Please blizz can you rework druid models or at least add some sliders. I main druid im every game and I just cannot stand how awful they look in D4.
They look great, please don’t change.
Get off the horse & walk everywhere. You’ll shed that water weight in no time, luv.
I don’t think it’s going to happen tbh.
They’re locked into what we saw largely, so at this point I’d just consider trying out a different class that you enjoy the feeling or looks of.
Personally, I moved on to a Barb. Frenzy feels close enough to at lower levels to my old Wolf Druid and I can still be a tall figure while having furs and armor without being, y’know, “of Druidic proportions.”
(I will miss having my wolves though. </3)
Haha not rly no I eat tons of food, Im kinda skinny tho. I will only walk with my druid and wont use horse so he can maybe lose some weight.
Yeah me neither I will try to go full bear build so I will never shift out of that form.
You thought that was a “totem” the Druid was carrying in his offhand? Think again! It’s a lunch box.
Buddy relax, forest hippies get the munchies with all that parrot salad in their herbology
Hahaha you made my day lol
Kinda true ngl
Not gonna lie, when I run around with the Druid I tend to feel hungry more frequently.
Ah, the KFC promotional collaboration is starting to make sense now. Damn you capitalism! *om nom nom…
Haha true story I bought a KFC sandwich to get access to the closed beta, and I ended up having an allergic reaction to it.
hyuk hyuk kfc hyuk impending heart conditions hyuk
Yeah, slider is a fair request.
Make it fully customizable and not fixed it as a typical sterotype.
Only if they fat rogues and sorcerers
Why’d you think no one could find those ravens. That Druid probably put them on a bun.
they should just add fat option body type on every classes
just posted on another topi, but seriously stop trying to make bli$$ change, they won’t. For some reason they hate D2 and they will never pick that game and improve from there, they want this brainless all dmg from weapon sad game.
i want the fat rossie o’donald looking female druid or those fat tik tokers that need forklifts to move around
There is amazing system in place that scale effect visuals with skill intensity (as well as area, but differently)… so maybe if you run around a lot without mount…
The druid looked awesome in D2. Druids in DI and D4 look like Andre the Giant, may he rest in peace.