Cash shop fomo price total

So to update this with each new week this is the new total if you want everything, 456.98. this is cash shop items only not the other items outside of the cash shop. also this week we saw 7 new items drop 3 for necro, 2 for rogue and 2 for sorc. several items rotated down to the 4 bundle per week deal.

I dont even see the new store. :frowning:

hit p and the new items are the host of chaos
elder symbology
weights and measures
blood for money
viscera maven
duality manifest
triune apostate

Nothing for druid, just checked. :frowning:

Did anything even rotate out at all? Or did they only add new things

yes some items are gone like the otem of urus for barbarian and the atonement measures for druid. nothing from necro is missing and it doesnā€™t appear anything from rogue/sorc/necro is missing yet. as for the mounts at the bottom not sure as i bought all mount stuff last week.

Isnā€™t Genshin Impact like $25,000.00? Yes 25K. like $444 for each character.

Yeah, nah. Iā€™ll give it all a miss. Not even remotely value for money. The whole lot as per the OP would be around $AUD 600 with GST included. American companies rarely charge the same price to foreign countries though so weā€™d be looking at closer to $AUD 800. Iā€™d have to look at the market place because Iā€™m pretty sure it lists $AUD prices for us.

Edit: How many Platinum does it cost for everything? 11500 Platinum costs $AUD 149.95 at the moment.

Week 2 Items:
|necro|viscera maven|
|necro|duality manifest|
|necro|triune apostate|
|rogue|weights and measures|800|
|rogue|blood for money|2000|
|sorc|the host of chaos|
|sorc|elder symbology|

known items missing from week 1:
barbarian totem of ursus
druid atonement measures

Week 1:
|barbarian|death toll|
|barbarian|ill-gotten gains|
|barbarian|The lionā€™s Share|
|barbarian|the lion of arreat|
|barbarian|totem of ursus|
|druid|thorns of penitence|
|druid|atonement measures|
|druid|heir to the sea|
|druid|sunken treasures|
|druid|watcher in the wilds|
|mount|weight of gold|
|mount|bloodfiend advent|
|mount|backish fetch|
|mount|three-fold nightmare|
|mount|deathā€™s burden|
|necro|wraith lord|
|necro|desert datura|
|necro|death throes|
|necro|death in hawezar|
|rogue|raised by wolves|
|rogue|dressed to kill|
|rogue|tools of the hunt|
|rogue|blight warden|
|sorc|magic of the sands|
|sorc|fratured magic|
|sorc|sorceric binding|

Total Platnium to buy everything including week 1 items that are missing: 51900, 4 bundles of the 11.5k plat, 1 bundle of the 5700 bundle and the crypt hunter (800 plat).

I donā€™t see any incentive to buy skins so far, the game has enough variations to play with.

Or maybe Iā€™m not cosmetics because I tend to play SP.

Bruh it is a game about fighting literal hell. It should be grim dark and just have barely a sliver of hope. D3 looked like a cartoon. What do you think a world dominated by a demonic force would look like?

Ok, thatā€™ll cost $AUD 675. So not quite $AUD 800. Iā€™d probably pass even if it was 10% of that. Skins simply arenā€™t worth that much.

So far, to me at least, all of the gear sets are ugly af.

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I doubt this will matter for most people, but the curiosity got the better of me, and my CC was almost paid off anyway. So hopefully if nothing else this helps someone else make a decision one way or the other. IF you bought everything the first week, there is much, much less available to you in the second week. Less than a 1/3rd as many items.

So, if you ARE a obsessive compulsive completionist, the initial investment is heavy, but given how the rotations seems to be working, you will likely never have to spend anything close to that again in subsequent weeks.

As promise i am updating this weekly
didnā€™t see a update shop yesterday 6/12 shop updated today 6/13
1 new item
Barbarian beastmane 1700
bringing the total plat needed for everything 53600,
also it appears if you miss some items and bought other items on display in the top area it will refill with older items (did this last week and got some repeated items back in there).
final note shop updates tmrw 6/14 instead of a week from now like previous show updates

So can people really not control themselves? You would think the money would be better suited going toward a therapist who could help curve the spending addiction.

some people have money to burn some do have additicion issues. i only put the updates on here now so people know the total you have to spend to buy everything that has been displayed so far.