it’s confirmed they hate D2, i mean look how stubborn they are to make it like D3 in every aspect.
I urge the blizzard company to change your mind and give us a body type variation. Now the character does not look serious, as if the Barbarian but with wild obesity. I don’t understand such a strong desire to please feminists and bodypositives. It starts to cross all limits of adequacy. Blizzard, please, stop bending to the realities of your movements in your country, just make the game and that’s it, NO NEED to bring changes FROM THE REAL WORLD to the game
there’s a aspect that gives you +2 to bear form and to make it your true form. same for wolves:)
male i like how they look. the female is really horrible
I wanted to go wolf form but then I saw what they did to that form as well and just gave up on the class.
Hopefully you can get the affix(?) that lets you stay in bear quickly so you can apply it to a ring or whatever and never have to see your char.
You know folks would roll those Rogues. Too many folks wanted a tauren rogue back in the day not to do it now when given the chance.
same for me, i usually play females when given the chance and i dont like any of the femal druids they all have old lady faces (no offense to any old ladies) i gave the male druid a bald head and a nice beard and he looked pretty damn sweet. druid might be the first class i level
Druid model is awful and is unplayable for me now and I wanted to main druid. I don’t expect they can fix it by launch but they need to fix the character creator. At least double the faces and hair and add options for the body. Corporate needs to come in and explain how much money they are losing with this.
This is a big topic on this forum which is a small group of passionate players so many who aren’t here are going to skip druid completely.
Imagine Tomb Raider made Lara look like this druid, do you think it would’ve had a sequel let alone sold the way it did?
And no I don’t need her to be sexualized I’m female I want to play a healthy character. Rouge or sorc body is fine.
You can’t. It’s on a unique…and you are probably going to see 1 to 4 of those each season (or so they said, so 1 every 3 weeks)…and it can even be off-class drop (20% or whatever it is)…and there are at least 8 for each FOR NOW.
Also, F for wind druids.
I really don’t know about having druid (current) sized rogues though (no problem for sorcs…even want that actually). That’s kind of immersion breaking (unless you really do some mental gymnastics about nephalem and rogue only recently unlocking his powers like Uldyssian, oh look it kinda works) .
But I’m not going to really argue against that even if it happens…hell, go ahead and do it if that’s what it takes to “fix” druid.
female sorcerer can use a younger face though , nothing wrong with looking older but why can’t you make a sorcerer younger than 40 year old?
D2 when you click the Druid the wolf howls, wtf man they won’t ever beat that focusing in scheisse D3
Yeah the whole character creator is pretty sad. $70 Diablo has a worse character creator than the free one I can download on my on my phone.
Rofl, a fat rogue dancing acrobatically around the screen.
on top of that why is the sorcerer the only class that has an asian lookin face? why cant any of the other classes have one as well
The thing is they released a whole trailer about player choice, we shouldn’t have to play something we really want to play because we want more appearance options. To me that is bad game design and even worse business.
Fluffy people need love too. That being said, their customization engine blows. How come we cant create a character how we want? Why is there no options to height, weight, etc?
Yes they do! Fluffy people should be allowed to play as a sorc or rouge or whatever they want too! The limits aren’t fair to anyone
Druids aren’t fat. They have the physique of a power lifter and a man who looks like that IRL would kill 99.99% of people calling them fat.
Copium and not single but double thats smth
I bet you need help carrying groceries