 than Arc Lash despite potentially hitting fewer enemies and Arc Lash having a chance to double swing. That’s comparing it to a basic that has no mana cost. Comparing it to Ice Shards is even sadder.

None of the open beta Sorc nerfs were justified. Blizzard had to know this based on closed beta end-game testing, but they wanted to appear like they were listening, so they did a PR stunt open beta balance patch rather than listening to any of the end-game feedback from the actual end-game beta (which included things like the infinite WW damage bug that they didn’t fix until after release).

Hydra would not have been a huge end-game powerhouse pre-nerf. It actually needed buffs to be an end-game contender and they nerfed it heavily instead.

Ice Blades builds likely wouldn’t have been meta because their damage output was bad. Maybe as a HC higher survival build it would have been nice, but pre-nerf it was not a damage powerhouse and wouldn’t have competed with the end-game meta build damage output of any other class and likely not even with things like ice shards.


Ehm, as far as I can tell, there are no good sorcerer core skills. You either arc lash or, well, arc lash. Okay, okay, ice shards when you have all the stats to keep your mana infinite, but even then.

I was going to play chain lightning like Enki’s Arc Witch in PoE. I love this build, it used to be fun.
And guess what? My sorc feels like… uhm… you know what.

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They care a lot less about whether it is “good” by some arbitrary standard and a lot more about whether anyone is playing it.

They will, 1 percentage point at a time