Game crashing after Nvidia Update

Nvidia release 555… driver.

Try to set in LocalPrefs file from Diablo IV folder in Documents directory - DisableChromaEffects “0” in DisableChromaEffects “1”. Save and start the game again.

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this still did not work for me :frowning:
Still crashing on startup

BUMP this up. This fixed the crash issue

Did not fix it for me.

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Did not fix it for me either

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Here is a shortlist of things that have affected the game since launch you can check for to see if they help:

  • intel direct storage (dstorage.dll file in the Diablo IV installation directory) rename or delete it.

  • Crossplay (for both play and communication) disable them.

  • Logitech keyboard/mouse software - try removing or shutting down.

  • Razer keyboard/mouse/headphone software - same.

  • Peripheral Lighting (ChromaEffects) disable this in the game, or by using the method described above.

  • GPU Scheduling - This is enabled in Windows.

  • nVidia Experience - Specifically regarding the use of gaming profiles. May need to reset/clear the profile, or potentially do a driver install using the clean install check mark option.

  • Windows Graphic Settings - There are specific graphic settings in Windows for games. Same section as the GPU Scheduling. Use High Performance (Your Video card Model)

  • CPU/GPU overclocking - Essentially making sure your CPU/GPU are not overclocked or are running at proper defaults. This affects primarily 13th and 14th gen CPUs.

  • CPU Affinity - You can set the Affinity of the game to a specific core (or cores) of the CPU. This is done via the task manager under details by right-clicking the EXE of the game while it is running. It has to be done manually each time its launched.

  • Swap File Size - This refers to swap memory settings. Setting the swap file to a custom size can help the system performance and prevent out-of-memory issues. Minimum suggested setting is 16GB (16384MB) for minimum and maximum size (set both to the same value).

  • Previous or earlier driver - Essentially either revert or remove and install an older version of the card driver. Instructions and driver removal tool can be found here :

  • Ray Tracing - Disable RT for now in your game.

  • Scan/Repair - Do a scan and repair of your game installation.

  • SSD - Make sure you are running the game from an SSD only.

  • Network - This game can be problematic on some WiFi network system cards. Whenever possible always try to play from a hardwire connection. Wireless networking can muck up connection reliability and cause ping spikes, drops, or other problems.

  • Compatibility Mode - This happens occasionally. You open the installation folder, right click-properties the game EXE file, and make sure its not set to run in compatibility mode. Same for the Battlenet Launcher.

  • Clean installation - This game uses a custom CASC file system (within its data files). As the game is patched and updated, this system can fragment. Occasionally its a good idea to fully delete the game folder and re-install the game to fix that fragmentation.

  • Interfering programs - You may need to review running programs that are active at the same time as the game. One could be causing some issues simply by running while playing. You can eliminate programs by shutting them down and running the game while they are not in use.

I will add some other suggestions as I remember them. There were a LOT of small things that could fix a lot of the same problems.

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DTMAce, you are my hero !!! :+1:

Yesterday evening played just fine ! No more freezing ! I love you, my champion.

Geforce 1050. Fully resolved, running fast and stable.

PS next time il think twice before updating drivers.

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How did u fix it mate?

January driver.
All links given by DTMAce above.

555.85 definitely problematic. Crashing after portaling to tree in Hawezar. Crashed again after going to helltide in Hawezar and fighting 1 mob there.

Note on this: You only need to delete the \Data folder while the app is closed and Agent is not running (and make sure to empty the recycle bin before starting up the app afterward. The Data folder contains the index and data files.

Another note regarding out of memory errors - having a browser open while the game is running somehow causes the game to reach the out of memory state much quicker despite plenty of system RAM remaining available. D4 does not play well with other apps open currently thanks to its pathetic memory management mechanisms.

The general rule of thumb is don’t fix what ain’t broken. You can force driver updates to be turned off when Windows Update runs by doing the following:

  1. Press Windows Key + R, type gpedit.msc (Group Policy Editor) in the text field the pops up and hit Enter.

  2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update > Do Not Include drivers with Windows Update

  3. Set this preference to Enabled, which will disable driver updates when Windows performs its own updates. This is especially handy for blocking some of the more obnoxious behaviours of the DCH drivers that use the Windows Store for their automatic updates and can end up with you having older drivers than what you initially installed!

  4. Click OK and close the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc).

Yup! My game was flickering like crazy when it wasn’t focused…downgraded back to 552.44 (where it wasn’t doing that) and viola, no more flickering.

It’s either on NVIDIA’s end or Blizzard’s.

Since this keeps happening, perhaps Blizzard should recommend specific drivers instead of telling people to just update to the newest.

The problem with that is that this appears to be SKU specific, meaning different drivers are optimal for different versions of the GPUs (4060, 4070, etc.). Blizzard can’t realistically be expected to iterate on all of the possible GPU and driver combinations.


That makes sense. It is just very frustrating to have to download and use a 3rd party tool to undo what Blizzard told you to do.

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No argument there. :smiley:

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Anyone with a RTX4080. What grapic driver did you go back to, to get it to not crash?

any fixes for the game freezing on a geforce 770 ?? Season 1 2 and 3 everything was running smooth but now i cant play mre than 5 minutes witout freezing

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Only solution ATM is to rollback with previous drivers:


One thing I would like to add, that fixed all my problems completely. I updated my motherboard Bios to the most recent. Its scary to do and its a pain. but it literally solved all my Diablo 4 crashing issues in one update. So make sure you check what Bios your motherboard is on.

I assume all testing was done on completely upgraded Bios’s