Cannot even start D4 on my laptop

Since Season 4 started, I have been unable to play the game on my laptop. My desktop works (Mostly) fine, but my laptop will not even completely log me into the game.

When starting the game, I start logging in and the world starts loading. Most times, this is where it completely freezes up and will not load. Then, IF I do get into the game, I constantly have freezing issues. I have changed all graphics settings to the lowest, updated my video card (Nvidia 1650), made sure my computer is up to date, and changed as many settings as I can think of and I always have issues. It will freeze up sometimes up to about 15-20 seconds then allow me to continue. It freezes changing zones, and if I teleport, especially to Kyovashad, I will get disconnected from the game. I have no idea what to do to fix this issue so any help is appreciated!

I hope this laptop has an SSD and the game is installed on it.

Sounds like it needs more speed, memory, or other performance adjustments.

What model/brand of laptop?

It does. an NVMe SSD. It’s an ASUS Tuf Gaming laptop w/ an AMD Ryzen 5 3550H. And like I said, Nvidia 1650 card.

It has been running just fine up until the start of season 4. There is nothing that should be causing these issues. It is definitely something that has happened with the game that is causing this problem.

While many claim that, this is not the case. Otherwise it would have affected more players.

It may have coincided with the updates sure. But ultimately (and your own first posts states this) it doesn’t affect everyone or every setup the same.

While I have had issues with the removal of frame gen and its impact on the performance of using RT features, that is the only impacts I have encountered. Of course those won’t affect someone running a 1650.

I myself run an MSI entry-ish level gaming laptop. Features an 11th gen i5, 32GB of DDR4, NVMe 1TB SSD and SATA based 2TB SSD, and a 3050Ti.

That will run the game fairly well. I am not using the high res packs, no point since there is no 1440p+ display, and currently not using RT on it either. DLSS @ Balanced.

It is capped to 60FPS and plays fairly well. It is running a recent version of the driver, but not the latest version.

In comparison to my desktop, which is a few tiers above, both in CPU and GPU, but its running at full ultra, with DLSS @ DLAA, and most of the RT features enabled, carrying a solid 100FPS @ 1440p.

Any machine that is having issues can be resolved, as its 95% of the time a matter of getting the right settings configured. The other 5% is usually some sort of hardware issue. Even if its the only game causing it.

That all said, I know its frustrating when these things are going on.

You can review some suggestions I have posted here to see if there is anything you haven’t tried yet:

-Game crashing after Nvidia Update - #14 by DTMAce-1687

Instructions for some of them are here:

-Game freezing/crashing literally every 1-2 minutes. I can't play - #11 by DTMAce-1687

same problem here with an intel notebook i7 11370h - since s4 started i have problems with loading after char selection - it loads infinitely then disconnect or crash - 1 of 10 times it works and i can play for 10 hours without problems (but 10 sec freezes occur sometimes) - problem occurs only on notebook -pc have no issues

I definitely want to thank you for this, changing the paging size allowed me to finally get into the game, but I am still having A LOT of freezing issues while in the game. I mean about 20-25 seconds at a time.

I have tried older drivers, some of them did not even let me in the game, and even clearing my localprefs.ini as well. Doing that, the game executed flawlessly, I got through all of the options, the video loaded instantly, but the issue comes in as soon as I connect to the game. Sometimes, the character screen stutters and takes a while to load, then I have about a 1 minute load time, get into the game, then the 20-25 second freezing ensues if I open a menu, change zones, or try and hop on the horse.

Are you by chance using WiFi?

See if you can turn off the WiFi and use a network cable (Cat 5/6) connected directly to the internet modem/router, even as a test. Then see if the issue continues with the cable instead.

If that fixes it, then you need to figure out what is going on with your WiFi network. If you have a lot of devices connected to it and its a lower tier device, you could have issues with the network handling the device traffic load on Wireless.

The more devices connected, the worse this gets. Less than 10 at the same time, probably be okay on most routers. 10+ and you start running into issues.

If the router has multiple antenna arrays, that helps. Mine for example has 8 antennas, and can carry several individual WiFi networks on 2 different bands. But its a $300 router. TP-Link AX6000. Actually aged now, as it doesn’t have WiFi 7 support, but it can carry a lot of hardware at once. They still sell between 200-250.

But that aside, give that a go and see if it helps. You should have enough raw power to run the game okay, even if its a GTX 1650 Mobile.

Thank you for that. I will give that a try. I have a mesh system (house is pretty widespread and was the best fit for most things) that I installed. I will try hard wire and see if that makes a difference.

Thank you again, you are a godsend! I read a lot of your support fixes, and to say you’re awesome for helping like this is an understatement for sure!

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Mesh networks can be great if they are optimized and positioned correctly throughout the home.

I have installed some rather large mesh networks in the past year, one has 5 units, the other 4.

The trick is to place the units in position where they can make their internal mesh connection reliably.

You want to try to avoid mesh routers chaining to each other whenever possible. Example, the initial device is on one end of the house, and you use two or three others in a row to extend the network.

Ideally, you want the main unit as central to the home or building as possible and use the others as a bridge placed between where you want the coverage to reach and where the main unit is. Not in the place you want to reach. Otherwise you are moving the problem of having a weak WiFi signal to the mesh part of the router instead and causing them to have issues talking to each other.

I do a lot of network setups. lol