Can't gift Vessel of Hatred

So I want to send VOH to my friend as a gift, but the option to do so isn’t available. Will it become available later on or…?


i was also wondering this…hopefully just an oversight

Too bad I’m not your friend, sir. Eh :cry:


Can i be your friend? You are a god damn legend :heart:


ngl a vessel of hatred sounds like something truck drivers make when they don’t want to stop at a rest stop to use the bathroom

a memory that I had locked away just came back to me :rofl: I think I threw one of those out of a window on the jersey turnpike way back in college :rofl:


What’s the reason you can’t buy it, bro?
I can’t because all the ways are closed for it :frowning_face:

Seeing on steam that the DLC is non refundable, they probably are limiting themselves to avoid having to deal with fraud CC chargeback.

i want to buy this for my wife for our anniversary but doesn’t allow me to gift. please Blizzard, implement gifting please! our anniversary is next week!

Man, my wife would cry herself to sleep if I bought her a game for an anniversary gift. :rofl:

Not knocking you for doing that of course, some wives love isometric ARPGs and gaming broadly, but not mine. :sob:

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You should be able to gift her the battlenet balance she can use to buy the pc version. Just be sure to send enough for any taxes or fees your location charges.


That’s typical of 99% of DLC. The only time I was able to refund DLC anywhere is when it flat-out didn’t work. I forget the game, but it was a $10 DLC that broke the base game. Took 2 weeks to get a refund - and then it got patched a week later. I didn’t re-buy, just cut my losses.

Entire thing disgusted me, and I realized after 2 weeks of not playing, I didn’t need that game anymore.

unfortunately, the person I’m trying to gift is Canadian, and it says I can’t gift bnet balance because I’m american and she can’t receive bnet balance in my currency. Would be real great to have the gift option for pre-purchase like we had for pre-ordering D4 last year.

Ugh. That is horrible that they can’t do that. I know why, I think, but it sucks. I was gifted D4 last year as well.

I THINK that the reason they don’t do it, is that when buying the expansion it checks that your account has the base game on it first. Otherwise it won’t let you buy it. When gifting it can’t do that check maybe? Also I am hearing reports of it being non-refundable (not sure if that is true or a glitch) which would be an issue.

The usual work around is Bnet Balance but, yeah, currency needs to match as well as Region.

I am so sorry to hear you can’t gift it to your friend. That is very kind of you to try though!


just use the same code they did when gifting Diablo 3 Expansions.

When a product has several content versions (bundles), it’s often not giftable because the system doesn’t know what content version the recipient has, so it can’t make any necessary discount calculations for the gifter.

Thus like MC said, the way to gift those kinds of products is to gift Battlenet balance (with taxes and such included).

how come The War Within Expansion can be gifted?

also Black Ops 6 can be gifted as well. as far as I know, this also have 2 bundles. and WoW has 3 bundles.

Probably because the past 20 years of WoW are all free now. The base game, and every expansion is accessible for just a Subscription. People only have to pay to play the new content while it is “new”. So there is no “prior game version” requirement for War Within. I think even the base expansion for WoW, comes with Dragonflight (current expansion) free. After War Within releases, Dragonflight will be rolled into the base game and not require a purchase, just a sub.

I don’t have any idea on Black Ops 6 as I don’t play those. Although I just threw away a CoD 2 demo CD I found in a box of papers. Heh. It would be based on game requirements. If it is stand alone, or the previous content is free to download, it would be easy to gift. No need to check the Bnet account for the other games first.

That’s a good question. I don’t know how Bliz has the sales set up behind the scenes.

That’s Activision’s jurisdiction. I have no idea how they admin their sales or code their bundles.

I mean, we do know sort of. I explained it :slight_smile:

You were talking about previous WoW expansions becoming free. I agree that would likely not pose a problem with gifting.

However haXudon is talking about the three individual versions of TWW itself being giftable, whereas the three versions of Vessel of Hatred (and several other multiple version products) are not giftable.